use std::fs::{metadata, read_dir, DirEntry, Metadata}; use std::iter::Enumerate; use std::os::unix::fs::{FileTypeExt, MetadataExt}; use std::path; use chrono::offset::Local; use chrono::DateTime; use log::info; use tuikit::prelude::{Attr, Color, Effect}; use users::{Groups, Users, UsersCache}; use crate::config::{str_to_tuikit, Colors}; use crate::constant_strings_paths::PERMISSIONS_STR; use crate::filter::FilterKind; use crate::fm_error::{FmError, FmResult}; use crate::git::git; use crate::impl_selectable_content; use crate::sort::SortKind; use crate::utils::filename_from_path; /// Different kind of files #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum FileKind { /// Classic files. NormalFile, /// Folder Directory, /// Block devices like /sda1 BlockDevice, /// Char devices like /dev/null CharDevice, /// Named pipes Fifo, /// File socket Socket, /// symlink SymbolicLink, } impl FileKind { /// Returns a new `FileKind` depending on metadata. /// Only linux files have some of those metadata /// since we rely on `std::fs::MetadataExt`. pub fn new(meta: &Metadata) -> Self { if meta.file_type().is_dir() { Self::Directory } else if meta.file_type().is_block_device() { Self::BlockDevice } else if meta.file_type().is_socket() { Self::Socket } else if meta.file_type().is_char_device() { Self::CharDevice } else if meta.file_type().is_fifo() { Self::Fifo } else if meta.file_type().is_symlink() { Self::SymbolicLink } else { Self::NormalFile } } /// Returns the expected first symbol from `ln -l` line. /// d for directory, s for socket, . for file, c for char device, /// b for block, l for links. fn extract_dir_symbol(&self) -> char { match self { FileKind::Fifo => 'p', FileKind::Socket => 's', FileKind::Directory => 'd', FileKind::NormalFile => '.', FileKind::CharDevice => 'c', FileKind::BlockDevice => 'b', FileKind::SymbolicLink => 'l', } } fn sortable_char(&self) -> char { match self { FileKind::Directory => 'a', FileKind::NormalFile => 'b', FileKind::SymbolicLink => 'c', FileKind::BlockDevice => 'd', FileKind::CharDevice => 'e', FileKind::Socket => 'f', FileKind::Fifo => 'g', } } } /// Infos about a file /// We read and keep tracks every displayable information about /// a file. /// Like in [exa]( we don't display the group. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct FileInfo { /// Full path of the file pub path: path::PathBuf, /// Filename pub filename: String, /// size (nb of bytes) of the file pub size: u64, /// File size as a `String`, already human formated. pub file_size: String, /// First symbol displaying the kind of file. pub dir_symbol: char, /// Str formatted permissions like pub permissions: String, /// Owner name of the file. pub owner: String, /// Group name of the file. pub group: String, /// System time of last modification pub system_time: String, /// Is this file currently selected ? pub is_selected: bool, /// What kind of file is this ? pub file_kind: FileKind, /// Extension of the file. `""` for a directory. pub extension: String, /// A formated filename where the "kind" of file /// (directory, char device, block devive, fifo, socket, normal) /// is prepend to the name, allowing a "sort by kind" method. pub kind_format: String, } impl FileInfo { /// Reads every information about a file from its metadata and returs /// a new `FileInfo` object if we can create one. pub fn new(direntry: &DirEntry, users_cache: &UsersCache) -> FmResult { let metadata = direntry.metadata()?; let path = direntry.path(); let filename = extract_filename(direntry)?; Self::create_from_metadata_and_filename(&path, &metadata, filename, users_cache) } /// Creates a fileinfo from a path and a filename. /// The filename is used when we create the fileinfo for "." and ".." in every folder. pub fn from_path_with_name( path: &path::Path, filename: &str, users_cache: &UsersCache, ) -> FmResult { let metadata = metadata(path)?; Self::create_from_metadata_and_filename(path, &metadata, filename.to_owned(), users_cache) } pub fn from_path(path: &path::Path, users_cache: &UsersCache) -> FmResult { let metadata = metadata(path)?; let filename = path .file_name() .ok_or_else(|| FmError::custom("from path", "couldn't read filenale"))? .