use std::borrow::Borrow; use std::path; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use crate::app::Focus; use crate::app::Status; use crate::app::Tab; use crate::common::filename_to_clipboard; use crate::common::filepath_to_clipboard; use crate::common::LAZYGIT; use crate::common::NCDU; use crate::common::{is_program_in_path, open_in_current_neovim}; use crate::common::{CONFIG_PATH, GIO}; use crate::config::Bindings; use crate::config::START_FOLDER; use crate::io::execute_without_output_with_path; use crate::io::read_log; use crate::log_info; use crate::log_line; use crate::modes::help_string; use crate::modes::lsblk_and_cryptsetup_installed; use crate::modes::open_tui_program; use crate::modes::Content; use crate::modes::ContentWindow; use crate::modes::Display; use crate::modes::Edit; use crate::modes::InputCompleted; use crate::modes::InputSimple; use crate::modes::LeaveMode; use crate::modes::MarkAction; use crate::modes::Navigate; use crate::modes::NeedConfirmation; use crate::modes::Preview; use crate::modes::RemovableDevices; use crate::modes::Selectable; /// Links events from tuikit to custom actions. /// It mutates `Status` or its children `Tab`. pub struct EventAction {} impl EventAction { /// Once a quit event is received, we change a flag and break the main loop. /// It's usefull to reset the cursor before leaving the application. pub fn quit(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.internal_settings.must_quit = true; Ok(()) } /// Refresh the current view, reloading the files. Move the selection to top. pub fn refresh_view(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.refresh_view() } /// Refresh the view if files were modified in current directory. pub fn refresh_if_needed(tab: &mut Tab) -> Result<()> { tab.refresh_if_needed() } pub fn resize(status: &mut Status, width: usize, height: usize) -> Result<()> { status.resize(width, height) } /// Leave current mode to normal mode. /// Reset the inputs and completion, reset the window, exit the preview. pub fn reset_mode(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if !matches!(status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Nothing) { if status.reset_edit_mode()? { status.tabs[status.index].refresh_view()?; } else { status.tabs[status.index].refresh_params()?; } } else if matches!( status.current_tab().display_mode, Display::Preview | Display::Flagged ) { status.tabs[status.index].set_display_mode(Display::Directory); status.tabs[status.index].refresh_view()?; };; Ok(()) } /// Toggle between a full display (aka ls -lah) or a simple mode (only the /// filenames). pub fn toggle_display_full(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.display_settings.toggle_metadata(); Ok(()) } /// Toggle between dualpane and single pane. Does nothing if the width /// is too low to display both panes. pub fn toggle_dualpane(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.display_settings.toggle_dual(); status.select_left(); Ok(()) } /// Toggle the second pane between preview & normal mode (files). pub fn toggle_preview_second(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.display_settings.toggle_preview(); if status.display_settings.preview() { status.update_second_pane_for_preview()?; } else { status.set_edit_mode(1, Edit::Nothing)?; status.tabs[1].display_mode = Display::Directory; status.tabs[1].refresh_view()?; } Ok(()) } /// Creates a tree in every mode but "Tree". /// In display_mode tree it will exit this view. pub fn tree(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.current_tab_mut().toggle_tree_mode()?; status.refresh_view() } /// Fold the current node of the tree. /// Has no effect on "file" nodes. pub fn tree_fold(tab: &mut Tab) -> Result<()> { tab.tree.toggle_fold(&tab.users); Ok(()) } /// Unfold every child node in the tree. /// Recursively explore the tree and unfold every node. /// Reset the display. pub fn tree_unfold_all(tab: &mut Tab) -> Result<()> { tab.tree.unfold_all(&tab.users); Ok(()) } /// Fold every child node in the tree. /// Recursively explore the tree and fold every node. /// Reset the display. pub fn tree_fold_all(tab: &mut Tab) -> Result<()> { tab.tree.fold_all(&tab.users); Ok(()) } pub fn display_flagged(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!