use std::cmp::min; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use image::Rgb; use log::info; use tuikit::attr::*; use tuikit::event::Event; use tuikit::prelude::*; use tuikit::term::Term; use crate::config::Colors; use crate::constant_strings_paths::{ FILTER_PRESENTATION, HELP_FIRST_SENTENCE, HELP_SECOND_SENTENCE, }; use crate::content_window::ContentWindow; use crate::fileinfo::{fileinfo_attr, FileInfo}; use crate::fm_error::{FmError, FmResult}; use crate::mode::{InputSimple, MarkAction, Mode, Navigate, NeedConfirmation}; use crate::preview::{Preview, TextKind, Window}; use crate::selectable_content::SelectableContent; use crate::status::Status; use crate::tab::Tab; use crate::trash::TrashInfo; /// At least 100 chars width to display 2 tabs. pub const MIN_WIDTH_FOR_DUAL_PANE: usize = 100; const FIRST_LINE_COLORS: [Attr; 6] = [ color_to_attr(Color::Rgb(231, 162, 156)), color_to_attr(Color::Rgb(144, 172, 186)), color_to_attr(Color::Rgb(214, 125, 83)), color_to_attr(Color::Rgb(91, 152, 119)), color_to_attr(Color::Rgb(152, 87, 137)), color_to_attr(Color::Rgb(230, 189, 87)), ]; const ATTR_YELLOW_BOLD: Attr = Attr { fg: Color::YELLOW, bg: Color::Default, effect: Effect::BOLD, }; /// Simple struct to read the events. pub struct EventReader { term: Arc, } impl EventReader { /// Creates a new instance with an Arc to a terminal. pub fn new(term: Arc) -> Self { Self { term } } /// Returns the events as they're received. Wait indefinitely for a new one. /// We should spend most of the application life here, doing nothing :) pub fn poll_event(&self) -> FmResult { Ok(self.term.poll_event()?) } } macro_rules! impl_preview { ($text:ident, $tab:ident, $length:ident, $canvas:ident, $line_number_width:ident) => { for (i, line) in (*$text).window($, $tab.window.bottom, $length) { let row = calc_line_row(i, $tab); $canvas.print(row, $line_number_width + 3, line)?; } }; } struct WinMain<'a> { status: &'a Status, tab: &'a Tab, disk_space: &'a str, colors: &'a Colors, } impl<'a> Draw for WinMain<'a> { fn draw(&self, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> DrawResult<()> { canvas.clear()?; match { Mode::Preview => self.preview(, canvas), Mode::Tree => self.tree(self.status,, canvas), Mode::Normal => self.files(self.status,, canvas), _ => match { Mode::Tree => self.tree(self.status,, canvas), _ => self.files(self.status,, canvas), }, }?; self.first_line(, self.disk_space, canvas)?; Ok(()) } } impl<'a> Widget for WinMain<'a> {} impl<'a> WinMain<'a> { const ATTR_LINE_NR: Attr = color_to_attr(Color::CYAN); fn new(status: &'a Status, index: usize, disk_space: &'a str, colors: &'a Colors) -> Self { Self { status, tab: &status.tabs[index], disk_space, colors, } } /// Display the top line on terminal. /// Its content depends on the mode. /// In normal mode we display the path and number of files. /// When a confirmation is needed we ask the user to input `'y'` or /// something else. /// Returns the result of the number of printed chars. fn first_line(&self, tab: &Tab, disk_space: &str, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> FmResult<()> { draw_colored_strings(0, 0, self.create_first_row(tab, disk_space)?, canvas) } fn second_line(&self, status: &Status, tab: &Tab, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> FmResult { match tab.mode { Mode::Normal => { if !status.display_full { let Some(file) = tab.selected() else { return Ok(0) }; self.second_line_detailed(file, canvas) } else { self.second_line_simple(status, canvas) } } Mode::Tree => { let Some(file) = tab.selected() else { return Ok(0) }; self.second_line_detailed(file, canvas) } Mode::InputSimple(InputSimple::Filter) => { Ok(canvas.print_with_attr(1, 0, FILTER_PRESENTATION, ATTR_YELLOW_BOLD)?) } _ => Ok(0), } } fn second_line_detailed(&self, file: &FileInfo, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> FmResult { let owner_size = file.owner.len(); let group_size =; let mut attr = fileinfo_attr(file, self.colors); attr.effect ^= Effect::REVERSE; Ok(canvas.print_with_attr(1, 0, &file.format(owner_size, group_size)?, attr)?) } fn second_line_simple(&self, status: &Status, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> FmResult { Ok(canvas.print_with_attr( 1, 0, &format!