#![forbid(unsafe_code)] mod list; mod terminal; pub use list::*; pub use terminal::*; use std::iter::repeat; use tui::{self, buffer::Buffer, layout::Rect, style::Color, style::Style}; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr; pub fn fill_background_to_right(mut s: String, entire_width: u16) -> String { match (s.len(), entire_width as usize) { (x, y) if x >= y => s, (x, y) => { s.extend(repeat(' ').take(y - x)); s } } } /// Helper method to quickly set the background of all cells inside the specified area. pub fn fill_background(area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer, color: Color) { for y in area.top()..area.bottom() { for x in area.left()..area.right() { buf.get_mut(x, y).set_bg(color); } } } pub fn draw_text_with_ellipsis_nowrap( bound: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer, text: impl AsRef, style: impl Into>, ) -> u16 { let s = style.into(); let t = text.as_ref(); let mut graphemes = t.graphemes(true); let mut total_width = 0; { let mut ellipsis_candidate_x = None; let mut x_offset = 0; for (g, mut x) in graphemes.by_ref().zip(bound.left()..bound.right()) { let width = g.width(); total_width += width; x += x_offset; let cell = buf.get_mut(x, bound.y); if x + 1 == bound.right() { ellipsis_candidate_x = Some(x); } cell.symbol = g.into(); if let Some(s) = s { cell.set_style(s); } x_offset += width.saturating_sub(1) as u16; if x + x_offset >= bound.right() { break; } let x = x as usize; for x in x + 1..x + width { let i = buf.index_of(x as u16, bound.y); buf.content[i].reset(); } } if let (Some(_), Some(x)) = (graphemes.next(), ellipsis_candidate_x) { buf.get_mut(x, bound.y).symbol = "…".into(); } } total_width as u16 } pub fn draw_text_nowrap_fn( bound: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer, t: impl AsRef, mut s: impl FnMut(&str, u16, u16) -> Style, ) { if bound.width == 0 { return; } for (g, x) in t.as_ref().graphemes(true).zip(bound.left()..bound.right()) { let cell = buf.get_mut(x, bound.y); cell.symbol = g.into(); cell.set_style(s(&cell.symbol, x, bound.y)); } } pub mod util { use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr; pub fn sanitize_offset(offset: u16, num_items: usize, num_displayable_lines: u16) -> u16 { offset.min((num_items.saturating_sub(num_displayable_lines as usize)) as u16) } #[derive(Default)] pub struct GraphemeCountWriter(pub usize); impl std::io::Write for GraphemeCountWriter { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result { self.0 += String::from_utf8_lossy(buf).graphemes(true).count(); Ok(buf.len()) } fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { Ok(()) } } pub fn block_width(s: &str) -> u16 { s.width() as u16 } pub mod rect { use tui::layout::Rect; /// A safe version of Rect::intersection that doesn't suffer from underflows pub fn intersect(lhs: Rect, rhs: Rect) -> Rect { let x1 = lhs.x.max(rhs.x); let y1 = lhs.y.max(rhs.y); let x2 = lhs.right().min(rhs.right()); let y2 = lhs.bottom().min(rhs.bottom()); Rect { x: x1, y: y1, width: x2.saturating_sub(x1), height: y2.saturating_sub(y1), } } pub fn offset_x(r: Rect, offset: u16) -> Rect { Rect { x: r.x + offset, width: r.width.saturating_sub(offset), ..r } } pub fn snap_to_right(bound: Rect, new_width: u16) -> Rect { offset_x(bound, bound.width.saturating_sub(new_width)) } pub fn line_bound(bound: Rect, line: usize) -> Rect { Rect { y: bound.y + line as u16, height: 1, ..bound } } } }