use std::{ fmt::{Debug, Formatter}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Arc, }; use git2::{Oid, Signature}; use parking_lot::Mutex; use crate::git::{ Commit, CommitDiff, CommitDiffLoader, CommitDiffLoaderOptions, Config, GitError, Reference, RepositoryLoadKind, }; /// A light cloneable, simple wrapper around the `git2::Repository` struct #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct Repository { repository: Arc>, } impl Repository { /// Find and open an existing repository, respecting git environment variables. This will check /// for and use `$GIT_DIR`, and if unset will search for a repository starting in the current /// directory, walking to the root. /// /// # Errors /// Will result in an error if the repository cannot be opened. pub(crate) fn open_from_env() -> Result { let repository = git2::Repository::open_from_env().map_err(|e| { GitError::RepositoryLoad { kind: RepositoryLoadKind::Environment, cause: e, } })?; Ok(Self { repository: Arc::new(Mutex::new(repository)), }) } /// Attempt to open an already-existing repository at `path`. /// /// # Errors /// Will result in an error if the repository cannot be opened. pub(crate) fn open_from_path(path: &Path) -> Result { let repository = git2::Repository::open(path).map_err(|e| { GitError::RepositoryLoad { kind: RepositoryLoadKind::Path, cause: e, } })?; Ok(Self { repository: Arc::new(Mutex::new(repository)), }) } /// Load the git configuration for the repository. /// /// # Errors /// Will result in an error if the configuration is invalid. pub(crate) fn load_config(&self) -> Result { self.repository .lock() .config() .map_err(|e| GitError::ConfigLoad { cause: e }) } /// Load a diff for a commit hash /// /// # Errors /// Will result in an error if the commit cannot be loaded. pub(crate) fn load_commit_diff( &self, hash: &str, config: &CommitDiffLoaderOptions, ) -> Result { let oid = self .repository .lock() .revparse_single(hash) .map_err(|e| GitError::CommitLoad { cause: e })? .id(); let diff_loader_repository = Arc::clone(&self.repository); let loader = CommitDiffLoader::new(diff_loader_repository, config); // TODO this is ugly because it assumes one parent Ok(loader .load_from_hash(oid) .map_err(|e| GitError::CommitLoad { cause: e })? .remove(0)) } /// Find a reference by the reference name. /// /// # Errors /// Will result in an error if the reference cannot be found. pub(crate) fn find_reference(&self, reference: &str) -> Result { let repo = self.repository.lock(); let git2_reference = repo .find_reference(reference) .map_err(|e| GitError::ReferenceNotFound { cause: e })?; Ok(Reference::from(&git2_reference)) } /// Find a commit by a reference name. /// /// # Errors /// Will result in an error if the reference cannot be found or is not a commit. pub(crate) fn find_commit(&self, reference: &str) -> Result { let repo = self.repository.lock(); let git2_reference = repo .find_reference(reference) .map_err(|e| GitError::ReferenceNotFound { cause: e })?; Commit::try_from(&git2_reference) } pub(crate) fn repo_path(&self) -> PathBuf { self.repository.lock().path().to_path_buf() } pub(crate) fn head_id(&self, head_name: &str) -> Result { let repo = self.repository.lock(); let ref_name = format!("refs/heads/{head_name}"); let revision = repo.revparse_single(ref_name.as_str())?; Ok( } pub(crate) fn commit_id_from_ref(&self, reference: &str) -> Result { let repo = self.repository.lock(); let commit = repo.find_reference(reference)?.peel_to_commit()?; Ok( } pub(crate) fn add_path_to_index(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<(), git2::Error> { let repo = self.repository.lock(); let mut index = repo.index()?; index.add_path(path) } pub(crate) fn remove_path_from_index(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<(), git2::Error> { let repo = self.repository.lock(); let mut index = repo.index()?; index.remove_path(path) } pub(crate) fn create_commit_on_index( &self, reference: &str, author: &Signature<'_>, committer: &Signature<'_>, message: &str, ) -> Result<(), git2::Error> { let repo = self.repository.lock(); let tree = repo.find_tree(repo.index()?.write_tree()?)