use crate::interactive::widgets::COUNT; use crate::interactive::{ app::tree_view::TreeView, fit_string_graphemes_with_ellipsis, widgets::entry_color, CursorDirection, }; use crosstermion::crossterm::event::{KeyEventKind, KeyModifiers}; use crosstermion::input::Key; use dua::{traverse::TreeIndex, ByteFormat}; use itertools::Itertools; use std::{ borrow::Borrow, collections::{btree_map::Entry, BTreeMap}, path::PathBuf, }; use tui::{ buffer::Buffer, layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout, Rect}, style::{Color, Modifier, Style}, text::{Line, Span, Text}, widgets::{ Block, Borders, Paragraph, Scrollbar, ScrollbarOrientation, ScrollbarState, StatefulWidget, Widget, }, }; use tui_react::{ draw_text_nowrap_fn, util::{block_width, rect, rect::line_bound}, List, ListProps, }; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; pub enum MarkMode { Delete, #[cfg(feature = "trash-move")] Trash, } pub type EntryMarkMap = BTreeMap; #[derive(Default)] pub struct EntryMark { pub size: u128, pub path: PathBuf, pub index: usize, pub num_errors_during_deletion: usize, pub is_dir: bool, pub entry_count: Option, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct MarkPane { selected: Option, marked: EntryMarkMap, list: List, has_focus: bool, last_sorting_index: usize, total_size: u128, item_count: u64, } pub struct MarkPaneProps { pub border_style: Style, pub format: ByteFormat, } impl MarkPane { #[cfg(test)] pub fn has_focus(&self) -> bool { self.has_focus } pub fn set_focus(&mut self, has_focus: bool) { self.has_focus = has_focus; if has_focus { self.selected = Some(self.marked.len().saturating_sub(1)); } else { self.selected = None } } pub fn toggle_index( mut self, index: TreeIndex, tree_view: &TreeView<'_>, is_dir: bool, toggle: bool, ) -> Option { match self.marked.entry(index) { Entry::Vacant(entry) => { if let Some(e) = tree_view.tree().node_weight(index) { let sorting_index = self.last_sorting_index + 1; self.last_sorting_index = sorting_index; entry.insert(EntryMark { size: e.size, path: tree_view.path_of(index), index: sorting_index, num_errors_during_deletion: 0, is_dir, entry_count: e.entry_count, }); } } Entry::Occupied(entry) => { if toggle { entry.remove(); } } }; if self.marked.is_empty() { None } else { (self.total_size, self.item_count) = calculate_size_and_count(&self.marked); Some(self) } } pub fn marked(&self) -> &EntryMarkMap { &self.marked } pub fn into_paths(self) -> impl Iterator { self.marked.into_values().map(|v| v.path) } pub fn process_events(mut self, key: Key) -> Option<(Self, Option)> { use crosstermion::crossterm::event::KeyCode::*; let action = None; if key.kind == KeyEventKind::Release { return Some((self, action)); } match key.code { Char('r') if key.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => { return Some(self.prepare_deletion(MarkMode::Delete)) } #[cfg(feature = "trash-move")] Char('t') if key.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => { return Some(self.prepare_deletion(MarkMode::Trash)) } Char('a') => return None, Char('H') => self.change_selection(CursorDirection::ToTop), Char('G') => self.change_selection(CursorDirection::ToBottom), PageUp => self.change_selection(CursorDirection::PageUp), Char('u') if key.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => { self.change_selection(CursorDirection::PageUp) } Char('d') if key.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => { self.change_selection(CursorDirection::PageDown) } PageDown => self.change_selection(CursorDirection::PageDown), Char('k') | Up => self.change_selection(CursorDirection::Up), Char('j') | Down => self.change_selection(CursorDirection::Down), Char('x') | Char('d') | Char(' ') => { return self.remove_selected().map(|s| (s, action)) } _ => {} }; Some((self, action)) } pub fn iterate_deletable_items( mut self, mut delete_fn: impl FnMut(Self, TreeIndex) -> Result, ) -> Option { loop { match self.next_entry_for_deletion() { Some(entry_to_delete) => match delete_fn(self, entry_to_delete) { Ok(pane) => { self = pane; match