mod inner { use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; use crate::app::{Status, Tab}; use crate::event::ActionMap; use crate::modes::Selectable; use crate::modes::{shorten_path, Display}; use crate::modes::{Content, FilterKind}; /// Action for every element of the first line. /// It should match the order of the `FirstLine::make_string` static method. const HEADER_ACTIONS: [ActionMap; 4] = [ ActionMap::Cd, ActionMap::Rename, ActionMap::Search, ActionMap::Filter, ]; const FOOTER_ACTIONS: [ActionMap; 7] = [ ActionMap::Nothing, // position ActionMap::Ncdu, ActionMap::Sort, ActionMap::LazyGit, ActionMap::Jump, ActionMap::Sort, ActionMap::Nothing, // for out of bounds ]; pub trait ClickableLine: ClickableLineInner { fn strings(&self) -> &Vec; /// Action for each associated file. fn action(&self, col: usize, is_right: bool) -> &ActionMap { let mut sum = 0; let offset = self.offset(is_right); for (index, size) in self.sizes().iter().enumerate() { sum += size; if col <= sum + offset { return self.action_index(index); } } &ActionMap::Nothing } } pub trait ClickableLineInner { fn width(&self) -> usize; fn sizes(&self) -> &Vec; fn action_index(&self, index: usize) -> &ActionMap; fn offset(&self, is_right: bool) -> usize { if is_right { self.width() / 2 + 2 } else { 1 } } /// Returns the lengths of every displayed string. /// It uses `unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes` /// to measure used space. /// It's not the number of bytes used since those strings may contain /// any UTF-8 grapheme. fn make_sizes(strings: &[String]) -> Vec { strings .iter() .map(|s| s.graphemes(true).collect::>().iter().len()) .collect() } } /// A bunch of strings displaying the status of the current directory. /// It provides an `action` method to make the first line clickable. pub struct Header { strings: Vec, sizes: Vec, width: usize, actions: Vec, } impl ClickableLine for Header { /// Vector of displayed strings. fn strings(&self) -> &Vec { self.strings.as_ref() } } impl ClickableLineInner for Header { fn sizes(&self) -> &Vec { self.sizes.as_ref() } fn action_index(&self, index: usize) -> &ActionMap { self.actions(index) } fn width(&self) -> usize { self.width } } // should it be held somewhere ? impl Header { /// Create the strings associated with the selected tab directory pub fn new(status: &Status, tab: &Tab) -> Result { let (width, _) = status.internal_settings.term.term_size()?; let (strings, actions) = Self::make_strings_actions(tab, width)?; let sizes = Self::make_sizes(&strings); Ok(Self { strings, sizes, width, actions, }) } fn actions(&self, index: usize) -> &ActionMap { &self.actions[index] } // TODO! refactor using a `struct thing { string, start, end, action }` /// Returns a bunch of displayable strings. /// Watchout: /// 1. the length of the vector MUST BE the length of `ACTIONS` minus one. /// 2. the order must be respected. fn make_strings_actions(tab: &Tab, width: usize) -> Result<(Vec, Vec)> { let mut strings = vec![ Self::string_shorten_path(tab)?, Self::string_first_row_selected_file(tab, width)?, ]; let mut actions: Vec = HEADER_ACTIONS[0..2].into(); if let Some(searched) = &tab.searched { strings.push(Self::string_searched(searched)); actions.push(HEADER_ACTIONS[2].clone()); } if !matches!(tab.settings.filter, FilterKind::All) { strings.push(Self::string_filter(tab)); actions.push(HEADER_ACTIONS[3].clone()); } Ok((strings, actions)) } fn string_filter(tab: &Tab) -> String { format!(" {filter} ", filter = tab.settings.filter) } fn string_searched(searched: &str) -> String { format!(" Searched: {searched} ") } fn string_shorten_path(tab: &Tab) -> Result { Ok(format!(" {}", shorten_path(&, None)?)) } fn string_first_row_selected_file(tab: &Tab, width: usize) -> Result { match tab.display_mode { Display::Tree => Ok(format!( "/{rel}", rel = shorten_path(tab.tree.selected_path_relative_to_root()?, Some(width / 2))? )), _ => { if let Some(fileinfo) = { Ok(fileinfo.filename_without_dot_dotdot()) } else { Ok("".to_owned()) } } } } } /// A clickable footer. /// Every displayed element knows were it starts and ends. /// It allows the user to click on them. /// Those element are linked by their index to an action. pub struct Footer { strings: Vec, sizes: Vec, width: usize, } impl ClickableLine for Footer { /// Vector of displayed strings. fn strings(&self) -> &Vec { self.strings.as_ref() } } impl ClickableLineInner for Footer { fn sizes(&self) -> &Vec { self.sizes.as_ref() } fn action_index(&self, index: usize) -> &ActionMap { &FOOTER_ACTIONS[index] } fn width(&self) -> usize { self.width } } impl Footer { /// Create the strings associated with the selected tab directory pub fn new(status: &Status, tab: &Tab) -> Result { let (width, _) = status.internal_settings.term.term_size()?; let used_width = if status.display_settings.use_dual_tab(width) { width / 2 } else { width }; let disk_space = status.disk_spaces_of_selected(); let raw_strings = Self::make_raw_strings(status, tab, disk_space)?; let strings = Self::make_padded_strings(&raw_strings, used_width); let sizes = Self::make_sizes(&strings); Ok(Self { strings, sizes, width, }) } // TODO! refactor using a `struct thing { string, start, end, action }` /// Returns a bunch of displayable strings. /// Watchout: /// 1. the length of the vector MUST BE the length of `ACTIONS` minus one. /// 2. the order must be respected. fn make_raw_strings(status: &Status, tab: &Tab, disk_space: String) -> Result> { Ok(vec![ Self::string_first_row_position(tab)?, Self::string_used_space(tab), Self::string_disk_space(&disk_space), Self::string_git_string(tab)?, Self::string_first_row_flags(status), Self::string_sort_kind(tab), ]) } /// Pad every string of `raw_strings` with enough space to fill a line. fn make_padded_strings(raw_strings: &[String], total_width: usize) -> Vec { let used_width: usize = raw_strings .iter() .map(|s| s.graphemes(true).collect::>().iter().len()) .sum(); let available_width = total_width.checked_sub(used_width).unwrap_or_default(); let margin_width = available_width / (2 * raw_strings.len()); let margin = " ".repeat(margin_width); raw_strings .iter() .map(|content| format!("{margin}{content}{margin}")) .collect() } fn string_first_row_position(tab: &Tab) -> Result { let len: usize; let index: usize; if matches!(tab.display_mode, Display::Tree) { index = tab.tree.selected_node().context("no node")?.index() + 1; len = tab.tree.len(); } else { index = + 1; len =; } Ok(format!(" {index} / {len} ")) } fn string_used_space(tab: &Tab) -> String { format!(" {} ", } fn string_disk_space(disk_space: &str) -> String { format!(" Avail: {disk_space} ") } fn string_git_string(tab: &Tab) -> Result { Ok(format!(" {} ", } fn string_sort_kind(tab: &Tab) -> String { format!(" {} ", &tab.settings.sort_kind) } fn string_first_row_flags(status: &Status) -> String { let nb_flagged =; let flag_string = if nb_flagged > 1 { "flags" } else { "flag" }; format!(" {nb_flagged} {flag_string} ",) } } pub struct FlaggedHeader { strings: Vec, sizes: Vec, width: usize, } impl FlaggedHeader { const ACTIONS: [ActionMap; 2] = [ActionMap::ResetMode, ActionMap::OpenFile]; pub fn new(status: &Status) -> Result { let strings = Self::make_strings(status); let sizes = Self::make_sizes(&strings); let (width, _) = status.internal_settings.term.term_size()?; Ok(Self { strings, sizes, width, }) } fn make_strings(status: &Status) -> Vec { vec![ "Fuzzy files".to_owned(), status .menu .flagged .selected() .unwrap_or(&std::path::PathBuf::new()) .to_string_lossy() .to_string(), ] } fn make_sizes(strings: &[String]) -> Vec { strings .iter() .map(|s| s.graphemes(true).collect::>().iter().len()) .collect() } fn actions(&self, index: usize) -> &ActionMap { &Self::ACTIONS[index] } } impl ClickableLine for FlaggedHeader { /// Vector of displayed strings. fn strings(&self) -> &Vec { self.strings.as_ref() } } impl ClickableLineInner for FlaggedHeader { fn sizes(&self) -> &Vec { self.sizes.as_ref() } fn action_index(&self, index: usize) -> &ActionMap { self.actions(index) } fn width(&self) -> usize { self.width } } pub struct FlaggedFooter { strings: Vec, sizes: Vec, width: usize, } impl ClickableLine for FlaggedFooter { /// Vector of displayed strings. fn strings(&self) -> &Vec { self.strings.as_ref() } } impl ClickableLineInner for FlaggedFooter { fn sizes(&self) -> &Vec { self.sizes.as_ref() } fn action_index(&self, index: usize) -> &ActionMap { &Self::ACTIONS[index] } fn width(&self) -> usize { self.width } } impl FlaggedFooter { const ACTIONS: [ActionMap; 2] = [ActionMap::Nothing, ActionMap::Jump]; pub fn new(status: &Status) -> Result { let (width, _) = status.internal_settings.term.term_size()?; let used_width = if status.display_settings.use_dual_tab(width) { width / 2 } else { width }; let raw_strings = Self::make_strings(status); let sizes = Self::make_sizes(&raw_strings); let strings = Footer::make_padded_strings(&raw_strings, used_width); Ok(Self { strings, sizes, width, }) } fn make_strings(status: &Status) -> Vec { let index = if { 0 } else { + 1 }; vec![ format!(" {index} / {len}", len =, format!(" {nb} flags", nb =, ] } fn make_sizes(strings: &[String]) -> Vec { strings .iter() .map(|s| s.graphemes(true).collect::>().iter().len()) .collect() } } } pub use inner::{ClickableLine, FlaggedFooter, FlaggedHeader, Footer, Header};