?; let head = repo.find_reference(reference)?.peel_to_commit()?; _ = repo.commit(Some("HEAD"), author, committer, message, &tree, &[&head])?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) fn repository(&self) -> Arc> { Arc::clone(&self.repository) } } impl From for Repository { fn from(repository: git2::Repository) -> Self { Self { repository: Arc::new(Mutex::new(repository)), } } } impl Debug for Repository { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> { f.debug_struct("Repository") .field("[path]", &self.repository.lock().path()) .finish() } } // Paths in Windows makes these tests difficult, so disable #[cfg(all(unix, test))] mod tests { use std::env::set_var; use claims::{assert_err_eq, assert_ok}; use git2::{ErrorClass, ErrorCode}; use super::*; use crate::test_helpers::{create_commit, set_git_directory, with_temp_bare_repository, with_temp_repository}; #[test] #[serial_test::serial] fn open_from_env() { _ = set_git_directory("fixtures/simple"); assert_ok!(Repository::open_from_env()); } #[test] #[serial_test::serial] fn open_from_env_error() { let path = set_git_directory("fixtures/does-not-exist"); assert_err_eq!(Repository::open_from_env(), GitError::RepositoryLoad { kind: RepositoryLoadKind::Environment, cause: git2::Error::new( ErrorCode::NotFound, ErrorClass::Os, format!("failed to resolve path '{path}': No such file or directory") ), }); } #[test] fn open_from_path() { let path = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("test") .join("fixtures") .join("simple"); assert_ok!(Repository::open_from_path(&path)); } #[test] fn open_from_path_error() { let path = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("..") .join("..") .join("test") .join("fixtures") .join("does-not-exist"); assert_err_eq!(Repository::open_from_path(&path), GitError::RepositoryLoad { kind: RepositoryLoadKind::Path, cause: git2::Error::new( ErrorCode::NotFound, ErrorClass::Os, format!( "failed to resolve path '{}': No such file or directory", path.to_string_lossy() ) ), }); } #[test] fn load_config() { with_temp_bare_repository(|repo| { assert_ok!(repo.load_config()); }); } #[test] fn load_commit_diff() { with_temp_repository(|repository| { create_commit(&repository, None); let id = repository.commit_id_from_ref("refs/heads/main").unwrap(); assert_ok!(repository.load_commit_diff(id.to_string().as_str(), &CommitDiffLoaderOptions::new())); }); } #[test] fn load_commit_diff_with_non_commit() { with_temp_repository(|repository| { let blob_ref = { let git2_repository = repository.repository(); let git2_lock = git2_repository.lock(); let blob = git2_lock.blob(b"foo").unwrap(); _ = git2_lock.reference("refs/blob", blob, false, "blob").unwrap(); blob.to_string() }; assert_err_eq!( repository.load_commit_diff(blob_ref.as_str(), &CommitDiffLoaderOptions::new()), GitError::CommitLoad { cause: git2::Error::new( ErrorCode::NotFound, ErrorClass::Invalid, "the requested type does not match the type in the ODB", ), } ); }); } #[test] fn find_reference() { with_temp_repository(|repository| { assert_ok!(repository.find_reference("refs/heads/main")); }); } #[test] fn find_reference_error() { with_temp_repository(|repository| { assert_err_eq!( repository.find_reference("refs/heads/invalid"), GitError::ReferenceNotFound { cause: git2::Error::new( ErrorCode::NotFound, ErrorClass::Reference, "reference 'refs/heads/invalid' not found", ), } ); }); } #[test] fn find_commit() { with_temp_repository(|repository| { assert_ok!(repository.find_commit("refs/heads/main")); }); } #[test] fn find_commit_error() { with_temp_repository(|repository| { assert_err_eq!( repository.find_commit("refs/heads/invalid"), GitError::ReferenceNotFound { cause: git2::Error::new( ErrorCode::NotFound, ErrorClass::Reference, "reference 'refs/heads/invalid' not found", ), } ); }); } #[test] fn fmt() { with_temp_bare_repository(|repository| { let formatted = format!("{repository:?}"); let path = repository.repo_path().canonicalize().unwrap(); assert_eq!( formatted, format!("Repository {{ [path]: \"{}/\" }}", path.to_str().unwrap()) ); }); } }