(status.current_tab().display_mode, Display::Flagged) { status .current_tab_mut() .set_display_mode(Display::Directory); } else { status .menu .flagged .set_height(status.internal_settings.term.term_size()?.1); status.current_tab_mut().set_display_mode(Display::Flagged); } Ok(()) } /// Preview the selected file. /// Every file can be previewed. See the `crate::enum::Preview` for /// more details on previewinga file. /// Does nothing if the directory is empty. pub fn preview(tab: &mut Tab) -> Result<()> { tab.make_preview() } /// Toggle the display of hidden files. pub fn toggle_hidden(tab: &mut Tab) -> Result<()> { tab.toggle_hidden() } /// Remove every flag on files in this directory and others. pub fn clear_flags(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> {; Ok(()) } /// Flag all files in the current directory. pub fn flag_all(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.flag_all(); Ok(()) } /// Reverse every flag in _current_ directory. Flagged files in other /// directory aren't affected. pub fn reverse_flags(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.reverse_flags(); Ok(()) } /// Toggle a single flag and move down one row. pub fn toggle_flag(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.toggle_flag_for_selected(); Ok(()) } /// Enter the rename mode. /// Keep a track of the current mode to ensure we rename the correct file. /// When we enter rename from a "tree" mode, we'll need to rename the selected file in the tree, /// not the selected file in the pathcontent. pub fn rename(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let selected = status.current_tab().current_file()?; let sel_path = selected.path; if sel_path == status.current_tab().directory.path { return Ok(()); } if let Some(parent) = status.current_tab().directory.path.parent() { if sel_path == std::sync::Arc::from(parent) { return Ok(()); } } let old_name = &selected.filename; status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputSimple(InputSimple::Rename))?;; Ok(()) } /// Enter a copy paste mode. /// A confirmation is asked before copying all flagged files to /// the current directory. /// Does nothing if no file is flagged. pub fn copy_paste(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { Self::set_copy_paste(status, NeedConfirmation::Copy) } /// Enter the 'move' mode. /// A confirmation is asked before moving all flagged files to /// the current directory. /// Does nothing if no file is flagged. pub fn cut_paste(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { Self::set_copy_paste(status, NeedConfirmation::Move) } fn set_copy_paste(status: &mut Status, copy_or_move: NeedConfirmation) -> Result<()> { if matches!(status.current_tab().display_mode, Display::Flagged) { return Ok(()); }; if { return Ok(()); } status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::NeedConfirmation(copy_or_move)) } /// Creates a symlink of every flagged file to the current directory. pub fn symlink(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { for original_file in { let filename = original_file .as_path() .file_name() .context("event symlink: File not found")?; let link = status.current_tab().directory_of_selected()?.join(filename); std::os::unix::fs::symlink(original_file, &link)?; log_line!( "Symlink {link} links to {original_file}", original_file = original_file.display(), link = link.display() ); } status.clear_flags_and_reset_view() } /// Enter the delete mode. /// A confirmation is then asked before deleting all the flagged files. /// If no file is flagged, flag the selected one before entering the mode. pub fn delete_file(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if { Self::toggle_flag(status)?; } status.set_edit_mode( status.index, Edit::NeedConfirmation(NeedConfirmation::Delete), ) } /// Change to CHMOD mode allowing to edit permissions of a file. pub fn chmod(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.set_mode_chmod() } /// Enter the new dir mode. pub fn new_dir(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().display_mode, Display::Directory | Display::Tree ) { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputSimple(InputSimple::Newdir)) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Enter the new file mode. pub fn new_file(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().display_mode, Display::Directory | Display::Tree ) { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputSimple(InputSimple::Newfile)) } else { Ok(()) } } fn enter_file(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { match status.current_tab_mut().display_mode { Display::Directory => Self::normal_enter_file(status), Display::Tree => Self::tree_enter_file(status), Display::Flagged => Self::jump_fuzzy(status), _ => Ok(()), } } /// Open the file with configured opener or enter the directory. fn normal_enter_file(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); if matches!