self.delete_entry() { Some(p) => self = p, None => return None, } } Err((pane, num_errors)) => { self = pane; self.set_error_on_marked_item(num_errors) } }, None => return Some(self), } } } fn next_entry_for_deletion(&mut self) -> Option { match self.selected.and_then(|selected| { self.tree_index_by_list_position(selected) .and_then(|idx| self.marked.get(&idx).map(|d| (selected, idx, d))) }) { Some((position, selected_index, data)) => match data.num_errors_during_deletion { 0 => Some(selected_index), _ => { self.selected = match position + 1 { p if p < self.marked.len() => Some(p), _ => Some(self.marked.len().saturating_sub(1)), }; self.tree_index_by_list_position(position + 1) } }, None => None, } } fn delete_entry(self) -> Option { self.remove_selected() } fn set_error_on_marked_item(&mut self, num_errors: usize) { if let Some(d) = self .selected .and_then(|s| self.tree_index_by_list_position(s)) .and_then(|p| self.marked.get_mut(&p)) { d.num_errors_during_deletion = num_errors; } } fn prepare_deletion(mut self, mark: MarkMode) -> (Self, Option) { for entry in self.marked.values_mut() { entry.num_errors_during_deletion = 0; } self.selected = Some(0); (self, Some(mark)) } fn remove_selected(mut self) -> Option { if let Some(mut selected) = self.selected { let idx = self.tree_index_by_list_position(selected); let se_len = self.marked.len(); if let Some(idx) = idx { self.marked.remove(&idx); let new_len = se_len.saturating_sub(1); if new_len == 0 { return None; } if new_len == selected { selected = selected.saturating_sub(1); } self.selected = Some(selected); } } Some(self) } fn tree_index_by_list_position(&mut self, selected: usize) -> Option { self.marked_sorted_by_index() .get(selected) .map(|(k, _)| *k.to_owned()) } fn marked_sorted_by_index(&self) -> Vec<(&TreeIndex, &EntryMark)> { self.marked .iter() .sorted_by_key(|(_, v)| &v.index) .collect() } fn change_selection(&mut self, direction: CursorDirection) { self.selected =|selected| { direction .move_cursor(selected) .min(self.marked.len().saturating_sub(1)) }); } pub fn render(&mut self, props: impl Borrow, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { let MarkPaneProps { border_style, format, } = props.borrow(); let marked: &_ = &self.marked; let title = format!( "Marked {} items ({}) ", COUNT.format(self.item_count as f64), format.display(self.total_size) ); let selected = self.selected; let has_focus = self.has_focus; let entries = marked.values().sorted_by_key(|v| &v.index).enumerate().map( |(idx, v): (usize, &EntryMark)| { let base_style = match selected { Some(selected) if idx == selected => { let mut modifier = Modifier::REVERSED; if has_focus { modifier.insert(Modifier::BOLD); } Style { add_modifier: modifier, ..Default::default() } } _ => Style::default(), }; let (path, path_len) = { let path = format!( " {} {}", v.path.display(), if v.num_errors_during_deletion != 0 { format!("{} IO deletion errors", v.num_errors_during_deletion) } else { "".to_string() } ); let num_path_graphemes = path.graphemes(true).count(); match num_path_graphemes + format.total_width() { n if n > area.width as usize => { let desired_size = num_path_graphemes.saturating_sub(n - area.width as usize); fit_string_graphemes_with_ellipsis( path, num_path_graphemes, desired_size, ) } _ => (path, num_path_graphemes), } }; let fg_path = entry_color(None, !v.is_dir, true); let path = Span::styled( path, Style { fg: fg_path, ..base_style }, ); let bytes = Span::styled( format!( "{:>byte_column_width$} ", format.display(v.size).to_string(), // we would have to impl alignment/padding ourselves otherwise... byte_column_width = format.width() ), Style { fg: Color::Green.into(), ..base_style }, ); let spacer = Span::styled( format!