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| FmError::custom("from path", "couldn't parse filenale"))? .to_owned(); Self::create_from_metadata_and_filename(path, &metadata, filename, users_cache) } fn create_from_metadata_and_filename( path: &path::Path, metadata: &Metadata, filename: String, users_cache: &UsersCache, ) -> FmResult { let path = path.to_owned(); let size = extract_file_size(metadata); let file_size = human_size(size); let permissions = extract_permissions_string(metadata)?; let owner = extract_owner(metadata, users_cache)?; let group = extract_group(metadata, users_cache)?; let system_time = extract_datetime(metadata)?; let is_selected = false; let file_kind = FileKind::new(metadata); let dir_symbol = file_kind.extract_dir_symbol(); let extension = extract_extension(&path).into(); let kind_format = filekind_and_filename(&filename, &file_kind); Ok(FileInfo { path, filename, size, file_size, dir_symbol, permissions, owner, group, system_time, is_selected, file_kind, extension, kind_format, }) } /// Format the file line. /// Since files can have different owners in the same directory, we need to /// know the maximum size of owner column for formatting purpose. pub fn format(&self, owner_col_width: usize, group_col_width: usize) -> FmResult { let mut repr = format!( "{dir_symbol}{permissions} {file_size} {owner: "); repr.push_str(&self.read_dest().unwrap_or_else(|| "Broken link".to_owned())); } Ok(repr) } pub fn format_simple(&self) -> FmResult { Ok(self.filename.to_owned()) } fn read_dest(&self) -> Option { match metadata(&self.path) { Ok(_) => Some(std::fs::read_link(&self.path).ok()?.to_str()?.to_owned()), Err(_) => Some("Broken link".to_owned()), } } /// Select the file. pub fn select(&mut self) { self.is_selected = true; } /// Unselect the file. pub fn unselect(&mut self) { self.is_selected = false; } pub fn is_hidden(&self) -> bool { self.filename.starts_with('.') } pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool { self.path.is_dir() } } /// Holds the information about file in the current directory. /// We know about the current path, the files themselves, the selected index, /// the "display all files including hidden" flag and the key to sort files. pub struct PathContent { /// The current path pub path: path::PathBuf, /// A vector of FileInfo with every file in current path pub content: Vec, /// The index of the selected file. pub index: usize, /// The kind of sort used to display the files. sort_kind: SortKind, used_space: u64, pub users_cache: UsersCache, } impl PathContent { /// Reads the paths and creates a new `PathContent`. /// Files are sorted by filename by default. /// Selects the first file if any. pub fn new( path: &path::Path, users_cache: UsersCache, filter: &FilterKind, show_hidden: bool, ) -> FmResult { let path = path.to_owned(); let mut content = Self::files(&path, show_hidden, filter, &users_cache)?; let sort_kind = SortKind::default(); sort_kind.sort(&mut content); let selected_index: usize = 0; if !content.is_empty() { content[selected_index].select(); } let used_space = get_used_space(&content); Ok(Self { path, content, index: selected_index, sort_kind, used_space, users_cache, }) } pub fn change_directory( &mut self, path: &path::Path, filter: &FilterKind, show_hidden: bool, ) -> FmResult<()> { self.content = Self::files(path, show_hidden, filter, &self.users_cache)?; self.sort_kind.sort(&mut self.content); self.index = 0; if !self.content.is_empty() { self.content[0].select() } self.used_space = get_used_space(&self.content); self.path = path.to_path_buf(); Ok(()) } fn files( path: &path::Path, show_hidden: bool, filter_kind: &FilterKind, users_cache: &UsersCache, ) -> FmResult> { let mut files: Vec = Self::create_dot_dotdot(path, users_cache)?; let fileinfo = FileInfo::from_path_with_name(path, filename_from_path(path)?, users_cache)?; if let Some(true_files) = files_collection(&fileinfo, users_cache, show_hidden, filter_kind, false) { files.extend(true_files); } Ok(files) } fn create_dot_dotdot(path: &path::Path, users_cache: &UsersCache) -> FmResult> { let current = FileInfo::from_path_with_name(path, ".", users_cache)?; match path.parent() { Some(parent) => { let parent = FileInfo::from_path_with_name(parent, "..", users_cache)?; Ok(vec![current, parent]) } None => Ok(vec![current]), } } /// Convert a path to a &str. /// It may fails if the path contains non valid utf-8 chars. pub fn path_to_str(&self) -> FmResult<&str> { self.path .