use crate::interactive::{ path_of, widgets::{entry_color, EntryMarkMap}, DisplayOptions, EntryDataBundle, }; use dua::traverse::{Tree, TreeIndex}; use itertools::Itertools; use std::{borrow::Borrow, path::Path}; use tui::{ buffer::Buffer, layout::Rect, style::{Color, Modifier, Style}, widgets::{Block, Borders, Text}, }; use tui_react::util::rect::line_bound; use tui_react::{ draw_text_nowrap_fn, fill_background_to_right, util::{block_width, rect}, List, ListProps, }; pub struct EntriesProps<'a> { pub tree: &'a Tree, pub root: TreeIndex, pub display: DisplayOptions, pub selected: Option, pub entries: &'a [EntryDataBundle], pub marked: Option<&'a EntryMarkMap>, pub border_style: Style, pub is_focussed: bool, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Entries { pub list: List, } impl Entries { pub fn render<'a>( &mut self, props: impl Borrow>, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer, ) { let EntriesProps { tree, root, display, entries, selected, marked, border_style, is_focussed, } = props.borrow(); let list = &mut self.list; let is_top = |node_idx| { tree.neighbors_directed(node_idx, petgraph::Incoming) .next() .is_none() }; let total: u128 = entries.iter().map(|b|; let title = match path_of(tree, *root).to_string_lossy().to_string() { ref p if p.is_empty() => Path::new(".") .canonicalize() .map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from(".")), p => p, }; let title = format!( " {} ({} item{}) ", title, entries.len(), match entries.len() { 1 => "", _ => "s", } ); let block = Block::default() .title(&title) .border_style(*border_style) .borders(Borders::ALL); let entry_in_view =|selected| { entries .iter() .find_position(|b| b.index == selected) .map(|(idx, _)| idx) .unwrap_or(0) }); let props = ListProps { block: Some(block), entry_in_view, }; let lines = entries.iter().map( |EntryDataBundle { index: node_idx, data: w, is_dir, exists, }| { let mut style = Style::default(); let is_selected = if let Some(idx) = selected { *idx == *node_idx } else { false }; if is_selected { style.modifier.insert(Modifier::REVERSED); } if *is_focussed & is_selected { style.modifier.insert(Modifier::BOLD); } let bytes = Text::Styled( format!( "{:>byte_column_width$}", display.byte_format.display(w.size).to_string(), // we would have to impl alignment/padding ourselves otherwise... byte_column_width = display.byte_format.width() ) .into(), Style { fg: Color::Green, }, ); let percentage = Text::Styled( format!( " |{}| ", display.byte_vis.display(w.size as f32 / total as f32) ) .into(), style, ); let name = Text::Styled( fill_background_to_right( format!( "{prefix}{}",, prefix = if *is_dir && !is_top(*root) { "/" } else { " " } ), area.width, ) .into(), { let is_marked =|m| m.contains_key(node_idx)).unwrap_or(false); let fg = if !exists { // non-existing - always red! Color::Red } else { entry_color(style.fg, !is_dir, is_marked) }; Style { fg, } }, ); vec![bytes, percentage, name] }, ); list.render(props, lines, area, buf); if *is_focussed { let help_text = " . = o|.. = u ── ⇊ = CTRL+d|↓ = j|⇈ = CTRL+u|↑ = k "; let help_text_block_width = block_width(help_text); let bound = Rect { width: area.width.saturating_sub(1), ..area }; if block_width(&title) + help_text_block_width <= bound.width { draw_text_nowrap_fn( rect::snap_to_right(bound, help_text_block_width), buf, help_text, |_, _, _| Style::default(), ); } let bound = line_bound(bound, bound.height.saturating_sub(1) as usize); let help_text = " mark-move = d | mark-toggle = space "; let help_text_block_width = block_width(help_text); if help_text_block_width <= bound.width { draw_text_nowrap_fn( rect::snap_to_right(bound, help_text_block_width), buf, help_text, |_, _, _| Style::default(), ); } } } }