tag namev2.17.6 (46ff90a10c081c2a969af17899f16fda79bf263f)
tag date2022-06-12 09:55:08 +0800
tagged bySebastian Thiel <>
tagged objectcommit 4105a50a2f...
A maintenance release which should make the `ctrl + o` feature open files without blocking on linux
thanks to an upgrade in the `open` crate which powers this feauture. ### Commit Statistics - 3 commits contributed to the release. - 29 days passed between releases. - 0 commits where understood as [conventional]( - 0 issues like '(#ID)' where seen in commit messages ### Commit Details * **Uncategorized** - update changelog prior to release (e20e9e0) - upgrade 'open' to latest version (6806241) - dependency update (29a2abc)