AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-09-22update regex to version 1v0.2.10nachoparker
Signed-off-by: nachoparker <>
2019-09-22update deprecated methodnachoparker
Signed-off-by: nachoparker <>
2019-09-23Update dependency: getopts = 0.2.21ahoetker
2018-11-08fix mistake in READMEnachoparker
2018-11-01fix mistake in READMEnachoparker
2018-07-13fix problem with some unicode starting filenames (#8)v0.2.9Nick Barry
2018-07-01fix ordering in collectionsv0.2.8Ignacio Nunez
2018-05-14Add details of AUR package to READMEWesley Moore
2018-05-10Make it work with macOSv0.2.7Ronaldo Ferreira
2018-05-10update README.mdIgnacio Nunez
2018-05-10update version numberv0.2.6Ignacio Nunez
2018-04-18fix truncate unicode grapheme clustersnacho
2018-04-18use HashMap, and other optimizationsnacho
2018-04-17use latest version of dict (with hashing)nacho
2018-04-17update toml metadatanacho
2018-04-16Split dictionaries into an external cratev0.2.1nacho
2018-04-16add the --files-only flagv0.2.0nacho
2018-04-16Update README.mdnachoparker
2018-04-16Initial commitv0.1.0nachoparker