package util import ( "math" "strings" "testing" "time" ) func TestMax(t *testing.T) { if Max(10, 1) != 10 { t.Error("Expected", 10) } if Max(-2, 5) != 5 { t.Error("Expected", 5) } } func TestMax16(t *testing.T) { if Max16(10, 1) != 10 { t.Error("Expected", 10) } if Max16(-2, 5) != 5 { t.Error("Expected", 5) } if Max16(math.MaxInt16, 0) != math.MaxInt16 { t.Error("Expected", math.MaxInt16) } if Max16(0, math.MinInt16) != 0 { t.Error("Expected", 0) } } func TestMax32(t *testing.T) { if Max32(10, 1) != 10 { t.Error("Expected", 10) } if Max32(-2, 5) != 5 { t.Error("Expected", 5) } if Max32(math.MaxInt32, 0) != math.MaxInt32 { t.Error("Expected", math.MaxInt32) } if Max32(0, math.MinInt32) != 0 { t.Error("Expected", 0) } } func TestMin(t *testing.T) { if Min(10, 1) != 1 { t.Error("Expected", 1) } if Min(-2, 5) != -2 { t.Error("Expected", -2) } } func TestMin32(t *testing.T) { if Min32(10, 1) != 1 { t.Error("Expected", 1) } if Min32(-2, 5) != -2 { t.Error("Expected", -2) } if Min32(math.MaxInt32, 0) != 0 { t.Error("Expected", 0) } if Min32(0, math.MinInt32) != math.MinInt32 { t.Error("Expected", math.MinInt32) } } func TestConstrain(t *testing.T) { if Constrain(-3, -1, 3) != -1 { t.Error("Expected", -1) } if Constrain(2, -1, 3) != 2 { t.Error("Expected", 2) } if Constrain(5, -1, 3) != 3 { t.Error("Expected", 3) } } func TestConstrain32(t *testing.T) { if Constrain32(-3, -1, 3) != -1 { t.Error("Expected", -1) } if Constrain32(2, -1, 3) != 2 { t.Error("Expected", 2) } if Constrain32(5, -1, 3) != 3 { t.Error("Expected", 3) } if Constrain32(0, math.MinInt32, math.MaxInt32) != 0 { t.Error("Expected", 0) } } func TestAsUint16(t *testing.T) { if AsUint16(5) != 5 { t.Error("Expected", 5) } if AsUint16(-10) != 0 { t.Error("Expected", 0) } if AsUint16(math.MaxUint16) != math.MaxUint16 { t.Error("Expected", math.MaxUint16) } if AsUint16(math.MinInt32) != 0 { t.Error("Expected", 0) } if AsUint16(math.MinInt16) != 0 { t.Error("Expected", 0) } if AsUint16(math.MaxUint16+1) != math.MaxUint16 { t.Error("Expected", math.MaxUint16) } } func TestDurWithIn(t *testing.T) { if DurWithin(time.Duration(5), time.Duration(1), time.Duration(8)) != time.Duration(5) { t.Error("Expected", time.Duration(0)) } if DurWithin(time.Duration(0)*time.Second, time.Second, time.Duration(3)*time.Second) != time.Second { t.Error("Expected", time.Second) } if DurWithin(time.Duration(10)*time.Second, time.Duration(0), time.Second) != time.Second { t.Error("Expected", time.Second) } } func TestOnce(t *testing.T) { o := Once(false) if o() { t.Error("Expected: false") } if !o() { t.Error("Expected: true") } if !o() { t.Error("Expected: true") } o = Once(true) if !o() { t.Error("Expected: true") } if o() { t.Error("Expected: false") } if o() { t.Error("Expected: false") } } func TestRunesWidth(t *testing.T) { for _, args := range [][]int{ {100, 5, -1}, {3, 4, 3}, {0, 1, 0}, } { width, overflowIdx := RunesWidth([]rune("hello"), 0, 0, args[0]) if width != args[1] { t.Errorf("Expected width: %d, actual: %d", args[1], width) } if overflowIdx != args[2] { t.Errorf("Expected overflow index: %d, actual: %d", args[2], overflowIdx) } } for _, input := range []struct { s string w int }{ {"▶", 1}, {"▶️", 2}, } { width, _ := RunesWidth([]rune(input.s), 0, 0, 100) if width != input.w { t.Errorf("Expected width of %s: %d, actual: %d", input.s, input.w, width) } } } func TestTruncate(t *testing.T) { truncated, width := Truncate("가나다라마", 7) if string(truncated) != "가나다" { t.Errorf("Expected: 가나다, actual: %s", string(truncated)) } if width != 6 { t.Errorf("Expected: 6, actual: %d", width) } } func TestRepeatToFill(t *testing.T) { if RepeatToFill("abcde", 10, 50) != strings.Repeat("abcde", 5) { t.Error("Expected:", strings.Repeat("abcde", 5)) } if RepeatToFill("abcde", 10, 42) != strings.Repeat("abcde", 4)+"abcde"[:2] { t.Error("Expected:", strings.Repeat("abcde", 4)+"abcde"[:2]) } } func TestStringWidth(t *testing.T) { w := StringWidth("─") if w != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected: %d, Actual: %d", 1, w) } } func TestCompareVersions(t *testing.T) { assert := func(a, b string, expected int) { if result := CompareVersions(a, b); result != expected { t.Errorf("Expected: %d, Actual: %d", expected, result) } } assert("2", "1", 1) assert("2", "2", 0) assert("2", "10", -1) assert("2.1", "2.2", -1) assert("2.1", "2.1.1", -1) assert("1.2.3", "1.2.2", 1) assert("1.2.3", "1.2.3", 0) assert("1.2.3", "", 0) assert("1.2.3", "1.2.4", -1) // Different number of parts assert("1.0.0", "1", 0) assert("1.0.0", "1.0", 0) assert("1.0.0", "1.0.0", 0) assert("1.0", "1.0.0", 0) assert("1", "1.0.0", 0) assert("1.0.0", "", -1) assert("", "", 0) assert("", "3.4.5", -1) }