tag namev2.17.7 (4072e5217ae5e3c3333a05e8416bab9baeeaacd2)
tag date2022-06-14 20:12:23 +0800
tagged bySebastian Thiel <>
tagged objectcommit c0e3678c9f...
### Fixes
- Improve readability of the currently visible path in light terminal color themes [(#129)]( ### Commit Statistics - 3 commits contributed to the release. - 2 days passed between releases. - 0 commits where understood as [conventional]( - 0 issues like '(#ID)' where seen in commit messages ### Commit Details * **Uncategorized** - update changelog prior to release (d437ba5) - Merge branch 'show-path' (1beb7d7) - restyle for compatibility with 'light' color schemes (ed28cdb)