from pygments.formatter import Formatter from pygments.token import Token, STANDARD_TYPES from pygments.util import string_types, iteritems from srht.markdown import markdown from urllib.parse import urlparse _escape_html_table = { ord('&'): u'&', ord('<'): u'<', ord('>'): u'>', ord('"'): u'"', ord("'"): u''', } def escape_html(text, table=_escape_html_table): return text.translate(table) def _get_ttype_class(ttype): fname = STANDARD_TYPES.get(ttype) if fname: return fname aname = '' while fname is None: aname = '-' + ttype[-1] + aname ttype = ttype.parent fname = STANDARD_TYPES.get(ttype) return fname + aname # Fork of the pygments HtmlFormatter (BSD licensed) # The main difference is that it relies on AnnotatedFormatter to escape the # HTML tags in the source. Other features we don't use are removed to keep it # slim. class _BaseFormatter(Formatter): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._create_stylesheet() def get_style_defs(self, arg=None): """ Return CSS style definitions for the classes produced by the current highlighting style. ``arg`` can be a string or list of selectors to insert before the token type classes. """ if arg is None: arg = ".highlight" if isinstance(arg, string_types): args = [arg] else: args = list(arg) def prefix(cls): if cls: cls = '.' + cls tmp = [] for arg in args: tmp.append((arg and arg + ' ' or '') + cls) return ', '.join(tmp) styles = [(level, ttype, cls, style) for cls, (style, ttype, level) in iteritems(self.class2style) if cls and style] styles.sort() lines = ['%s { %s } /* %s */' % (prefix(cls), style, repr(ttype)[6:]) for (level, ttype, cls, style) in styles] return '\n'.join(lines) def _get_css_class(self, ttype): """Return the css class of this token type prefixed with the classprefix option.""" ttypeclass = _get_ttype_class(ttype) if ttypeclass: return ttypeclass return '' def _get_css_classes(self, ttype): """Return the css classes of this token type prefixed with the classprefix option.""" cls = self._get_css_class(ttype) while ttype not in STANDARD_TYPES: ttype = ttype.parent cls = self._get_css_class(ttype) + ' ' + cls return cls def _create_stylesheet(self): t2c = self.ttype2class = {Token: ''} c2s = self.class2style = {} for ttype, ndef in name = self._get_css_class(ttype) style = '' if ndef['color']: style += 'color: #%s; ' % ndef['color'] if ndef['bold']: style += 'font-weight: bold; ' if ndef['italic']: style += 'font-style: italic; ' if ndef['underline']: style += 'text-decoration: underline; ' if ndef['bgcolor']: style += 'background-color: #%s; ' % ndef['bgcolor'] if ndef['border']: style += 'border: 1px solid #%s; ' % ndef['border'] if style: t2c[ttype] = name # save len(ttype) to enable ordering the styles by # hierarchy (necessary for CSS cascading rules!) c2s[name] = (style[:-2], ttype, len(ttype)) def _format_lines(self, tokensource): lsep = "\n" # for lookup only getcls = self.ttype2class.get c2s = self.class2style lspan = '' line = [] for ttype, value in tokensource: cls = self._get_css_classes(ttype) cspan = cls and '' % cls or '' parts = value.split('\n') # for all but the last line for part in parts[:-1]: if line: if lspan != cspan: line.extend(((lspan and ''), cspan, part, (cspan and ''), lsep)) else: # both are the same line.extend((part, (lspan and ''), lsep)) yield 1, ''.join(line) line = [] elif part: yield 1, ''.join((cspan, part, (cspan and ''), lsep)) else: yield 1, lsep # for the last line if line and parts[-1]: if lspan != cspan: line.extend(((lspan and ''), cspan, parts[-1])) lspan = cspan else: line.append(parts[-1]) elif parts[-1]: line = [cspan, parts[-1]] lspan = cspan # else we neither have to open a new span nor set lspan if line: line.extend(((lspan and ''), lsep)) yield 1, ''.join(line) def _wrap_div(self, inner): yield 0, f"
" for tup in inner: yield tup yield 0, '
\n' def _wrap_pre(self, inner): yield 0, '
        for tup in inner:
            yield tup
        yield 0, '
' def wrap(self, source, outfile): """ Wrap the ``source``, which is a generator yielding individual lines, in custom generators. See docstring for `format`. Can be overridden. """ return self._wrap_div(self._wrap_pre(source)) def format_unencoded(self, tokensource, outfile): source = self._format_lines(tokensource) source = self.wrap(source, outfile) for t, piece in source: outfile.write(piece) def validate_annotation(valid, anno): valid.expect("type" in anno, "'type' is required") if not valid.ok: return valid.expect(anno["type"] in ["link", "markdown"], f"'{anno['type']} is not a valid annotation type'") if anno["type"] == "link": for field in ["lineno", "colno", "len"]: valid.expect(field in anno, "f'{field}' is required") valid.expect(field not in anno or isinstance(anno[field], int), "f'{field}' must be an integer") valid.expect("to" in anno, "'to' is required") valid.expect("title" not in anno or isinstance(anno["title"], str), "'title' must be a string") elif anno["type"] == "markdown": for field in ["lineno"]: valid.expect(field in anno, "f'{field}' is required") valid.expect(field not in anno or isinstance(anno[field], int), "f'{field}' must be an integer") for field in ["title", "content"]: valid.expect(field in anno, "f'{field}' is required") valid.expect(field not in anno or isinstance(anno[field], str), "f'{field}' must be a string") class AnnotatedFormatter(_BaseFormatter): def __init__(self, annos, link_prefix): super().__init__() self.annos = dict() self.link_prefix = link_prefix for anno in (annos or list()): lineno = int(anno["lineno"]) self.annos.setdefault(lineno, list()) self.annos[lineno].append(anno) self.annos[lineno] = sorted(self.annos[lineno], key=lambda anno: anno.get("from", -1)) def _annotate_token(self, token, colno, annos): # TODO: Extend this to support >1 anno per token for anno in annos: if anno["type"] == "link": start = anno["colno"] - 1 end = anno["colno"] + anno["len"] - 1 target = anno["to"] title = anno.get("title", "") url = urlparse(target) if url.scheme == "": target = self.link_prefix + "/" + target if start <= colno < end: return (f"{escape_html(token)}""") elif anno["type"] == "markdown": if "\n" not in token: continue title = anno["title"] content = anno["content"] content = markdown(content, baselevel=6, link_prefix=self.link_prefix) annotation = f"
\n" token = escape_html(token).replace("\n", annotation, 1) return token # Other types? return escape_html(token) def _wrap_source(self, source): lineno = 0 colno = 0 for ttype, token in source: parts = token.splitlines(True) _lineno = lineno for part in parts: annos = self.annos.get(_lineno + 1, []) if any(annos): yield ttype, self._annotate_token(part, colno, annos) else: yield ttype, escape_html(part) _lineno += 1 if "\n" in token: lineno += sum(1 if c == "\n" else 0 for c in token) colno = len(token[token.rindex("\n")+1:]) else: colno += len(token) def _format_lines(self, source): yield from super()._format_lines(self._wrap_source(source))