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[![Git Interactive Rebase Tool](/docs/assets/images/girt-demo.gif?raw=true)](https://youtu.be/q3tzb-gQC0w) ## Table of Contents * [Features](./README.md#features) * [Install](./readme/install.md) * [Setup](./README.md#setup) * [Usage](./README.md#usage) * [Customization](./readme/customization.md) * [Development](./README.md#development) * [Related Projects](./README.md#related-projects) * [License](./README.md#license) ## Features ### Cross-platform Built and works on Linux, macOS, Windows and many others. ### Set action Easily set the action to `pick`, `squash`, `fixup`, `edit`, `reword` and `drop`. ![Basic operations](/docs/assets/images/girt-set-actions.gif?raw=true) ### Reorder rebase list Reorder the action list with a single key press. ![Reorder items](/docs/assets/images/girt-reorder.gif?raw=true) ### Multiline modification Change action and reorder multiple lines at once with visual mode. ![Visual mode](/docs/assets/images/girt-visual-mode.gif?raw=true) ### Toggle `break`s ![Toggle breaks](/docs/assets/images/girt-break.gif?raw=true) ### View commit details and diff View the commit overview, and a full commit diff with a press of a key. ![Commit overview](/docs/assets/images/girt-commit-overview.gif?raw=true) ![Commit diff](/docs/assets/images/girt-commit-diff.gif?raw=true) ### Unicode and Emoji support ![Unicode support](/docs/assets/images/girt-unicode.png?raw=true) ![Emoji support](/docs/assets/images/girt-emoji.png?raw=true) ### Edit `exec` command Easily edit the command that is run by an `exec` command. ![exec action command edit](/docs/assets/images/girt-edit.gif?raw=true) ### Edit in external editor Need to do something in your Git editor? Quickly shell out to your editor, make a change and return to the tool. ![Shell out to editor](/docs/assets/images/girt-external-editor.gif?raw=true) ## Setup ### Most systems git config --global sequence.editor interactive-rebase-tool ### Windows #### Standard Command Prompt and Windows Terminal git config --global sequence.editor "'C:/path/to/interactive-rebase-tool.exe'" #### GitBash GitBash requires the use of `winpty` in order to work correctly, so to set the editor use: git config --global sequence.editor "winpty /c/path/to/interactive-rebase-tool.exe" #### Notes Windows before version 10 has [serious rendering issues with saturated darker colors](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/updating-the-windows-console-colors/), such as the blue color that is entirely illegible on modern displays. While it is possible to avoid using saturated colors, a better option is to update the theme using Microsoft's [ColorTool](https://github.com/Microsoft/Terminal/tree/master/src/tools/ColorTool). ### Temporary Override You can temporarily use a different sequence editor by using the `GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR` environment variable: GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=emacs git rebase -i [ []] ## Direct Usage ```shell interactive-rebase-tool interactive-rebase-tool --help interactive-rebase-tool --version ``` ### Getting Help The tool has built-in help that can be accessed by hitting the `?` key. ### Default Key Bindings Key bindings can be configured, see [configuration](readme/customization.md#key-bindings) for more information. | Key | Mode | Description | |-------------|--------|-------------------------------------------| | Up | All | Move selection up | | Down | All | Move selection down | | Page Up | All | Move selection up five lines | | Page Down | All | Move selection down five lines | | Home | All | Move selection to start of list | | End | All | Move selection to home of list | | `q` | Normal | Abort interactive rebase | | `Q` | Normal | Immediately abort interactive rebase | | `w` | Normal | Write interactive rebase file | | `W` | Normal | Immediately write interactive rebase file | | `?` | All | Show help | | `c` | Normal | Show commit information | | `j` | All | Move selected commit(s) down | | `k` | All | Move selected commit(s) up | | `b` | Normal | Toggle break action | | `p` | All | Set selected commit(s) to be picked | | `r` | All | Set selected commit(s) to be reworded | | `e` | All | Set selected commit(s) to be edited | | `s` | All | Set selected commit(s) to be squashed | | `f` | All | Set selected commit(s) to be fixed-up | | `d` | All | Set selected commit(s) to be dropped | | `E` | Normal | Edit the command of an exec action | | `v` | All | Enter and exit visual mode | | `I` | Normal | Insert a new line | | `Delete` | All | Remove selected lines | | `Control+z` | All | Undo the previous change | | `Control+y` | All | Redo the previously undone change | | Down | Diff | Scroll view down | | Up | Diff | Scroll view up | | Left | Diff | Scroll view left | | Right | Diff | Scroll view right | | Home | Diff | Scroll view to the top | | End | Diff | Scroll view to the