# Changelog # ## v0.7.1 (2016-06-18) ## Bugfixes: - **Behavior change**: gitlint no longer prints the file path by default when using a ```.gitlint``` file. The path will still be printed when using the new ```--debug``` flag. Special thanks to [Slipcon](https://github.com/slipcon). for submitting this. - Gitlint now prints a correct violation message for the ```title-match-regex``` rule. Special thanks to [Slipcon](https://github.com/slipcon) for submitting this. - Gitlint is now better at parsing commit messages cross-platform by taking platform specific line endings into account - Minor documentation improvements ## v0.7.0 (2016-04-20) ## This release contains mostly bugfix and internal code improvements. Special thanks to [William Turell](https://github.com/wturrell) and [Joe Grund](https://github.com/jgrund) for bug reports and pull requests. - commit-msg hooks improvements: The new commit-msg hook now allows you to edit your message if it contains violations, prints the commit message on aborting and is more compatible with GUI-based git clients such as SourceTree. *You will need to uninstall and reinstall the commit-msg hook for these latest features*. - Python 2.6 support - **Behavior change**: merge commits are now ignored by default. The rationale is that the original commits should already be linted and that many merge commits don't pass gitlint checks by default (e.g. exceeding title length or empty body is very common). This behavior can be overwritten by setting the general option ```ignore-merge-commit=false```. - Bugfixes and enhancements: - [#7: Hook compatibility with SourceTree](https://github.com/jorisroovers/gitlint/issues/7) - [#8: Illegal option -e](https://github.com/jorisroovers/gitlint/issues/8) - [#9: print full commit msg to stdout if aborted](https://github.com/jorisroovers/gitlint/issues/9) - [#11 merge commit titles exceeding the max title length by default](https://github.com/jorisroovers/gitlint/issues/11) - Better error handling of invalid general options - Development: internal refactoring to extract more info from git. This will allow for more complex rules in the future. - Development: initial set of integration tests. Test gitlint end-to-end after it is installed. - Development: pylint compliance for python 2.7 ## v0.6.1 (2015-11-22) ## - Fix: ```install-hook``` and ```generate-config``` commands not working when gitlint is installed from pypi. ## v0.6.0 (2015-11-22) ## - Python 3 (3.3+) support! - All documentation is now hosted on [http://jorisroovers.github.io/gitlint/]() - New ```generate-config``` command generates a sample gitlint config file - New ```--target``` flag allows users to lint different directories than the current working directory - **Breaking change**: exit code behavior has changed. More details in the [Exit codes section of the documentation](http://jorisroovers.github.io/gitlint/#exit-codes). - **Breaking change**: ```--install-hook``` and ```--uninstall-hook``` have been renamed to ```install-hook``` and ```uninstall-hook``` respectively to better express that they are commands instead of options. - Better error handling when gitlint is executed in a directory that is not a git repository or when git is not installed. - The git commit message hook now uses pretty colored output - Fix: ```--config``` option no longer accepts directories as value - Development: unit tests are now ran using py.test ## v0.5.0 (2015-10-04) ## - New Rule: ```title-match-regex```. Details can be found in the [Rules section of the documentation](http://jorisroovers.github.io/gitlint/rules/). - Uninstall previously installed gitlint git commit hooks using: ```gitlint --uninstall-hook``` - Ignore rules on a per commit basis by adding e.g.: ```gitlint-ignore: T1, body-hard-tab``` to your git commit message. Use ```gitlint-ignore: all``` to disable gitlint all together for a specific commit. - ```body-is-missing``` will now automatically be disabled for merge commits (use the ```ignore-merge-commit: false``` option to disable this behavior) - Violations are now sorted by line number first and then by rule id (previously the order of violations on the same line was arbitrary). ## v0.4.1 (2015-09-19) ## - Internal fix: added missing comma to setup.py which prevented pypi upload ## v0.4.0 (2015-09-19) ## - New rules: ```body-is-missing```, ```body-min-length```, ```title-leading-whitespace```, ```body-changed-file-mention```. Details can be found in the [Rules section of the documentation](http://jorisroovers.github.io/gitlint/rules/). - The git ```commit-msg``` hook now allows you to keep or discard the commit when it fails gitlint validation - gitlint is now also released as a [python wheel](http://pythonwheels.com/) on pypi. - Internal: rule classes now have access to a gitcontext containing body the commit message and the files changed in the last commit. ## v0.3.0 (2015-09-11) ## - ```title-must-not-contain-word``` now has a ```words``` option that can be used to specify which words should not occur in the title - gitlint violations are now printed to the stderr instead of stdout - Various minor bugfixes - gitlint now ignores commented out lines (i.e. starting with #) in your commit messages - Experimental: git commit-msg hook support - Under-the-hood: better test coverage :-) ## v0.2.0 (2015-09-10) ## - Rules can now have their behavior configured through options. For example, the ```title-max-length``` rule now has a ```line-length``` option. - Under-the-hood: The codebase now has a basic level of unit test coverage, increasing overall quality assurance ## v0.1.1 (2015-09-08) ## - Bugfix: added missing ```sh``` dependency ## v0.1.0 (2015-09-08) ## - Initial gitlint release - Initial set of rules: title-max-length, title-trailing-whitespace, title-trailing-punctuation , title-hard-tab, title-must-not-contain-word, body-max-line-length, body-trailing-whitespace, body-hard-tab - General gitlint configuration through a ```gitlint``` file - Silent and verbose mode - Vagrantfile for easy development - gitlint is available on [pypi](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gitlint)