# Contributing Guidelines Welcome! I appreciate your interest in contributing. To ensure a smooth collaboration, please follow these guidelines before creating a pull request (PR) or raising an issue: ## Reading Docs and Existing Issues Before submitting a question or starting work on a new feature, I encourage you to read the available documentation. You can find the detailed document [here](https://kyoheiu.dev/felix/). It may already answer your question. Additionally, I recommend checking issues. Someone might have already reported the same issue or requested a similar feature. Reading through the open and closed issues can save both your time and mine and prevent duplication. ## Creating an Issue If you have gone through the documentation and existing issues but still haven't found a resolution to your question or problem, I kindly ask you to **create a new issue before submitting a pull request**, to discuss a possible way to solve your problem. ## Creating a Pull Request If you have identified a bug, implemented a new feature, or made improvements to the project, I welcome your pull request. However, I strongly encourage you to follow the steps mentioned above before proceeding with creating a PR. And note that pull requests should be focused to one issue. Thank you for reading!