end | | PageUp | Diff | Scroll view a step up | | PageDown | Diff | Scroll view a step down | | `d` | Diff | Show full commit diff | ## Supported Platforms ### Linux Supported on all Linux based distributions. The project is tested on Debian and Ubuntu, but should work on any standard Linux distribution. If the project is not working on your platform, please [open an issue](https://github.com/MitMaro/git-interactive-rebase-tool/issues/new). The tool is tested in [Tilix](https://gnunn1.github.io/tilix-web/) and [Gnome Terminal](https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-terminal/stable/). ### macOS Supported on the latest version of macOS, though previous versions should work. The tool is tested in [iTerm2](https://www.iterm2.com/) and [Terminal](https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/terminal/welcome/mac). ### Windows Supported on the latest versions of Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 and Windows 11. The tool is tested on Windows 10 in [PowerShell](https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/) and Command Prompt inside [Windows Console](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/console/) and [Windows Terminal](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/terminal/). The latest version of Git Bash provided from [Git for Windows](https://gitforwindows.org/) is also supported. Windows Console and Git Bash are only minimally supported, and some features or graphical glitches may occur. Windows Console running in [legacy mode](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/console/legacymode) is not supported. [Cygwin](https://www.cygwin.com/) is not officially supported. ### Others Other platforms are not officially supported. Some platforms have community support, and if you are having trouble getting the project working on your platform, please [open an issue](https://github.com/MitMaro/git-interactive-rebase-tool/issues/new). ## Development ### Install Rust To start developing the project, you will need to [install Rust][install-rust], which can generally be done using [rustup]. ### Setup #### Cargo Make This project uses [cargo-make](https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make) as a task runner. To install: cargo install --force cargo-make #### Debian and derivatives If you plan to build a release package you will need `pkg-config` and `liblzma-dev`. They can be installed using `apt`: sudo apt install pkg-config liblzma-dev ### Build and run To build or run the project, from the project root run: # only build cargo make build --release # build and run cargo run -- Sample rebase todo files can be found in ./test/fixtures. ### Tests Automated tests are available for all features and can be run with: cargo make test ### Docs API docs for the project are generated using Rust Doc: cargo make docs ### Linting An addition to the lints provided by rustc, this project uses Clippy to provide additional linting, run with: cargo make lint This will run lints using stable and nightly. The nightly lints may show errors, but will not result in a failure. ### Format This project uses rust-fmt to provide a consistent format. A helpful script will ensure that all files are formatted correctly: cargo make format ### Coverage The project use [Tarpaulin](https://github.com/xd009642/tarpaulin) to generate coverage reports. Coverage reports are used to find gaps in tests. To generate the coverage report: cargo make coverage An addition to the report printed to the CLI, an HTML report can be found in the `coverage` directory. ### Release ##### Building cargo make deb A deb file will be written to `target/debian/interactive-rebase-tool_*.deb`. ## Related Projects * [rebase-editor](https://github.com/sjurba/rebase-editor) is a very similar project written in Node.js. * [cj-git-patchtool](https://github.com/pflanze/cj-git-patchtool) is another tool for doing git rebase en masse. ## License Git Interactive Rebase Tool is released under the GPLv3 license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE). See [Third Party Licenses](https://gitrebasetool.mitmaro.ca/licenses.html) for licenses of the third-party libraries used by this project. [appveyor-build]:https://ci.appveyor.com/project/MitMaro/git-interactive-rebase-tool/branch/master [cargo]:https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo [crates-io]:https://crates.io/crates/git-interactive-rebase-tool [git-sequence-editor]:https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#git-config-sequenceeditor [install-rust]:https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/getting-started.html [license]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MitMaro/git-interactive-rebase-tool/master/LICENSE [releases]:https://github.com/MitMaro/git-interactive-rebase-tool/releases [rustup]:https://www.rustup.rs/ [travis-build]:https://travis-ci.org/MitMaro/git-interactive-rebase-tool