**dua** (-> _Disk Usage Analyzer_) is a tool to conveniently learn about the usage of disk space of a given directory. It's parallel by default and will max out your SSD, providing relevant information as fast as possible. [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/au3neIHDGtYYj4blyTXR8VkJz.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/au3neIHDGtYYj4blyTXR8VkJz) ### Installation Via `cargo`, which can be obtained using [rustup][rustup] ``` cargo install dua-cli ``` ### Usage ```bash # count the space used in the current working directory dua # count the space used in all directories that are not hidden dua * # learn about additional functionality dua aggregate --help ``` ### Roadmap #### 🚧v2.0 (_wip_) - interactive visualization of directory sizes with an option to queue their deletion A sub-command bringing up a terminal user interface to allow drilling into directories, and clearing them out, all just using the keyboard. ##### Other Features * [ ] Single Unit Mode, see [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/bvjtan/introducing_dua_a_parallel_du_for_humans/epsroxg/) * [ ] Evaluate unit coloring #### ✅v1.0 (_released_) - aggregate directories, fast Simple CLI to list top-level directories similar to sn-sort, but faster and more tailored to getting an idea of where most space is used. ### Development #### Run tests ```bash make journey-tests ``` #### Learn about other targets ``` make ``` ### Acknowledgements Thanks to [jwalk][jwalk], all there was left to do is to write a command-line interface. As `jwalk` matures, **dua** should benefit instantly. [rustup]: https://rustup.rs/ [jwalk]: https://crates.io/crates/jwalk