# The format of this file isn't really documented; just use --generate-rcfile [MASTER] [Messages Control] # C0111: Don't require docstrings on every method # W0511: TODOs in code comments are fine. # W0142: *args and **kwargs are fine. # W0223: abstract methods don't need to be overwritten (i.e. when overwriting a Django REST serializer) # W0622: Redefining id is fine. # R0901: Too many ancestors (i.e. when subclassing test classes) # R0801: Similar lines in files # I0011: Informational: locally disabled pylint # I0013: Informational: Ignoring entire file disable=C0111,W0511,W0142,W0622,W0223,W0212,R0901,R0801,I0011,I0013,anomalous-backslash-in-string [Format] max-line-length=120 [Basic] # Variable names can be 1 to 31 characters long, with lowercase and underscores variable-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{0,30}$ # Argument names can be 2 to 31 characters long, with lowercase and underscores argument-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{1,30}$ # Method names should be at least 3 characters long # and be lowecased with underscores method-rgx=([a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,50}|setUp|tearDown)$ # Allow 'id' as variable name everywhere good-names=id,c,_ bad-names=__author__ # Ignore all variables that start with an underscore (e.g. unused _request variable in a view) dummy-variables-rgx=_ [Design] max-public-methods=100 min-public-methods=0 # Maximum number of attributes of a class max-attributes=15 max-args=10 max-locals=20 [Typecheck] # Allow the use of the Django 'objects' members generated-members=sh.git