use crate::{ interactive::app_test::utils::{ fixture_str, index_by_name, initialized_app_and_terminal_from_fixture, node_by_index, node_by_name, }, interactive::app_test::FIXTURE_PATH, interactive::SortMode, }; use failure::Error; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use std::ffi::OsString; use termion::input::TermRead; #[test] fn simple_user_journey_read_only() -> Result<(), Error> { let long_root = "sample-02/dir"; let short_root = "sample-01"; let (mut terminal, mut app) = initialized_app_and_terminal_from_fixture(&[short_root, long_root])?; // POST-INIT // after initialization, we expect that... { assert_eq!( app.state.sorting, SortMode::SizeDescending, "it will sort entries in descending order by size" ); let first_selected_path = OsString::from(format!("{}/{}", FIXTURE_PATH, long_root)); assert_eq!( node_by_name(&app, &first_selected_path).name, first_selected_path, "the roots are always listed with the given (possibly long) names", ); assert_eq!( node_by_name(&app, fixture_str(short_root)), node_by_index(&app, *app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap()), "it selects the first node in the list", ); assert_eq!( app.traversal.root_index, app.state.root, "the root is the 'virtual' root", ); } // SORTING { // when hitting the S key app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"s".keys())?; assert_eq!( app.state.sorting, SortMode::SizeAscending, "it sets the sort mode to ascending by size" ); assert_eq!( node_by_index(&app, app.state.entries[0].index), node_by_name(&app, fixture_str(long_root)), "it recomputes the cached entries" ); // when hitting the S key again app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"s".keys())?; assert_eq!( app.state.sorting, SortMode::SizeDescending, "it sets the sort mode to descending by size" ); assert_eq!( node_by_index(&app, app.state.entries[0].index), node_by_name(&app, fixture_str(short_root)), "it recomputes the cached entries" ); } // Entry-Navigation { // when hitting the j key app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"j".keys())?; assert_eq!( node_by_name(&app, fixture_str(long_root)), node_by_index(&app, *app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap()), "it moves the cursor down and selects the next entry based on the current sort mode" ); // when hitting it while there is nowhere to go app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"j".keys())?; assert_eq!( node_by_name(&app, fixture_str(long_root)), node_by_index(&app, *app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap()), "it stays at the previous position" ); // when hitting the k key app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"k".keys())?; assert_eq!( node_by_name(&app, fixture_str(short_root)), node_by_index(&app, *app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap()), "it moves the cursor up and selects the next entry based on the current sort mode" ); // when hitting the k key again app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"k".keys())?; assert_eq!( node_by_name(&app, fixture_str(short_root)), node_by_index(&app, *app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap()), "it stays at the current cursor position as there is nowhere to go" ); // when hitting the o key with a directory selected app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"o".keys())?; { let new_root_idx = index_by_name(&app, fixture_str(short_root)); assert_eq!( new_root_idx, app.state.root, "it enters the entry if it is a directory, changing the root" ); assert_eq!( index_by_name(&app, "dir"), *app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap(), "it selects the first entry in the directory" ); // when hitting the u key while inside a sub-directory app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"u".keys())?; { assert_eq!( app.traversal.root_index, app.state.root, "it sets the root to be the (roots) parent directory, being the virtual root" ); assert_eq!( node_by_name(&app, fixture_str(short_root)), node_by_index(&app, *app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap()), "changes the selection to the first item in the list of entries" ); } } // when hitting the u key while inside of the root directory // We are moving the cursor down just to have a non-default selection app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"ju".keys())?; { assert_eq!( app.traversal.root_index, app.state.root, "it keeps the root - it can't go further up" ); assert_eq!( node_by_name(&app, fixture_str(long_root)), node_by_index(&app, *app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap()), "keeps the previous selection" ); } } // Deletion { // when hitting the 'd' key (also move cursor back to start) app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"k".keys())?; let previously_selected_index = *app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap(); app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"d".keys())?; { assert_eq!( Some(1), app.window.mark_pane.as_ref().map(|p| p.marked().len()), "it marks only a single node", ); assert!( app.window.mark_pane.as_ref().map_or(false, |p| p .marked() .contains_key(&previously_selected_index)), "it marks the selected node" ); assert_eq!( app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap().index(), app.state.entries[1].index.index(), "moves the cursor down one level to facilitate many markings in a row" ); } // when hitting the 'd' key again { app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"d".keys())?; assert_eq!( Some(2), app.window.mark_pane.as_ref().map(|p| p.marked().len()), "it marks the currently selected, second node", ); assert_eq!( app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap().index(), app.state.entries[1].index.index(), "it could not advance the cursor, thus the newly marked item is still selected" ); } // when hitting the 'd' key once again { app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"d".keys())?; assert_eq!( Some(1), app.window.mark_pane.as_ref().map(|p| p.marked().len()), "it toggled the previous selected entry off", ); assert!( app.window.mark_pane.as_ref().map_or(false, |p| p .marked() .contains_key(&previously_selected_index)), "it leaves the first selected entry marked" ); } // when hitting the spacebar (after moving up to the first entry) { app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"k ".keys())?; assert_eq!( None, app.window.mark_pane.as_ref().map(|p| p.marked().len()), "it toggles the item off", ); assert_eq!( node_by_index(&app, previously_selected_index), node_by_index(&app, *app.state.selected.as_ref().unwrap()), "it does not advance the selection" ); } } // Marking { // select something app.process_events(&mut terminal, b" j ".keys())?; assert_eq!( Some(false), app.window.mark_pane.as_ref().map(|p| p.has_focus()), "the marker pane starts out without focus", ); assert_eq!( Some(2), app.window.mark_pane.as_ref().map(|p| p.marked().len()), "it has two items marked", ); // when advancing the selection to the marker pane app.process_events(&mut terminal, b"\t".keys())?; { assert_eq!( Some(true), app.window.mark_pane.as_ref().map(|p| p.has_focus()), "after tabbing into it, it has focus", ); } // TODO: a bunch of additional tests are missing (handling of markers, deselecting them) // Yes, caught me, no TDD for these things, just because in Rust it's not needed as things // tend to just work when they compile, and while experimenting, tests can be in the way. // However, if Dua should be more widely used, we need CI and these tests written. } Ok(()) }