use crate::interactive::path_of; use dua::traverse::{Tree, TreeIndex}; use itertools::Itertools; use petgraph::Direction; use std::time::SystemTime; use std::{cmp::Ordering, path::PathBuf}; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; #[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialOrd, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum SortMode { #[default] SizeDescending, SizeAscending, MTimeDescending, MTimeAscending, CountDescending, CountAscending, } impl SortMode { pub fn toggle_size(&mut self) { use SortMode::*; *self = match self { SizeDescending => SizeAscending, SizeAscending => SizeDescending, _ => SizeDescending, } } pub fn toggle_mtime(&mut self) { use SortMode::*; *self = match self { MTimeAscending => MTimeDescending, MTimeDescending => MTimeAscending, _ => MTimeDescending, } } pub fn toggle_count(&mut self) { use SortMode::*; *self = match self { CountAscending => CountDescending, CountDescending => CountAscending, _ => CountDescending, } } } pub struct EntryDataBundle { pub index: TreeIndex, pub name: PathBuf, pub size: u128, pub mtime: SystemTime, pub entry_count: Option, pub is_dir: bool, pub exists: bool, } /// Note that with `glob_root` present, we will not obtain metadata anymore as we might be seeing /// a lot of entries. That way, displaying 250k entries is no problem. pub fn sorted_entries( tree: &Tree, node_idx: TreeIndex, sorting: SortMode, glob_root: Option, ) -> Vec { use SortMode::*; fn cmp_count(l: &EntryDataBundle, r: &EntryDataBundle) -> Ordering { l.entry_count .cmp(&r.entry_count) .then_with(|| } tree.neighbors_directed(node_idx, Direction::Outgoing) .filter_map(|idx| { tree.node_weight(idx).map(|entry| { let use_glob_path = glob_root.map_or(false, |glob_root| glob_root == node_idx); let (path, exists, is_dir) = { let path = path_of(tree, idx, glob_root); if glob_root == Some(node_idx) { (path, true, entry.is_dir) } else { let meta = path.symlink_metadata(); (path, meta.is_ok(), meta.ok().map_or(false, |m| m.is_dir())) } }; EntryDataBundle { index: idx, name: if use_glob_path { path } else { }, size: entry.size, mtime: entry.mtime, entry_count: entry.entry_count, exists, is_dir, } }) }) .sorted_by(|l, r| match sorting { SizeDescending => r.size.cmp(&l.size), SizeAscending => l.size.cmp(&r.size), MTimeAscending => l.mtime.cmp(&r.mtime), MTimeDescending => r.mtime.cmp(&l.mtime), CountAscending => cmp_count(l, r), CountDescending => cmp_count(l, r).reverse(), }) .collect() } pub fn fit_string_graphemes_with_ellipsis( s: impl Into, path_graphemes_count: usize, mut desired_graphemes: usize, ) -> (String, usize) { const ELLIPSIS: usize = 1; const MIN_GRAPHEMES_ON_SIDE: usize = 1; const MIN_LEN: usize = ELLIPSIS + MIN_GRAPHEMES_ON_SIDE; const USE_EXTENDED: bool = true; let s = s.into(); desired_graphemes = desired_graphemes.max(MIN_LEN); debug_assert!( path_graphemes_count == s.graphemes(USE_EXTENDED).count(), "input grapheme count is actually correct" ); let gc = path_graphemes_count; if gc <= desired_graphemes { return (s, gc); } let mut n = String::with_capacity(desired_graphemes); let to_be_removed = gc - desired_graphemes + ELLIPSIS; let gmi = s.graphemes(USE_EXTENDED); n.push('…'); n.extend(gmi.skip(to_be_removed)); (n, desired_graphemes) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn fit_string_inputs() { assert_eq!( ("aaa".into(), 3), fit_string_graphemes_with_ellipsis("aaa", 3, 4) ); assert_eq!( ("…a".to_string(), 2), fit_string_graphemes_with_ellipsis("abbbba", 6, 1), "even amount of chars, desired too small" ); assert_eq!( ("…ca".to_string(), 3), fit_string_graphemes_with_ellipsis("abbbbca", 7, 3), "uneven amount of chars, desired too small" ); assert_eq!( ("… a".to_string(), 3), fit_string_graphemes_with_ellipsis("a a", 6, 3), "spaces are counted as graphemes, too" ); } }