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| FmError::custom("path to str", "Unreadable path")) } /// Sort the file with current key. pub fn sort(&mut self) { self.sort_kind.sort(&mut self.content) } /// Calculates the size of the owner column. pub fn owner_column_width(&self) -> usize { let owner_size_btreeset: std::collections::BTreeSet = self.content.iter().map(|file| file.owner.len()).collect(); *owner_size_btreeset.iter().next_back().unwrap_or(&1) } /// Calculates the size of the group column. pub fn group_column_width(&self) -> usize { let group_size_btreeset: std::collections::BTreeSet = self.content.iter().map(|file|; *group_size_btreeset.iter().next_back().unwrap_or(&1) } /// Select the file from a given index. pub fn select_index(&mut self, index: usize) { if index < self.content.len() { self.unselect_current(); self.content[index].select(); self.index = index; } } /// Reset the current file content. /// Reads and sort the content with current key. /// Select the first file if any. pub fn reset_files(&mut self, filter: &FilterKind, show_hidden: bool) -> Result<(), FmError> { self.content = Self::files(&self.path, show_hidden, filter, &self.users_cache)?; self.sort_kind = SortKind::default(); self.sort(); self.index = 0; if !self.content.is_empty() { self.content[self.index].select(); } Ok(()) } /// Path of the currently selected file. pub fn selected_path_string(&self) -> Option { Some(self.selected()?.path.to_str()?.to_owned()) } /// True if the path starts with a subpath. pub fn contains(&self, path: &path::Path) -> bool { path.starts_with(&self.path) } /// Is the selected file a directory ? /// It may fails if the current path is empty, aka if nothing is selected. pub fn is_selected_dir(&self) -> FmResult { match self .selected() .ok_or_else(|| FmError::custom("is selected dir", "Empty directory"))? .file_kind { FileKind::Directory => Ok(true), FileKind::SymbolicLink => { let dest = self .selected() .ok_or_else(|| FmError::custom("is selected dir", "unreachable"))? .read_dest() .unwrap_or_default(); Ok(path::PathBuf::from(dest).is_dir()) } _ => Ok(false), } } pub fn true_len(&self) -> usize { match self.path.parent() { Some(_) => self.content.len() - 2, None => self.content.len() - 1, } } /// Human readable string representation of the space used by _files_ /// in current path. /// No recursive exploration of directory. pub fn used_space(&self) -> String { human_size(self.used_space) } /// A string representation of the git status of the path. pub fn git_string(&self) -> FmResult { Ok(git(&self.path)?) } /// Update the kind of sort from a char typed by the user. pub fn update_sort_from_char(&mut self, c: char) { self.sort_kind.update_from_char(c) } /// Unselect the current item. /// Since we use a common trait to navigate the files, /// this method is required. pub fn unselect_current(&mut self) { if self.is_empty() { return; } self.content[self.index].unselect(); } /// Select the current item. /// Since we use a common trait to navigate the files, /// this method is required. pub fn select_current(&mut self) { if self.is_empty() { return; } self.content[self.index].select(); } /// Returns an enumeration of the files (`FileInfo`) in content. pub fn enumerate(&mut self) -> Enumerate> { self.content.iter().enumerate() } /// Refresh the existing users. pub fn refresh_users( &mut self, users_cache: UsersCache, filter: &FilterKind, show_hidden: bool, ) -> FmResult<()> { self.users_cache = users_cache; self.reset_files(filter, show_hidden) } } impl_selectable_content!