[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Byron/dua-cli.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Byron/dua-cli) **dua** (-> _Disk Usage Analyzer_) is a tool to conveniently learn about the usage of disk space of a given directory. It's parallel by default and will max out your SSD, providing relevant information as fast as possible. [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/AaFU0fPE2E612XCjpNg9JeAgX.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/AaFU0fPE2E612XCjpNg9JeAgX) ### Installation ### Binary Release ```sh curl -LSfs https://japaric.github.io/trust/install.sh | \ sh -s -- --git byron/dua-cli --crate dua ``` #### Cargo Via `cargo`, which can be obtained using [rustup][rustup] ``` cargo install dua-cli ``` #### VoidLinux Via `xbps` on your VoidLinux system. ``` xbps-install dua-cli ``` #### Fedora Via `dnf` on your Fedora system. ``` sudo dnf install dua-cli ``` ### Usage ```bash # count the space used in the current working directory dua # count the space used in all directories that are not hidden dua * # learn about additional functionality dua aggregate --help ``` ### Interactive Mode Launch into interactive mode with the `i` or `interactive` subcommand. Get help on keyboard shortcuts with `?`. Use this mode to explore, and/or to delete files and directories to release disk space. Please note that great care has been taken to prevent accidential deletions due to a multi-stage process, which makes this mode viable for exploration. ```bash dua i dua interactive ``` ### Roadmap #### 🚧v2.3 - Various features and fixes as they come up while people are using it ##### Other Features * [ ] Evaluate unit coloring - can we highlight different units better, make them stick out? #### ✅ v2.3.7 Upgrade to filesize 0.2.0 from 0.1.0; update dependency versions #### ✅ v2.3.6 Upgrade to jwalk 0.5 bringing better threading control and no symlink following during traversal #### ✅ v2.3.5 Fast exit from interactive mode for a responsive exit; dependency updates (except jwalk) #### ✅ v2.3.4 YANKED - jwalk 0.5.0 wasn't used correctly which led to a performance regression #### ✅ v2.3.3 YANKED - journey tests failed to changed method signature #### ✅ v2.3.2 Incude the license file in crate #### ✅ v2.3.1 Include .md files in Crate, update dependencies #### ✅ v2.3 Show size on disk by default; Dependency Update Thanks to [this PR](https://github.com/Byron/dua-cli/pull/37), hard links are now not counted anymore. The `-l` flag will count hard links as it did before. And of course, this has no noticable performance impact. #### ✅ v2.2 Show size on disk by default; Dependency Update Thanks to [this PR](https://github.com/Byron/dua-cli/pull/35), the old apparent size can be displayed with the `-A` flag, and the much more useful 'size on disk' is now shown by default. To my pleasant surprise, this does not seem to affect performance at all - everything stays speedy. #### ✅ v2.1.13-- Dependency Update; Github Releases Binaries for Linux and MacOS are now available on GitHub Releases. #### ✅ v2.1.12-- More obvious highlighting of active panel Depending on the terminal used, it might not have been obvious which panel was active. This might be confusing to new and current users. Now the color of the widget frame is changed to light gray, instead of remaining gray. #### ✅ v2.1.11 - Finally fix symlink handling `dua` will not follow symbolic links when deleting directories. Thank a ton, @vks! _Technical Notes_: Handling symbolic links properly is impossible without usage of `symlink_metadata()`. #### ✅ v2.1.10 - compatibility with light terminals * the TUI is now usable on light terminals, and highlighting is more consistent. Thank you, @vks! * Fixes misaligned columns when displaying '100.00%' alongside other rows by displaying `100.0%` instead. Thanks, @vks, for pointing it out. #### ✅ v2.1.9 - improved handling of broken symlinks * during symlink deletion, now broken symlinks will be deleted as expected. * always return to the previous terminal screen so the TUI doesn't stick to the current one. * display broken symlinks on the first level of iteration. #### ✅ v2.1.8 - don't follow symbolic links when deleting directories [A critical bug was discovered](https://github.com/Byron/dua-cli/issues/24) which would lead to deletion of unwanted `directories` as `dua` would follow symbolic links during traversal during deletion. Please note that symbolic