( "{:-space$}", "", space = (area.width as usize) .saturating_sub(path_len) .saturating_sub(format.total_width()) ), Style { fg: fg_path, ..base_style }, ); vec![path, spacer, bytes] }, ); let entry_in_view = match self.selected { Some(s) => Some(s), None => { self.list.offset = 0; Some(marked.len().saturating_sub(1)) } }; let block = Block::default() .title(title.as_str()) .border_style(*border_style) .borders(Borders::ALL); let inner_area = block.inner(area); block.render(area, buf); let list_area = if self.has_focus { let (help_line_area, list_area) = { let help_at_bottom = selected.unwrap_or(0) >= inner_area.height.saturating_sub(1) as usize / 2; let constraints = { let mut c = vec![Constraint::Length(1), Constraint::Max(256)]; if help_at_bottom { c.reverse(); } c }; let regions = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints(constraints) .split(inner_area); match help_at_bottom { true => (regions[1], regions[0]), false => (regions[0], regions[1]), } }; let default_style = Style { fg: Color::Black.into(), bg: Color::Yellow.into(), add_modifier: Modifier::BOLD, sub_modifier: Modifier::empty(), }; Paragraph::new(Text::from(Line::from(vec![ #[cfg(feature = "trash-move")] Span::styled( " Ctrl + t ", Style { fg: Color::White.into(), bg: Color::Black.into(), ..default_style }, ), #[cfg(feature = "trash-move")] Span::styled(" to trash or ", default_style), Span::styled( " Ctrl + r ", Style { fg: Color::LightRed.into(), bg: Color::Black.into(), add_modifier: default_style.add_modifier | Modifier::RAPID_BLINK, ..default_style }, ), Span::styled(" to delete without prompt", default_style), ]))) .style(default_style) .render(help_line_area, buf); list_area } else { inner_area }; let line_count = marked.len(); let props = ListProps { block: None, entry_in_view, }; self.list.render(props, entries, list_area, buf); let scrollbar = Scrollbar::default() .orientation(ScrollbarOrientation::VerticalRight) .begin_symbol(None) .end_symbol(None); let mut scrollbar_state = ScrollbarState::new(line_count).position(selected.unwrap_or(self.list.offset)); scrollbar.render( { let mut scrollbar_area = list_area; // The list has no blocks, so we need to increase // the render area for scrollbar to make sure it // will be drawn on the border. scrollbar_area.width += 1; scrollbar_area }, buf, &mut scrollbar_state, ); if has_focus { let help_text = " . = o|.. = u ── ⇊ = Ctrl+d|↓ = j|⇈ = Ctrl+u|↑ = k "; let help_text_block_width = block_width(help_text); let bound = Rect { width: area.width.saturating_sub(1), ..area }; if block_width(&title) + help_text_block_width <= bound.width { draw_text_nowrap_fn( rect::snap_to_right(bound, help_text_block_width), buf, help_text, |_, _, _| Style::default(), ); } let bound = line_bound(bound, bound.height.saturating_sub(1) as usize); let help_text = " mark-toggle = space,d | remove-all = a"; let help_text_block_width = block_width(help_text); if help_text_block_width <= bound.width { draw_text_nowrap_fn( rect::snap_to_right(bound, help_text_block_width), buf, help_text, |_, _, _| Style::default(), ); } } } } pub fn calculate_size_and_count(marked: &EntryMarkMap) -> (u128, u64) { let entries: Vec<&EntryMark> = marked .iter() .map(|(_k, v)| v) .sorted_by(|a, b| Ord::cmp(&a.path, &b.path)) .collect(); let mut size = 0u128; let mut item_count = 0u64; for (idx, entry) in entries.iter().enumerate() { let mut is_subdirectory = false; for other in &entries[0..idx] { if other.is_dir && entry.path.starts_with(&other.path) { is_subdirectory = true; break; } } if !is_subdirectory { size += entry.size; item_count += entry.entry_count.unwrap_or(1); } } (size, item_count) } #[cfg(test)] mod mark_pane_tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_calculate_size() { let mut marked = EntryMarkMap::new(); marked.insert( TreeIndex::new(0), EntryMark { size: 2, path: PathBuf::from("root/test1"), ..Default::default() }, ); marked.insert( TreeIndex::new(1), EntryMark { size: 10, path: PathBuf::from("root"), is_dir: true, entry_count: Some(2), ..Default::default() }, ); marked.insert( TreeIndex::new(2), EntryMark { size: 5, path: PathBuf::from("root1"), ..Default::default() }, ); marked.insert( TreeIndex::new(3), EntryMark { size: 2, path: PathBuf::from("root/test2"), ..Default::default() }, ); assert_eq!(calculate_size_and_count(&marked), (15u128, 3u64)); } }