(tab.display_mode, Display::Tree) { return EventAction::open_file(status); }; if { return Ok(()); } if { tab.go_to_selected_dir() } else { EventAction::open_file(status) } } /// Execute the selected node if it's a file else enter the directory. fn tree_enter_file(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let path = status.current_tab().current_file()?.path; let is_dir = path.is_dir(); if is_dir { status.current_tab_mut().cd(&path)?; status.current_tab_mut().make_tree(None)?; status.current_tab_mut().set_display_mode(Display::Tree); Ok(()) } else { EventAction::open_file(status) } } /// Open files with custom opener. /// If there's no flagged file, the selected is chosen. /// Otherwise, it will open the flagged files (not the flagged directories) with /// their respective opener. /// Directories aren't opened since it will lead nowhere, it would only replace the /// current tab multiple times. It may change in the future. /// Only files which use an external opener are supported. pub fn open_file(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if { status.open_selected_file() } else { status.open_flagged_files() } } pub fn open_all(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.open_flagged_files() } /// Enter the execute mode. Most commands must be executed to allow for /// a confirmation. pub fn exec(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if { status .menu .flagged .push(status.current_tab().current_file()?.path.to_path_buf()); } status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputCompleted(InputCompleted::Exec)) } /// Enter the sort mode, allowing the user to select a sort method. pub fn sort(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.set_height_for_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Nothing)?; status.tabs[status.index].edit_mode = Edit::Nothing; let len =; let height = status.second_window_height()?; = ContentWindow::new(len, height); status.tabs[status.index].edit_mode = Edit::InputSimple(InputSimple::Sort); Ok(()) } /// Enter the filter mode, where you can filter. /// See `crate::modes::Filter` for more details. pub fn filter(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::InputSimple(InputSimple::Filter) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else if matches!( status.current_tab().display_mode, Display::Tree | Display::Directory ) { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputSimple(InputSimple::Filter))?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter JUMP mode, allowing to jump to any flagged file. /// Does nothing if no file is flagged. pub fn jump(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Jump) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else if ! { = 0; status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Jump))?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter bulkrename mode, opening a random temp file where the user /// can edit the selected filenames. /// Once the temp file is saved, those file names are changed. pub fn bulk(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::BulkMenu) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::BulkMenu))?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter the search mode. /// Matching items are displayed as you type them. pub fn search(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); tab.searched = None; status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputCompleted(InputCompleted::Search)) } /// Enter the regex mode. /// Every file matching the typed regex will be flagged. pub fn regex_match(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().display_mode, Display::Tree | Display::Directory ) { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputSimple(InputSimple::RegexMatch)) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Display the help which can be navigated and displays the configrable /// binds. pub fn help(status: &mut Status, binds: &Bindings) -> Result<()> { let help = help_string(binds, &status.internal_settings.opener); status.current_tab_mut().set_display_mode(Display::Preview); status.current_tab_mut().preview = Preview::help(&help); let len = status.current_tab().preview.len(); status.current_tab_mut().window.reset(len); Ok(()) } /// Display the last actions impacting the file tree pub fn log(tab: &mut Tab) -> Result<()> { let Ok(log) = read_log() else { return Ok(()); }; tab.set_display_mode(Display::Preview); tab.preview = Preview::log(log); tab.window.reset(tab.preview.len()); tab.preview_go_bottom(); Ok(()) } /// Enter the cd mode where an user can type a path to jump to. pub fn cd(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::InputCompleted(InputCompleted::Cd) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputCompleted(InputCompleted::Cd))?;; } Ok(()) } /// Open a new terminal in current directory. /// The shell is a fork of current process and will exit if the application /// is terminated first. pub fn shell(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let tab = status.current_tab(); let path = tab.directory_of_selected()?; execute_without_output_with_path(&status.internal_settings.opener.terminal, path, None)?; Ok(()) } /// Enter the shell input command mode. The user can type a command which /// will be parsed and run. pub fn shell_command(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputSimple(InputSimple::Shell)) } /// Enter the shell menu mode. You can pick a TUI application to be run pub fn tui_menu(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::TuiApplication) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::TuiApplication))?