("{}", &status.selected_non_mut().filter), ATTR_YELLOW_BOLD, )?) } fn create_first_row(&self, tab: &Tab, disk_space: &str) -> FmResult> { let first_row = match tab.mode { Mode::Normal | Mode::Tree => { vec![ format!("{} ", tab.path_content.path.display()), format!("{} files ", tab.path_content.true_len()), format!("{} ", tab.path_content.used_space()), format!("Avail: {disk_space} "), format!("{} ", &tab.path_content.git_string()?), ] } Mode::Preview => match &tab.preview { Preview::Text(text_content) => { if matches!(text_content.kind, TextKind::HELP) { vec![ HELP_FIRST_SENTENCE.to_owned(), HELP_SECOND_SENTENCE.to_owned(), ] } else { Self::default_preview_first_line(tab) } } _ => Self::default_preview_first_line(tab), }, _ => match tab.previous_mode { Mode::Normal | Mode::Tree => { vec![ format!("{} ", tab.path_content.path.display()), format!("{} files ", tab.path_content.true_len()), format!("{} ", tab.path_content.used_space()), format!("Avail: {disk_space} "), format!("{} ", &tab.path_content.git_string()?), ] } _ => vec![], }, }; Ok(first_row) } fn default_preview_first_line(tab: &Tab) -> Vec { match tab.path_content.selected() { Some(fileinfo) => { let mut strings = vec![ format!("{}", tab.mode.clone()), format!("{}", fileinfo.path.to_string_lossy()), ]; if !tab.preview.is_empty() { strings.push(format!(" {} / {}", tab.window.bottom, tab.preview.len())); }; strings } None => vec!["".to_owned()], } } /// Displays the current directory content, one line per item like in /// `ls -l`. /// /// Only the files around the selected one are displayed. /// We reverse the attributes of the selected one, underline the flagged files. /// When we display a simpler version, the second line is used to display the /// metadata of the selected file. fn files(&self, status: &Status, tab: &Tab, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> FmResult<()> { let len = tab.path_content.content.len(); let group_size: usize; let owner_size: usize; if status.display_full { group_size = tab.path_content.group_column_width(); owner_size = tab.path_content.owner_column_width(); } else { group_size = 0; owner_size = 0; } for (i, file) in tab .path_content .content .iter() .enumerate() .take(min(len, tab.window.bottom + 1)) .skip( { let row = i + ContentWindow::WINDOW_MARGIN_TOP -; let mut attr = fileinfo_attr(file, self.colors); let string = if status.display_full { file.format(owner_size, group_size)? } else { file.format_simple()? }; if status.flagged.contains(&file.path) { attr.effect |= Effect::BOLD | Effect::UNDERLINE; } canvas.print_with_attr(row, 0, &string, attr)?; } self.second_line(status, tab, canvas)?; Ok(()) } fn tree(&self, status: &Status, tab: &Tab, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> FmResult<()> { let line_number_width = 3; let (_, height) = canvas.size()?; let (top, bottom, len) =; for (i, (prefix, colored_string)) in, bottom, len) { let row = i + ContentWindow::WINDOW_MARGIN_TOP - top; let col = canvas.print(row, line_number_width, prefix)?; let mut attr = colored_string.attr; if status.flagged.contains(&colored_string.path) { attr.effect |= Effect::BOLD | Effect::UNDERLINE; } canvas.print_with_attr(row, line_number_width + col + 1, &colored_string.text, attr)?; } self.second_line(status, tab, canvas)?; Ok(()) } fn print_line_number( row_position_in_canvas: usize, line_number_to_print: usize, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas, ) -> FmResult { Ok(canvas.print_with_attr( row_position_in_canvas, 0, &line_number_to_print.to_string(), Self::ATTR_LINE_NR, )?) } /// Display a scrollable preview of a file. /// Multiple modes are supported : /// if the filename extension is recognized, the preview is highlighted, /// if the file content is recognized as binary, an hex dump is previewed with 16 bytes lines, /// else the content is supposed to be text and shown as such. /// It may fail to recognize some usual extensions, notably `.toml`. /// It may fail to recognize small files (< 1024 bytes). fn preview(&self, tab: &Tab, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> FmResult<()> { let length = tab.preview.len(); let line_number_width = length.to_string().len(); match &tab.preview { Preview::Syntaxed(syntaxed) => { for (i, vec_line) in (*syntaxed).window(, tab.window.bottom, length) { let row_position = calc_line_row(i, tab); Self::print_line_number(row_position, i + 1, canvas)?; for token in vec_line.iter() { token.print(canvas, row_position, line_number_width)?; } } } Preview::Binary(bin) => { let line_number_width_hex = format!("{:x}", bin.len() * 16).len(); for (i, line) in (*bin).window(, tab.window.bottom, length) { let row = calc_line_row(i, tab); canvas.print_with_attr( row, 0, &format_line_nr_hex(i + 1 +, line_number_width_hex), Self::ATTR_LINE_NR, )?; line.print(canvas, row, line_number_width_hex + 1); } } Preview::Thumbnail(image) => { let (width, height) = canvas.size()?; if let Ok(scaled_image) = (*image).resized_rgb8(width as u32 / 2, height as u32 - 3) { let (width, _) = scaled_image.dimensions(); for (i, pixel) in scaled_image.pixels().enumerate() { let (r, g, b) = pixel_values(pixel); let (row, col) = pixel_position(i, width); print_pixel(canvas, row, col, r, g, b)?; } } else { canvas.print( 3, 3, &format!("Not a displayable image: {:?}", image.img_path), )?; } } Preview::Directory(directory) => { for (i, (prefix, colored_string)) in (directory).window(, tab.window.bottom, length) { let row = calc_line_row(i, tab); let col = canvas.print(row, line_number_width, prefix)?; canvas.print_with_attr( row, line_number_width + col + 1, &colored_string.text, colored_string.attr, )?; } } Preview::Archive(text) => impl_preview!(text, tab, length, canvas, line_number_width), Preview::Exif(text) => impl_preview!(text, tab, length, canvas, line_number_width), Preview::Media(text) => impl_preview!(text, tab, length, canvas, line_number_width), Preview::Pdf(text) => impl_preview!(text, tab, length, canvas, line_number_width), Preview::Text(text) => impl_preview!(text, tab, length, canvas, line_number_width), Preview::Empty => (), } Ok(()) } } struct WinSecondary<'a> { status: &'a Status, tab: &'a Tab, } impl<'a> Draw for WinSecondary<'a> { fn draw(&self, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> DrawResult<()> { canvas.clear()?; match { Mode::Navigate(Navigate::Jump) => self.destination(canvas, &self.status.flagged), Mode::Navigate(Navigate::History) => self.destination(canvas, &, Mode::Navigate(Navigate::Shortcut) => self.destination(canvas, &, Mode::Navigate(Navigate::Trash) => self.trash(canvas, &self.status.trash), Mode::Navigate(Navigate::EncryptedDrive) => { self.encrypted_devices(self.status,, canvas) } Mode::NeedConfirmation(confirmed_mode) => { self.confirmation(self.status,, confirmed_mode, canvas) } Mode::InputCompleted(_) => self.completion(, canvas), Mode::InputSimple(InputSimple::Marks(_)) => self.marks(self.status,, canvas), _ => Ok(()), }?; self.cursor(, canvas)?; self.first_line(, canvas)?; Ok(()) } } impl<'a> WinSecondary<'a> { const EDIT_BOX_OFFSET: usize = 9; const ATTR_YELLOW: Attr = color_to_attr(Color::YELLOW); const SORT_CURSOR_OFFSET: usize = 37; const PASSWORD_CURSOR_OFFSET: usize = 7; fn new(status: &'a Status, index: usize) -> Self { Self { status, tab: &status.tabs[index], } } fn first_line(&self, tab: &Tab, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> FmResult<()> { draw_colored_strings(0, 0, self.create_first_row(tab)?, canvas) } fn create_first_row(&self, tab: &Tab) -> FmResult> { let first_row = match tab.mode { Mode::NeedConfirmation(confirmed_action) => { vec![format!("{confirmed_action} (y/n)")] } Mode::InputSimple(InputSimple::Marks(MarkAction::Jump)) => { vec!["Jump to...".to_owned()] } Mode::InputSimple(InputSimple::Marks(MarkAction::New)) => { vec!["Save mark...".to_owned()] } Mode::InputSimple(InputSimple::Password(password_kind, _encrypted_action)) => { vec![format!("{password_kind}"), tab.input.password()] } _ => { vec![ format!("{}", tab.mode.clone()), format!("{}", tab.input.string()), ] } }; Ok(first_row) } /// Display the possible completion items. The currently selected one is /// reversed. fn completion(&self, tab: &Tab, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> FmResult<()> { canvas.set_cursor(0, tab.input.cursor_index + Self::EDIT_BOX_OFFSET)?; for (row, candidate) in tab.completion.proposals.iter().enumerate() { let mut attr = Attr::default(); if row == tab.completion.index { attr.effect |= Effect::REVERSE; } canvas.print_with_attr(row + ContentWindow::WINDOW_MARGIN_TOP, 4, candidate, attr)?; } Ok(()) } /// Display a cursor in the top row, at a correct column. fn cursor(&self, tab: &Tab, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> FmResult<()> { match tab.mode { Mode::Normal | Mode::Tree | Mode::InputSimple(InputSimple::Marks(_)) | Mode::Navigate(_) | Mode::Preview => { canvas.show_cursor(false)?; } Mode::InputSimple(InputSimple::Sort) => { canvas.show_cursor(true)?; canvas.set_cursor(0, Self::SORT_CURSOR_OFFSET)?; } Mode::InputSimple(InputSimple::Password(_, _)) => { canvas.show_cursor(true)?; canvas.set_cursor(0, Self::PASSWORD_CURSOR_OFFSET + tab.input.cursor_index)?; } Mode::InputSimple(_) | Mode::InputCompleted(_) => { canvas.show_cursor(true)?; canvas.set_cursor(0, tab.input.cursor_index + Self::EDIT_BOX_OFFSET)?; } Mode::NeedConfirmation(confirmed_action) => { canvas.show_cursor(true)?; canvas.set_cursor(0, confirmed_action.cursor_offset())?; } } Ok(()) } /// Display the possible destinations from a selectable content of PathBuf. fn destination( &self, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas, selectable: &impl SelectableContent, ) -> FmResult<()> { canvas.print(0, 0, "Go to...")?; for (row, path) in selectable.content().iter().enumerate() { let mut attr = Attr::default(); if row == selectable.index() { attr.effect |= Effect::REVERSE; } let _ = canvas.print_with_attr( row + ContentWindow::WINDOW_MARGIN_TOP, 4, path.to_str() .ok_or_else(|| FmError::custom("display", "Unreadable filename"))?, attr, ); } Ok(()) } fn trash( &self, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas, selectable: &impl SelectableContent, ) -> FmResult<()> { canvas.print(1, 0, "Restore the selected file")?; for (row, trashinfo) in selectable.content().iter().enumerate() { let mut attr = Attr::default(); if row == selectable.index() { attr.effect |= Effect::REVERSE; } let _ = canvas.print_with_attr( row + ContentWindow::WINDOW_MARGIN_TOP, 4, &format!