(FileInfo, PathContent); /// Associates a filetype to `tuikit::prelude::Attr` : fg color, bg color and /// effect. /// Selected file is reversed. /// /// TODO! can be refactored to only use 2 parameters by using the config_color from status pub fn fileinfo_attr(fileinfo: &FileInfo, colors: &Colors) -> Attr { let fg = match fileinfo.file_kind { FileKind::Directory => str_to_tuikit(&, FileKind::BlockDevice => str_to_tuikit(&colors.block), FileKind::CharDevice => str_to_tuikit(&colors.char), FileKind::Fifo => str_to_tuikit(&colors.fifo), FileKind::Socket => str_to_tuikit(&colors.socket), FileKind::SymbolicLink => str_to_tuikit(&colors.symlink), _ => colors.color_cache.extension_color(&fileinfo.extension), }; let effect = if fileinfo.is_selected { Effect::REVERSE } else { Effect::empty() }; Attr { fg, bg: Color::default(), effect, } } /// True if the file isn't hidden. pub fn is_not_hidden(entry: &DirEntry) -> FmResult { Ok(entry .file_name() .into_string() .map(|s| !s.starts_with('.'))?) } /// Returns the modified time. fn extract_datetime(metadata: &Metadata) -> FmResult { let datetime: DateTime = metadata.modified()?.into(); Ok(format!("{}", datetime.format("%d/%m/%Y %T"))) } /// Returns the filename. fn extract_filename(direntry: &DirEntry) -> FmResult { Ok(direntry.file_name().into_string()?) } /// Reads the permission and converts them into a string. fn extract_permissions_string(metadata: &Metadata) -> FmResult { let mut perm = String::with_capacity(9); let mode = (metadata.mode() & 511) as usize; let s_o = convert_octal_mode(mode >> 6); let s_g = convert_octal_mode((mode >> 3) & 7); let s_a = convert_octal_mode(mode & 7); perm.push_str(s_o); perm.push_str(s_a); perm.push_str(s_g); Ok(perm) } /// Convert an integer like `Oo7` into its string representation like `"rwx"` fn convert_octal_mode(mode: usize) -> &'static str { PERMISSIONS_STR[mode] } /// Reads the owner name and returns it as a string. /// If it's not possible to get the owner name (happens if the owner exists on a remote machine but not on host), /// it returns the uid as a `Result`. fn extract_owner(metadata: &Metadata, users_cache: &UsersCache) -> FmResult { match users_cache.get_user_by_uid(metadata.uid()) { Some(uid) => Ok(uid .name() .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| FmError::custom("extract owner", "Couldn't parse owner name"))? .to_owned()), None => Ok(format!("{}", metadata.uid())), } } /// Reads the group name and returns it as a string. /// If it's not possible to get the group name (happens if the group exists on a remote machine but not on host), /// it returns the gid as a `Result`. fn extract_group(metadata: &Metadata, users_cache: &UsersCache) -> FmResult { match users_cache.get_group_by_gid(metadata.gid()) { Some(gid) => Ok(gid .name() .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| FmError::custom("extract group", "Couldn't parse group name"))? .to_owned()), None => Ok(format!("{}", metadata.gid())), } } /// Returns the file size. fn extract_file_size(metadata: &Metadata) -> u64 { metadata.len() } /// Convert a file size from bytes to human readable string. pub fn human_size(bytes: u64) -> String { let size = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"]; let factor = (bytes.to_string().chars().count() as u64 - 1) / 3_u64; format!( "{:>3}{:<1}", bytes / (1024_u64).pow(factor as u32), size[factor as usize] ) } /// Extract the optional extension from a filename. /// Returns empty &str aka "" if the file has no extension. pub fn extract_extension(path: &path::Path) -> &str { path.extension() .and_then(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str) .unwrap_or_default() } fn get_used_space(files: &[FileInfo]) -> u64 { files.iter().map(|f| f.size).sum() } fn filekind_and_filename(filename: &str, file_kind: &FileKind) -> String { let mut s = String::new(); s.push(file_kind.sortable_char()); s.push_str(filename); s } /// Creates an optional vector of fileinfo contained in a file. /// Files are filtered by filterkind and the display hidden flag. /// Returns None if there's no file. pub fn files_collection( fileinfo: &FileInfo, users_cache: &UsersCache, show_hidden: bool, filter_kind: &FilterKind, keep_dir: bool, ) -> Option> { match read_dir(&fileinfo.path) { Ok(read_dir) => Some( read_dir .filter_map(|direntry| direntry.ok()) .filter(|direntry| show_hidden || is_not_hidden(direntry).unwrap_or(true)) .map(|direntry| FileInfo::new(&direntry, users_cache)) .filter_map(|fileinfo| fileinfo.ok()) .filter(|fileinfo| filter_kind.filter_by(fileinfo, keep_dir)) .collect(), ), Err(error) => { info!( "Couldn't read path {} - {}", fileinfo.path.to_string_lossy(), error ); None } } }