links to files would be treated correctly, only removing the symbolic link. This is now fixed. #### ✅ v2.1.7 - use latest version of open-rs That way, pressing `shift + O` to open the currently selected file won't possibly spam the terminal with messages caused by the program used to find the system program to open the file. Fixes [#14](https://github.com/Byron/dua-cli/issues/14) #### ✅ v2.1.5 - re-release with Cargo.lock #### ✅ v2.1.2 bug fixes and improvements * Performance fix when showing folders with large amounts of files * Display of amount of entries per directory #### ✅ v2.1.1 bug fixes and improvements * Better information about deletion progress * removal of windows support #### ✅ v2.1.0- bug fixes and improvements * windows support (never actually worked), usage of crossterm is difficult thanks to completely different input handling. * additional key-bindings * auto-restore previous selection in each visited directory #### ✅ v2.0.1- bug fixes and improvements * fix typo in title * better display of IO-Errors in aggregate mode #### ✅ v2.0.0 - interactive visualization of directory sizes with an option to queue their deletion A sub-command bringing up a terminal user interface to allow drilling into directories, and clearing them out, all using the keyboard exclusively. ##### Other Features * [x] Single Unit Mode, see [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/bvjtan/introducing_dua_a_parallel_du_for_humans/epsroxg/) #### ✅v1.2 (_released_) - - the first usable, read-only interactive terminal user interface That's that. We also use `tui-react`, something that makes it much more pleasant to handle the application and GUI state. #### ✅v1.0 (_released_) - aggregate directories, fast Simple CLI to list top-level directories similar to sn-sort, but faster and more tailored to getting an idea of where most space is used. ### Development #### Run tests ```bash make tests ``` #### Learn about other targets ``` make ``` ### Acknowledgements Thanks to [jwalk][jwalk], all there was left to do is to write a command-line interface. As `jwalk` matures, **dua** should benefit instantly. ### Limitations * Interactive mode only looks good in dark terminals (see [this issue](https://github.com/Byron/dua-cli/issues/13)) * _easy fix_: file names in main window are not truncated if too large. They are cut off on the right. * There are plenty of examples in `tests/fixtures` which don't render correctly in interactive mode. This can be due to graphemes not interpreted correctly. With Chinese characters for instance, column sizes are not correctly computed, leading to certain columns not being shown. In other cases, the terminal gets things wrong - I use alacritty, and with certain characaters it performs worse than, say iTerm3. See https://github.com/minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings/blob/master/blns.txt for the source. * One cannot abort the filesystem traversal * as we are in raw terminal mode, signals will not be sent to us. As as we are single-threaded in the GUI, we can not listen to input events while traversing the filesystem. This can be solved, of course, and I would love the solution to use async :). * In interactive mode, you will need about 60MB of memory for 1 million entries in the graph. * In interactive mode, the maximum amount of files is limited to 2^32 - 1 (`u32::max_value() - 1`) entries. * One node is used as to 'virtual' root * The actual amount of nodes stored might be lower, as there might be more edges than nodes, which are also limited by a `u32` (I guess) * The limitation is imposed by the underlying [`petgraph`][petgraph] crate, which declares it as `unsafe` to use u64 for instance. * It's possibly *UB* when that limit is reached, however, it was never observed either. * Dedication to `termion` * we use [`termion`][termion] exlusively, and even though [`tui`][tui] supports multiple backends, we only support its termion backend. _Reason_: `tui` is only used for parts of the program, and in all other parts `termion` is used for coloring the output. Thus we wouldn't support changing to a different backend anyway unless everything is done with TUI, which is really not what it is made for. [petgraph]: https://crates.io/crates/petgraph [rustup]: https://rustup.rs/ [jwalk]: https://crates.io/crates/jwalk [termion]: https://crates.io/crates/termion [tui]: https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs