diff options
authorDylan Araps <>2019-01-13 23:53:25 +0200
committerDylan Araps <>2019-01-13 23:53:25 +0200
commit3e43a63d64d728ea897e14af1adc53126d555df3 (patch)
parent5f156d918259dcf99f6c80a28f0b99a0c72900ca (diff)
parent77b4adcc0a88f7d601fc9b5916842c96d0350ed9 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/fff b/fff
index c4497db..0e8a217 100755
--- a/fff
+++ b/fff
@@ -70,6 +70,49 @@ get_cursor_pos() {
IFS='[;' read -sp $'\e[6n' -d R -rs _ y _
+get_ls_colors() {
+ # Parse the LS_COLORS variable and source each file type
+ # as a separate variable.
+ # Format: ':.ext=0;0:*.jpg=0;0;0:*png=0;0;0;0:'
+ [[ -z $LS_COLORS ]] && {
+ return
+ }
+ # Turn $LS_COLORS into an array.
+ IFS=: read -ra ls_cols <<< "$LS_COLORS"
+ for ((i=0;i<${#ls_cols[@]};i++)); {
+ # Separate patterns from file types.
+ [[ ${ls_cols[i]} =~ ^\*[^\.] ]] &&
+ ls_patterns+="${ls_cols[i]/=*}|"
+ # Prepend 'ls_' to all LS_COLORS items
+ # if they aren't types of files (symbolic links, block files etc.)
+ [[ ${ls_cols[i]} =~ ^(\*|\.) ]] && {
+ ls_cols[i]="${ls_cols[i]#\*}"
+ ls_cols[i]="ls_${ls_cols[i]#.}"
+ }
+ ls_cols[i]="${ls_cols[i]//;/\\;};"
+ }
+ # Strip non-ascii characters from the string as they're
+ # used as a key to color the dir items and variable
+ # names in bash must be '[a-zA-z0-9_]'.
+ ls_exts="${ls_cols[*]//[^a-zA-Z0-9=\\;]/_}"
+ # Store the patterns in a '|' separated string
+ # for use in a REGEX match later.
+ ls_patterns="${ls_patterns//\*}"
+ ls_patterns="${ls_patterns%?}"
+ # bash 3 compatible method of sourcing a variable.
+ # see:
+ # shellcheck source=/dev/null
+ source /dev/stdin <<< "$ls_exts" >/dev/null 2>&1
status_line() {
# Status_line to print when files are marked for operation.
local mark_ui="[${#marked_files[@]}] selected (${file_program[*]}) [p] ->"
@@ -127,22 +170,72 @@ read_dir() {
print_line() {
# Format the list item and print it.
- [[ -d ${list[$1]} ]] && {
- local format+="\\e[1;3${FFF_COL1:-2}m"
- local suffix+='/'
- }
+ local file_name="${list[$1]##*/}"
+ local file_ext="${file_name##*.}"
+ local format
+ local suffix
+ if [[ -d ${list[$1]} ]]; then
+ format+="\\e[${di:-1;3${FFF_COL1:-2}}m"
+ suffix+='/'
+ # Block special file.
+ elif [[ -b ${list[$1]} ]]; then
+ format+="\\e[${bd:-40;33;01}m"
+ # Character special file.
+ elif [[ -c ${list[$1]} ]]; then
+ format+="\\e[${cd:-40;33;01}m"
+ # Executable file.
+ elif [[ -x ${list[$1]} ]]; then
+ format+="\\e[${ex:-01;32}m"
+ # Symbolic Link.
+ elif [[ -h ${list[$1]} ]]; then
+ format+="\\e[${ln:-01;36}m"
+ # Fifo file.
+ elif [[ -p ${list[$1]} ]]; then
+ format+="\\e[${pi:-40;33}m"
+ # Socket file.
+ elif [[ -S ${list[$1]} ]]; then
+ format+="\\e[${so:-01;35}m"
+ # Color files that end in a pattern as defined in LS_COLORS.
+ # 'BASH_REMATCH' is an array that stores each REGEX match.
+ elif [[ $FFF_LS_COLORS == 1 &&
+ $ls_patterns &&
+ $file_name =~ ($ls_patterns)$ ]]; then
+ match="${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"
+ file_ext="ls_${match//[^a-zA-Z0-9=\\;]/_}"
+ format+="\\e[${!file_ext:-${fi:-37}}m"
+ # Color files based on file extension and LS_COLORS.
+ # Check if file extension adheres to POSIX naming
+ # stardard before checking if it's a variable.
+ elif [[ $FFF_LS_COLORS == 1 &&
+ $file_ext != "$file_name" &&
+ $file_ext =~ ^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ ]]; then
+ file_ext="ls_${file_ext}"
+ format+="\\e[${!file_ext:-${fi:-37}}m"
+ else
+ format+="\\e[${fi:-37}m"
+ fi
# If the list item is under the cursor.
(($1 == scroll)) &&
- local format+="\\e[1;3${FFF_COL4:-6};7m"
+ format+="\\e[1;3${FFF_COL4:-6};7m"
# If the list item is marked for operation.
[[ ${marked_files[$1]} == "${list[$1]:-null}" ]] && {
- local format+="\\e[3${FFF_COL3:-1}m "
- local suffix+='*'
+ format+="\\e[3${FFF_COL3:-1}m "
+ suffix+='*'
- printf '%b%s\e[m\r' "$format" "${list[$1]##*/}${suffix}"
+ printf '%b%s\e[m\r' "$format" "${file_name}${suffix}"
draw_dir() {
@@ -574,6 +667,10 @@ main() {
((BASH_VERSINFO[0] > 3)) &&
read_flags=(-t 0.05)
+ # Initialize LS_COLORS support if enabled.
+ ((${FFF_LS_COLORS:=1} == 1)) &&
+ get_ls_colors