#!/usr/bin/env bash # # The purpose of this script is to demonstrate how to preview a file or an # image in the preview window of fzf. # # Dependencies: # - https://github.com/hpjansson/chafa # - https://github.com/sharkdp/bat if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then >&2 echo "usage: $0 FILENAME" exit 1 fi file=${1/#\~\//$HOME/} type=$(file --mime-type "$file") dim=${FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS}x${FZF_PREVIEW_LINES} if [[ $dim = x ]]; then dim=$(stty size | awk '{print $2 "x" $1}') fi if [[ ! $type =~ image/ ]]; then # Sometimes bat is installed as batcat. if command -v batcat > /dev/null; then batname="batcat" elif command -v bat > /dev/null; then batname="bat" else cat "$1" exit fi ${batname} --style="${BAT_STYLE:-numbers}" --color=always --pager=never -- "$file" elif [[ $KITTY_WINDOW_ID ]]; then # 1. 'memory' is the fastest option but if you want the image to be scrollable, # you have to use 'stream'. # # 2. The last line of the output is the ANSI reset code without newline. # This confuses fzf and makes it render scroll offset indicator. # So we remove the last line and append the reset code to its previous line. kitty icat --clear --transfer-mode=memory --stdin=no --place="$dim@0x0" "$file" | sed '$d' | sed $'$s/$/\e[m/' elif command -v chafa > /dev/null; then chafa -f sixel -s "$dim" "$file" echo else file "$file" fi