use crate::{crossdev, InodeFilter, WalkOptions, WalkResult}; use anyhow::Result; use filesize::PathExt; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::{fmt, io, path::Path}; use termion::color; /// Aggregate the given `paths` and write information about them to `out` in a human-readable format. /// If `compute_total` is set, it will write an additional line with the total size across all given `paths`. /// If `sort_by_size_in_bytes` is set, we will sort all sizes (ascending) before outputting them. pub fn aggregate( mut out: impl io::Write, walk_options: WalkOptions, compute_total: bool, sort_by_size_in_bytes: bool, paths: impl IntoIterator>, ) -> Result<(WalkResult, Statistics)> { let mut res = WalkResult::default(); let mut stats = Statistics::default(); stats.smallest_file_in_bytes = u128::max_value(); let mut total = 0; let mut num_roots = 0; let mut aggregates = Vec::new(); let mut inodes = InodeFilter::default(); let paths: Vec<_> = paths.into_iter().collect(); for path in paths.into_iter() { num_roots += 1; let mut num_bytes = 0u128; let mut num_errors = 0u64; let device_id = crossdev::init(path.as_ref())?; for entry in walk_options.iter_from_path(path.as_ref()) { stats.entries_traversed += 1; match entry { Ok(entry) => { let file_size = match entry.client_state { Some(Ok(ref m)) if !m.is_dir() && (walk_options.count_hard_links || inodes.add(m)) && (walk_options.cross_filesystems || crossdev::is_same_device(device_id, m)) => { if walk_options.apparent_size { m.len() } else { entry.path().size_on_disk_fast(m).unwrap_or_else(|_| { num_errors += 1; 0 }) } } Some(Ok(_)) => 0, Some(Err(_)) => { num_errors += 1; 0 } None => unreachable!("must have populated client state for metadata"), } as u128; stats.largest_file_in_bytes = stats.largest_file_in_bytes.max(file_size); stats.smallest_file_in_bytes = stats.smallest_file_in_bytes.min(file_size); num_bytes += file_size; } Err(_) => num_errors += 1, } } if sort_by_size_in_bytes { aggregates.push((path.as_ref().to_owned(), num_bytes, num_errors)); } else { write_path( &mut out, &walk_options, &path, num_bytes, num_errors, path_color(&path), )?; } total += num_bytes; res.num_errors += num_errors; } if stats.entries_traversed == 0 { stats.smallest_file_in_bytes = 0; } if sort_by_size_in_bytes { aggregates.sort_by_key(|&(_, num_bytes, _)| num_bytes); for (path, num_bytes, num_errors) in aggregates.into_iter() { write_path( &mut out, &walk_options, &path, num_bytes, num_errors, path_color(&path), )?; } } if num_roots > 1 && compute_total { write_path( &mut out, &walk_options, Path::new("total"), total, res.num_errors, color::Fg(color::Reset), )?; } Ok((res, stats)) } fn path_color(path: impl AsRef) -> Box { if path.as_ref().is_file() { Box::new(color::Fg(color::LightBlack)) } else { Box::new(color::Fg(color::Reset)) } } fn write_path( out: &mut impl io::Write, options: &WalkOptions, path: impl AsRef, num_bytes: u128, num_errors: u64, path_color: C, ) -> std::result::Result<(), io::Error> { writeln!( out, "{byte_color}{:>byte_column_width$}{byte_color_reset} {path_color}{}{path_color_reset}{}", options.byte_format.display(num_bytes).to_string(), // needed for formatting to work (unless we implement it ourselves) path.as_ref().display(), if num_errors == 0 { Cow::Borrowed("") } else { Cow::Owned(format!( " <{} IO Error{}>", num_errors, if num_errors > 1 { "s" } else { "" } )) }, byte_color = options.color.display(color::Fg(color::Green)), byte_color_reset = options.color.display(color::Fg(color::Reset)), path_color = options.color.display(path_color), path_color_reset = options.color.display(color::Fg(color::Reset)), byte_column_width = options.byte_format.width() ) } /// Statistics obtained during a filesystem walk #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct Statistics { /// The amount of entries we have seen during filesystem traversal pub entries_traversed: u64, /// The size of the smallest file encountered in bytes pub smallest_file_in_bytes: u128, /// The size of the largest file encountered in bytes pub largest_file_in_bytes: u128, }