use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use log::info; use std::io::{BufRead, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::thread; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}; use crate::constant_strings_paths::TMP_FOLDER_PATH; use crate::impl_selectable_content; use crate::log_line; use crate::opener::Opener; use crate::status::Status; use crate::utils::random_name; /// Struct holding informations about files about to be renamed. /// We only need to know which are the original filenames and which /// temporary file is used to modify them. /// This feature is a poor clone of ranger's one. pub struct Bulkrename<'a> { original_filepath: Option>, parent_dir: Option<&'a str>, temp_file: PathBuf, } impl<'a> Bulkrename<'a> { /// Creates a new Bulkrename instance. pub fn renamer(original_filepath: Vec<&'a Path>) -> Result { let temp_file = Self::generate_random_filepath()?; Ok(Self { original_filepath: Some(original_filepath), parent_dir: None, temp_file, }) } pub fn creator(path_str: &'a str) -> Result { let temp_file = Self::generate_random_filepath()?; info!("created {temp_file:?}"); Ok(Self { original_filepath: None, parent_dir: Some(path_str), temp_file, }) } /// Rename the files. /// The tempory file is opened with our `Opener` crate, allowing us /// to use the default text file editor. /// Filenames are sanitized before processing. fn rename(&mut self, opener: &Opener) -> Result<()> { self.write_original_names()?; let original_modification = Self::get_modified_date(&self.temp_file)?; self.open_temp_file_with_editor(opener)?; Self::watch_modification_in_thread(&self.temp_file, original_modification)?; self.rename_all(self.get_new_filenames()?)?; self.delete_temp_file() } fn create_files(&mut self, opener: &Opener) -> Result<()> { self.create_random_file()?; let original_modification = Self::get_modified_date(&self.temp_file)?; self.open_temp_file_with_editor(opener)?; Self::watch_modification_in_thread(&self.temp_file, original_modification)?; self.create_all_files(&self.get_new_filenames()?)?; self.delete_temp_file() } fn watch_modification_in_thread( filepath: &Path, original_modification: SystemTime, ) -> Result<()> { let filepath = filepath.to_owned(); let handle = thread::spawn(move || loop { if Self::is_file_modified(&filepath, original_modification).unwrap_or(true) { break; } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); }); match handle.join() { Ok(handle) => Ok(handle), Err(e) => Err(anyhow!("watching thread failed {e:?}")), } } fn get_modified_date(filepath: &Path) -> Result { Ok(std::fs::metadata(filepath)?.modified()?) } fn generate_random_filepath() -> Result { let mut filepath = PathBuf::from(&TMP_FOLDER_PATH); filepath.push(random_name()); Ok(filepath) } fn create_random_file(&self) -> Result<()> { std::fs::File::create(&self.temp_file)?; Ok(()) } fn write_original_names(&self) -> Result<()> { let mut file = std::fs::File::create(&self.temp_file)?; for path in self.original_filepath.clone().unwrap().iter() { let Some(os_filename) = path.file_name() else { return Ok(()); }; let Some(filename) = os_filename.to_str() else { return Ok(()); }; let b = filename.as_bytes(); file.write_all(b)?; file.write_all(&[b'\n'])?; } Ok(()) } fn open_temp_file_with_editor(&self, opener: &Opener) -> Result<()> { info!("opening tempory file {:?}", self.temp_file); } fn is_file_modified(path: &Path, original_modification: std::time::SystemTime) -> Result { let last_modification = Self::get_modified_date(path)?; Ok(last_modification > original_modification) } fn get_new_filenames(&self) -> Result> { let file = std::fs::File::open(&self.temp_file)?; let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(file); let new_names: Vec = reader .lines() .flatten() .map(|line| line.trim().to_owned()) .filter(|line| !line.is_empty()) .collect(); if let Some(original_filepath) = self.original_filepath.clone() { if new_names.len() < original_filepath.len() { return Err(anyhow!("new filenames: not enough filenames")); } } Ok(new_names) } pub fn delete_temp_file(&self) -> Result<()> { std::fs::remove_file(&self.temp_file)?; Ok(()) } fn rename_all(&self, new_filenames: Vec) -> Result<()> { let mut counter = 0; for (path, filename) in self .original_filepath .clone() .unwrap() .iter() .zip(new_filenames.iter()) { let new_name = sanitize_filename::sanitize(filename); self.rename_file(path, &new_name)?; counter += 1; log_line!("Bulk renamed {path} to {new_name}", path = path.display()); } log_line!("Bulk renamed {counter} files"); Ok(()) } fn create_all_files(&self, new_filenames: &[String]) -> Result<()> { let mut counter = 0; for filename in new_filenames.iter() { let mut new_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(self.parent_dir.unwrap()); if !filename.ends_with('/') { new_path.push(filename); let Some(parent) = new_path.parent() else { return Ok(()); }; info!("Bulk new files. Creating parent: {}", parent.display()); if std::fs::create_dir_all(parent).is_err() { continue; }; info!("creating: {new_path:?}"); std::fs::File::create(&new_path)?; log_line!("Bulk created {new_path}", new_path = new_path.display()); counter += 1; } else { new_path.push(filename); info!("Bulk creating dir: {}", new_path.display()); std::fs::create_dir_all(&new_path)?; log_line!("Bulk created {new_path}", new_path = new_path.display()); counter += 1; } } log_line!("Bulk created {counter} files"); Ok(()) } fn rename_file(&self, path: &Path, filename: &str) -> Result<()> { let mut parent = PathBuf::from(path); parent.pop(); std::fs::rename(path, parent.join(filename))?; Ok(()) } } impl<'a> Drop for Bulkrename<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { let _ = self.delete_temp_file(); } } pub struct Bulk { pub content: Vec, index: usize, } impl Default for Bulk { fn default() -> Self { Self { content: vec![ "Rename files".to_owned(), "New files or folders. End folder with a slash '/'".to_owned(), ], index: 0, } } } impl Bulk { /// Execute the selected bulk method depending on the index. /// First method is a rename of selected files, /// Second is the creation of files or folders, pub fn execute_bulk(&self, status: &Status) -> Result<()> { match self.index { 0 => Bulkrename::renamer(status.filtered_flagged_files())?.rename(&status.opener), 1 => Bulkrename::creator(status.selected_path_str())?.create_files(&status.opener), _ => Ok(()), } } } impl_selectable_content!(String, Bulk);