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter the cli info mode. You can pick a Text application to be /// displayed/ pub fn cli_menu(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::CliApplication) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::CliApplication))?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter the history mode, allowing to navigate to previously visited /// directory. pub fn history(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::History) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else if matches!( status.current_tab().display_mode, Display::Directory | Display::Tree ) { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::History))?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter Marks new mode, allowing to bind a char to a path. pub fn marks_new(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Marks(MarkAction::New)) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else { status.set_edit_mode( status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Marks(MarkAction::New)), )?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter Marks jump mode, allowing to jump to a marked file. pub fn marks_jump(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if { return Ok(()); } if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Marks(MarkAction::Jump)) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else { status.set_edit_mode( status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Marks(MarkAction::Jump)), )?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter the shortcut mode, allowing to visit predefined shortcuts. /// Basic folders (/, /dev... $HOME) and mount points (even impossible to /// visit ones) are proposed. pub fn shortcut(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Shortcut) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else { std::env::set_current_dir(status.current_tab().directory_of_selected()?)?;; status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Shortcut))?; } Ok(()) } /// Send a signal to parent NVIM process, picking files. /// If there's no flagged file, it picks the selected one. /// otherwise, flagged files are picked. /// If no RPC server were provided at launch time - which may happen for /// reasons unknow to me - it does nothing. /// It requires the "nvim-send" application to be in $PATH. pub fn nvim_filepicker(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.update_nvim_listen_address(); if status.internal_settings.nvim_server.is_empty() { return Ok(()); }; let nvim_server = status.internal_settings.nvim_server.clone(); if { let Ok(fileinfo) = status.current_tab().current_file() else { return Ok(()); }; open_in_current_neovim(&fileinfo.path, &nvim_server); } else { let flagged =; for file_path in flagged.iter() { open_in_current_neovim(file_path, &nvim_server) } } Ok(()) } /// Enter the set neovim RPC address mode where the user can type /// the RPC address himself pub fn set_nvim_server(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputSimple(InputSimple::SetNvimAddr)) } /// Move back in history to the last visited directory. pub fn back(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.current_tab_mut().back()?; status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } /// Move to $HOME aka ~. pub fn home(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let home_cow = shellexpand::tilde("~"); let home: &str = home_cow.borrow(); let home_path = path::Path::new(home); status.current_tab_mut().cd(home_path)?; status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } pub fn go_root(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let root_path = std::path::PathBuf::from("/"); status.current_tab_mut().cd(&root_path)?; status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } pub fn go_start(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.current_tab_mut().cd(&START_FOLDER)?; status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } pub fn jump_fuzzy(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let Some(path) = else { return Ok(()); }; let path = path.to_owned(); let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); tab.set_display_mode(Display::Directory); tab.refresh_view()?; tab.jump(path)?; status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } pub fn search_next(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); let Some(searched) = tab.searched.clone() else { return Ok(()); }; match tab.display_mode { Display::Tree => tab.tree.search_first_match(&searched), Display::Directory => tab.normal_search_next(&searched), Display::Preview => { return Ok(()); } Display::Flagged => todo!