("{trashinfo}"), attr, ); } Ok(()) } fn marks(&self, status: &Status, tab: &Tab, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas) -> FmResult<()> { canvas.print_with_attr(2, 1, "mark path", Self::ATTR_YELLOW)?; for (i, line) in status.marks.as_strings().iter().enumerate() { let row = calc_line_row(i, tab) + 2; canvas.print(row, 3, line)?; } Ok(()) } fn encrypted_devices( &self, status: &Status, tab: &Tab, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas, ) -> FmResult<()> { canvas.print_with_attr(2, 3, "m: mount -- u: unmount", Self::ATTR_YELLOW)?; for (i, device) in status.encrypted_devices.content.iter().enumerate() { let row = calc_line_row(i, tab) + 2; let mut not_mounted_attr = Attr::default(); let mut mounted_attr = Attr::from(Color::BLUE); if i == status.encrypted_devices.index() { not_mounted_attr.effect |= Effect::REVERSE; mounted_attr.effect |= Effect::REVERSE; } if status.encrypted_devices.content[i].cryptdevice.is_mounted() { canvas.print_with_attr(row, 3, &device.cryptdevice.as_string()?, mounted_attr)?; } else { canvas.print_with_attr( row, 3, &device.cryptdevice.as_string()?, not_mounted_attr, )?; } } Ok(()) } /// Display a list of edited (deleted, copied, moved) files for confirmation fn confirmation( &self, status: &Status, tab: &Tab, confirmed_mode: NeedConfirmation, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas, ) -> FmResult<()> { info!("confirmed action: {:?}", confirmed_mode); match confirmed_mode { NeedConfirmation::EmptyTrash => { for (row, trashinfo) in status.trash.content.iter().enumerate() { canvas.print_with_attr( row + ContentWindow::WINDOW_MARGIN_TOP + 2, 4, &format!("{trashinfo}"), Attr::default(), )?; } } NeedConfirmation::Copy | NeedConfirmation::Delete | NeedConfirmation::Move => { for (row, path) in status.flagged.content.iter().enumerate() { canvas.print_with_attr( row + ContentWindow::WINDOW_MARGIN_TOP + 2, 4, path.to_str() .ok_or_else(|| FmError::custom("display", "Unreadable filename"))?, Attr::default(), )?; } } } let confirmation_string = match confirmed_mode { NeedConfirmation::Copy => { format!( "Files will be copied to {}", tab.path_content.path_to_str()? ) } NeedConfirmation::Delete => "Files will deleted permanently".to_owned(), NeedConfirmation::Move => { format!("Files will be moved to {}", tab.path_content.path_to_str()?) } NeedConfirmation::EmptyTrash => "Trash will be emptied".to_owned(), }; canvas.print_with_attr(2, 3, &confirmation_string, ATTR_YELLOW_BOLD)?; Ok(()) } } impl<'a> Widget for WinSecondary<'a> {} /// Is responsible for displaying content in the terminal. /// It uses an already created terminal. pub struct Display { /// The Tuikit terminal attached to the display. /// It will print every symbol shown on screen. term: Arc, } impl Display { const SELECTED_BORDER: Attr = color_to_attr(Color::LIGHT_BLUE); const INERT_BORDER: Attr = color_to_attr(Color::Default); /// Returns a new `Display` instance from a `tuikit::term::Term` object. pub fn new(term: Arc) -> Self { Self { term } } /// Used to force a display of the cursor before leaving the application. /// Most of the times we don't need a cursor and it's hidden. We have to /// do it unless the shell won't display a cursor anymore. pub fn show_cursor(&self) -> FmResult<()> { Ok(self.term.show_cursor(true)?) } fn hide_cursor(&self) -> FmResult<()> { self.term.set_cursor(0, 0)?; Ok(self.term.show_cursor(false)?) } /// Display every possible content in the terminal. /// /// The top line /// /// The files if we're displaying them /// /// The cursor if a content is editable /// /// The help if `Mode::Help` /// /// The jump_list if `Mode::Jump` /// /// The completion list if any. /// /// The preview in preview mode. /// Displays