use std::sync::RwLock; use anyhow::Result; use clap::Parser; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use log4rs; use crate::common::extract_lines; use crate::common::{ACTION_LOG_PATH, LOG_CONFIG_PATH}; use crate::io::Args; /// Set the logs. /// First we read the `-l` `--log` command line argument which default to false. /// /// If it's false, nothing is done and we return. /// No logger is set, nothing is logged. /// /// If it's true : /// The configuration is read from a config file defined in `LOG_CONFIG_PATH` /// It's a YAML file which defines 2 logs: /// - a normal one used directly with the macros like `log::info!(...)`, used for debugging /// - a special one used with `log::info!(target: "special", ...)` to be displayed in the application pub fn set_loggers() -> Result<()> { let args = Args::parse(); if args.log { log4rs::init_file( shellexpand::tilde(LOG_CONFIG_PATH).as_ref(), Default::default(), )?; // clear_useless_env_home()?; log::info!("fm is starting with logs enabled"); } Ok(()) } /// Delete useless $ENV{HOME} folder created by log4rs. /// This folder is created when a log file is big enough to proc a rolling /// Since the pattern can't be resolved, it's not created in the config folder but where the app is started... /// See [github issue]( /// The function log its results and delete nothing. // fn clear_useless_env_home() -> Result<()> { // let p = std::path::Path::new(&ENV_HOME); // let cwd = std::env::current_dir(); // log::info!( // "looking from {ENV_HOME} - {p} CWD {cwd}", // p = p.display(), // cwd = cwd?.display() // ); // if p.exists() && std::fs::metadata(ENV_HOME)?.is_dir() // // && std::path::Path::new(ENV_HOME).read_dir()?.next().is_none() // { // let z = std::path::Path::new(ENV_HOME).read_dir()?.next(); // log::info!("z {z:?}"); // // // std::fs::remove_dir_all(ENV_HOME)?; // log::info!("Removed {ENV_HOME} empty directory from CWD"); // } // Ok(()) // } /// Returns the last line of the log file. pub fn read_log() -> Result> { let log_path = shellexpand::tilde(ACTION_LOG_PATH).to_string(); let content = std::fs::read_to_string(log_path)?; Ok(extract_lines(content)) } lazy_static! { static ref LAST_LOG_LINE: RwLock = RwLock::new("".to_owned()); } /// Read the last value of the "log line". /// It's a global string created with `lazy_static!(...)` /// Fail silently if the global variable can't be read and returns an empty string. pub fn read_last_log_line() -> String { let Ok(last_log_line) = else { return "".to_owned(); }; last_log_line.to_owned() } /// Write a new log line to the global variable `LAST_LOG_LINE`. /// It uses `lazy_static` to manipulate the global variable. /// Fail silently if the global variable can't be written. fn write_last_log_line(log: S) where S: Into + std::fmt::Display, { let Ok(mut new_log_line) = LAST_LOG_LINE.write() else { return; }; *new_log_line = log.to_string(); } /// Write a line to both the global variable `LAST_LOG_LINE` and the special log /// which can be displayed with Alt+l pub fn write_log_line(log_line: S) where S: Into + std::fmt::Display, { log::info!(target: "special", "{log_line}"); write_last_log_line(log_line); } #[macro_export] macro_rules! log_line { ($($arg:tt)+) => ( $crate::io::write_log_line( format!($($arg)+) ) ); } lazy_static! { static ref LAST_LOG_INFO: RwLock = RwLock::new("".to_owned()); } /// Read the last value of the "log info". /// It's a global string created with `lazy_static!(...)` /// Fail silently if the global variable can't be read and returns an empty string. fn read_last_log_info() -> String { let Ok(last_log_line) = else { return "".to_owned(); }; last_log_line.to_owned() } /// Write a new log info to the global variable `LAST_LOG_INFO`. /// It uses `lazy_static` to manipulate the global variable. /// Fail silently if the global variable can't be written. fn write_last_log_info(log: &S) where S: Into + std::fmt::Display, { let Ok(mut new_log_info) = LAST_LOG_INFO.write() else { return; }; *new_log_info = log.to_string(); } /// Write a line to both the global variable `LAST_LOG_INFO` and the info log /// Won't write the same line multiple times during the same execution. pub fn write_log_info_once(log_line: S) where S: Into + std::fmt::Display, { if read_last_log_info() != log_line.to_string() { write_last_log_info(&log_line); log::info!("{log_line}"); } } /// Log a formated message to the default log. /// Won't write anything if the same message is sent multiple times. /// It uses `log::info!` internally. /// It accepts the same formatted messages as `format`. #[macro_export] macro_rules! log_info { ($($arg:tt)+) => ( $crate::io::write_log_info_once( format!($($arg)+) ) ); }