("search next"), } status.refresh_status()?; status.update_second_pane_for_preview()?; Ok(()) } /// Move up one row in modes allowing movement. /// Does nothing if the selected item is already the first in list. pub fn move_up(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if status.focus.is_file() { Self::move_display_up(status)?; } else { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); match tab.edit_mode { Edit::Nothing => Self::move_display_up(status)?, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::History) => tab.history.prev(), Edit::Navigate(navigate) =>, Edit::InputCompleted(input_completed) => { } _ => (), }; } status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } pub fn next_sibling(tab: &mut Tab) -> Result<()> { if matches!(tab.display_mode, Display::Tree) { tab.tree_next_sibling(); } Ok(()) } pub fn previous_sibling(tab: &mut Tab) -> Result<()> { if matches!(tab.display_mode, Display::Tree) { tab.tree_prev_sibling(); } Ok(()) } fn move_display_up(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); match tab.display_mode { Display::Directory => tab.normal_up_one_row(), Display::Preview => tab.preview_page_up(), Display::Tree => tab.tree_select_prev()?, Display::Flagged =>, } Ok(()) } fn move_display_down(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); match tab.display_mode { Display::Directory => tab.normal_down_one_row(), Display::Preview => tab.preview_page_down(), Display::Tree => tab.tree_select_next()?, Display::Flagged =>, } Ok(()) } /// Move down one row in modes allowing movements. /// Does nothing if the user is already at the bottom. pub fn move_down(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if status.focus.is_file() { Self::move_display_down(status)? } else { match status.current_tab_mut().edit_mode { Edit::Nothing => Self::move_display_down(status)?, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::History) => status.current_tab_mut(), Edit::Navigate(navigate) =>, Edit::InputCompleted(input_completed) => { } _ => (), }; } status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } /// Move to parent in normal mode, /// move left one char in mode requiring text input. pub fn move_left(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if status.focus.is_file() { Self::file_move_left(status.current_tab_mut())?; } else { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); match tab.edit_mode { Edit::InputSimple(_) | Edit::InputCompleted(_) => {; } Edit::Nothing => Self::file_move_left(tab)?, _ => (), } } status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } fn file_move_left(tab: &mut Tab) -> Result<()> { match tab.display_mode { Display::Directory => tab.move_to_parent()?, Display::Tree => tab.tree_select_parent()?, _ => (), }; Ok(()) } /// Move to child if any or open a regular file in normal mode. /// Move the cursor one char to right in mode requiring text input. pub fn move_right(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if status.focus.is_file() { Self::enter_file(status) } else { let tab: &mut Tab = status.current_tab_mut(); match tab.edit_mode { Edit::InputSimple(_) | Edit::InputCompleted(_) => {; Ok(()) } Edit::Nothing => Self::enter_file(status), _ => Ok(()), } } } pub fn left_click(status: &mut Status, binds: &Bindings, row: u16, col: u16) -> Result<()> { EventAction::click(status, row, col, binds) } pub fn wheel_up(status: &mut Status, col: u16, nb_of_scrolls: u16) -> Result<()> { Self::select_pane(status, col)?; for _ in 0..nb_of_scrolls { Self::move_up(status)? } Ok(()) } pub fn wheel_down(status: &mut Status, col: u16, nb_of_scrolls: u16) -> Result<()> { Self::select_pane(status, col)?; for _ in 0..nb_of_scrolls { Self::move_down(status)? } Ok(()) } /// A right click opens a file or a directory. pub fn double_click(status: &mut Status, row: u16, col: u16, binds: &Bindings) -> Result<()> { if let Ok(()) = EventAction::click(status, row, col, binds) { EventAction::enter_file(status)?; }; Ok(()) } /// Delete a char to the left in modes allowing edition. pub fn backspace(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { match status.current_tab().edit_mode { Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Marks(MarkAction::New)) =>, Edit::InputSimple(_) | Edit::InputCompleted(_) => {; Ok(()) } _ => Ok(()), } } /// Delete all chars to the right in mode allowing edition. pub fn delete(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { match status.current_tab_mut().edit_mode { Edit::InputSimple(_) | Edit::InputCompleted(_) => {; Ok(()) } _ => Ok(()), } } /// Move to leftmost char in mode allowing edition. pub fn key_home(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); match tab.edit_mode { Edit::Nothing => { match tab.display_mode { Display::Directory => tab.normal_go_top(), Display::Preview => tab.preview_go_top(), Display::Tree => tab.tree_go_to_root()?, Display::Flagged =>, }; } _ =>, } status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } /// Move to the bottom in any mode. pub fn end(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); match tab.edit_mode { Edit::Nothing => { match tab.display_mode { Display::Directory => tab.normal_go_bottom(), Display::Preview => tab.preview_go_bottom(), Display::Tree => tab.tree_go_to_bottom_leaf()?, Display::Flagged =>, }; } _ =>, } status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } /// Move