one pane or two panes, depending of the width and current /// status of the application. pub fn display_all(&mut self, status: &Status, colors: &Colors) -> FmResult<()> { self.hide_cursor()?; self.term.clear()?; let (width, _) = self.term.term_size()?; let disk_spaces = status.disk_spaces_per_tab(); if status.dual_pane && width > MIN_WIDTH_FOR_DUAL_PANE { self.draw_dual_pane(status, &disk_spaces.0, &disk_spaces.1, colors)? } else { self.draw_single_pane(status, &disk_spaces.0, colors)? } Ok(self.term.present()?) } fn size_for_second_window(&self, tab: &Tab) -> FmResult { if tab.need_second_window() { Ok(self.height()? / 2) } else { Ok(0) } } fn vertical_split<'a>( &self, win_main: &'a WinMain, win_secondary: &'a WinSecondary, border: Attr, size: usize, ) -> FmResult> { Ok(VSplit::default() .split( Win::new(win_main) .basis(self.height()? - size) .shrink(4) .border(true) .border_attr(border), ) .split( Win::new(win_secondary) .basis(size) .shrink(0) .border(true) .border_attr(border), )) } fn borders(&self, status: &Status) -> (Attr, Attr) { if status.index == 0 { (Self::SELECTED_BORDER, Self::INERT_BORDER) } else { (Self::INERT_BORDER, Self::SELECTED_BORDER) } } fn draw_dual_pane( &mut self, status: &Status, disk_space_tab_0: &str, disk_space_tab_1: &str, colors: &Colors, ) -> FmResult<()> { let win_main_left = WinMain::new(status, 0, disk_space_tab_0, colors); let win_main_right = WinMain::new(status, 1, disk_space_tab_1, colors); let win_second_left = WinSecondary::new(status, 0); let win_second_right = WinSecondary::new(status, 1); let (border_left, border_right) = self.borders(status); let percent_left = self.size_for_second_window(&status.tabs[0])?; let percent_right = self.size_for_second_window(&status.tabs[1])?; let hsplit = HSplit::default() .split(self.vertical_split( &win_main_left, &win_second_left, border_left, percent_left, )?) .split(self.vertical_split( &win_main_right, &win_second_right, border_right, percent_right, )?); Ok(self.term.draw(&hsplit)?) } fn draw_single_pane( &mut self, status: &Status, disk_space_tab_0: &str, colors: &Colors, ) -> FmResult<()> { let win_main_left = WinMain::new(status, 0, disk_space_tab_0, colors); let win_second_left = WinSecondary::new(status, 0); let percent_left = self.size_for_second_window(&status.tabs[0])?; let win = self.vertical_split( &win_main_left, &win_second_left, Self::SELECTED_BORDER, percent_left, )?; Ok(self.term.draw(&win)?) } /// Reads and returns the `tuikit::term::Term` height. pub fn height(&self) -> FmResult { let (_, height) = self.term.term_size()?; Ok(height) } } fn format_line_nr_hex(line_nr: usize, width: usize) -> String { format!("{line_nr:0width$x}") } const fn color_to_attr(color: Color) -> Attr { Attr { fg: color, bg: Color::Default, effect: Effect::empty(), } } const fn pixel_values(pixel: &Rgb) -> (u8, u8, u8) { let [r, g, b] = pixel.0; (r, g, b) } const fn pixel_position(i: usize, width: u32) -> (usize, usize) { let col = 2 * (i % width as usize); let row = i / width as usize + 3; (row, col) } fn draw_colored_strings( row: usize, offset: usize, strings: Vec, canvas: &mut dyn Canvas, ) -> FmResult<()> { let mut col = 0; for (text, attr) in std::iter::zip(strings.iter(), FIRST_LINE_COLORS.iter().cycle()) { col += canvas.print_with_attr(row, offset + col, text, *attr)?; } Ok(()) } fn calc_line_row(i: usize, tab: &Tab) -> usize { i + ContentWindow::WINDOW_MARGIN_TOP - } fn print_pixel( canvas: &mut dyn Canvas, row: usize, col: usize, r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, ) -> FmResult<()> { canvas.print_with_attr( row, col, "██", Attr { fg: Color::Rgb(r, g, b), bg: Color::Rgb(r, g, b), ..Default::default() }, )?; Ok(()) }