up 10 lines in normal mode and preview. pub fn page_up(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if status.focus.is_file() { Self::file_page_up(status)?; } else { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); match tab.edit_mode { Edit::Nothing => Self::file_page_up(status)?, Edit::Navigate(navigate) =>, Edit::InputCompleted(input_completed) => { for _ in 0..10 { } } _ => (), }; } Ok(()) } fn file_page_up(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); match tab.display_mode { Display::Directory => { tab.normal_page_up(); status.update_second_pane_for_preview()?; } Display::Preview => tab.preview_page_up(), Display::Tree => { tab.tree_page_up(); status.update_second_pane_for_preview()?; } Display::Flagged =>, }; Ok(()) } /// Move down 10 lines in normal & preview mode. pub fn page_down(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if status.focus.is_file() { Self::file_page_down(status)?; } else { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); match tab.edit_mode { Edit::Nothing => Self::file_page_down(status)?, Edit::Navigate(navigate) =>, Edit::InputCompleted(input_completed) => { for _ in 0..10 { } } _ => (), }; } Ok(()) } fn file_page_down(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { let tab = status.current_tab_mut(); match tab.display_mode { Display::Directory => { tab.normal_page_down(); status.update_second_pane_for_preview()?; } Display::Preview => tab.preview_page_down(), Display::Tree => { tab.tree_page_down(); status.update_second_pane_for_preview()?; } Display::Flagged =>, }; Ok(()) } /// Execute the mode. /// In modes requiring confirmation or text input, it will execute the /// related action. /// In normal mode, it will open the file. /// Reset to normal mode afterwards. pub fn enter(status: &mut Status, binds: &Bindings) -> Result<()> { if matches!(status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Nothing) { Self::enter_file(status) } else { LeaveMode::leave_edit_mode(status, binds) } } /// Change tab in normal mode with dual pane displayed, /// insert a completion in modes allowing completion. pub fn tab(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { match status.current_tab_mut().edit_mode { Edit::InputCompleted(_) =>, Edit::Nothing =>, _ => (), }; Ok(()) } /// Change tab in normal mode. pub fn backtab(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!(status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Nothing) { status.prev() }; Ok(()) } /// Start a fuzzy find with skim. pub fn fuzzyfind(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.skim_output_to_tab()?; status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } /// Start a fuzzy find for a specific line with skim. pub fn fuzzyfind_line(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.skim_line_output_to_tab()?; status.update_second_pane_for_preview() } /// Start a fuzzy find for a keybinding with skim. pub fn fuzzyfind_help(status: &mut Status, binds: &Bindings) -> Result<()> { let help = help_string(binds, &status.internal_settings.opener); status.skim_find_keybinding_and_run(help) } /// Copy the filename of the selected file in normal mode. pub fn copy_filename(status: &Status) -> Result<()> { match status.current_tab().display_mode { Display::Tree | Display::Directory => { let Ok(file_info) = status.current_tab().current_file() else { return Ok(()); }; filename_to_clipboard(&file_info.path); } Display::Flagged => { let Some(path) = else { return Ok(()); }; filename_to_clipboard(path); } _ => return Ok(()), } Ok(()) } /// Copy the filepath of the selected file in normal mode. pub fn copy_filepath(status: &Status) -> Result<()> { match status.current_tab().display_mode { Display::Tree | Display::Directory => { let Ok(file_info) = status.current_tab().current_file() else { return Ok(()); }; filepath_to_clipboard(&file_info.path); } Display::Flagged => { let Some(path) = else { return Ok(()); }; filepath_to_clipboard(path); } _ => return Ok(()), } Ok(()) } /// Move flagged files to the trash directory. /// If no file is flagged, flag the selected file. /// More information in the trash crate itself. /// If the file is mounted on the $topdir of the trash (aka the $HOME mount point), /// it is moved there. /// Else, nothing is done. pub fn trash_move_file(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if { Self::toggle_flag(status)?; }; for flagged in { let _ =; }; status.current_tab_mut().refresh_view()?; Ok(()) } /// Ask the user if he wants to empty the trash. /// It requires a confimation before doing anything pub fn trash_empty(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::NeedConfirmation(NeedConfirmation::EmptyTrash) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else {; status.set_edit_mode( status.index, Edit::NeedConfirmation(NeedConfirmation::EmptyTrash), )?; } Ok(()) } /// Open the trash. /// Displays a navigable content of the trash. /// Each item can be restored or deleted. /// Each opening refresh the trash content. pub fn trash_open(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Trash) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else {; status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Trash))?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter the encrypted device menu, allowing the user to mount/umount /// a luks encrypted device. pub fn encrypted_drive(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::EncryptedDrive) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else { if !lsblk_and_cryptsetup_installed() { log_line!("lsblk and cryptsetup must be installed."); return Ok(()); } if {; } status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::EncryptedDrive))?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter the Removable Devices mode where the user can mount an MTP device pub fn removable_devices(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::RemovableDevices) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else { if !is_program_in_path(GIO) { log_line!("gio must be installed."); return Ok(()); } = RemovableDevices::from_gio().unwrap_or_default(); status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::RemovableDevices))?; } Ok(()) } /// Open the config file. pub fn open_config(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { match status .internal_settings .opener .open_single(&path::PathBuf::from( shellexpand::tilde(CONFIG_PATH).to_string(), )) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => log_info!("Error opening {:?}: the config file {}", CONFIG_PATH, e), } Ok(()) } /// Enter compression mode pub fn compress(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Compress) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Compress))?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter the context menu mode where the user can choose a basic file action. pub fn context(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Context) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else {; status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::Navigate(Navigate::Context))?; } Ok(()) } /// Enter action mode in which you can type any valid action. /// Some action does nothing as they require to be executed from a specific context. pub fn action(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { if matches!( status.current_tab().edit_mode, Edit::InputCompleted(InputCompleted::Action) ) { status.reset_edit_mode()?; } else { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputCompleted(InputCompleted::Action))?;; } Ok(()) } /// Execute a custom event on the selected file pub fn custom(status: &mut Status, input_string: &str) -> Result<()> { status.run_custom_command(input_string) } /// Enter the remote mount mode where the user can provide an username, an adress and /// a mount point to mount a remote device through SSHFS. pub fn remote_mount(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { status.set_edit_mode(status.index, Edit::InputSimple(InputSimple::Remote)) } /// Click a file at `row`, `col`. pub fn click(status: &mut Status, row: u16, col: u16, binds: &Bindings) -> Result<()> {, col, binds) } /// Select the left or right tab depending on `col` pub fn select_pane(status: &mut Status, col: u16) -> Result<()> { status.select_tab_from_col(col) } /// Execute Lazygit in a spawned terminal pub fn lazygit(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { open_tui_program(status, LAZYGIT) } /// Execute NCDU in a spawned terminal pub fn ncdu(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { open_tui_program(status, NCDU) } pub fn focus_go_left(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { match status.focus { Focus::LeftMenu | Focus::LeftFile => (), Focus::RightFile => { status.focus = Focus::LeftFile; } Focus::RightMenu => { if matches!(status.tabs[0].edit_mode, Edit::Nothing) { status.focus = Focus::LeftFile; } else { status.focus = Focus::LeftMenu; } } } Ok(()) } pub fn focus_go_right(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { match status.focus { Focus::RightMenu | Focus::RightFile => (), Focus::LeftFile => { status.focus = Focus::RightFile; } Focus::LeftMenu => { if matches!(status.tabs[1].edit_mode, Edit::Nothing) { status.focus = Focus::RightFile; } else { status.focus = Focus::RightMenu; } } } Ok(()) } pub fn focus_go_down(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { match status.focus { Focus::RightMenu | Focus::LeftMenu => (), Focus::LeftFile => { if !matches!(status.tabs[0].edit_mode, Edit::Nothing) { status.focus = Focus::LeftMenu; } } Focus::RightFile => { if !matches!(status.tabs[1].edit_mode, Edit::Nothing) { status.focus = Focus::RightMenu; } } } Ok(()) } pub fn focus_go_up(status: &mut Status) -> Result<()> { match status.focus { Focus::LeftFile | Focus::RightFile => (), Focus::LeftMenu => status.focus = Focus::LeftFile, Focus::RightMenu => status.focus = Focus::RightFile, } Ok(()) } }