docker_image = docker_developer_environment help: $(info -Targets -----------------------------------------------------------------------------) $(info -Development Targets -----------------------------------------------------------------) $(info lint | run lints with clippy) $(info benchmark | just for fun, really) $(info profile | only on linux - run callgrind and annotate it) $(info tests | run all tests) $(info unit-tests | run all unit tests) $(info continuous-unit-tests | run all unit tests whenever something changes) $(info journey-tests | run all stateless journey test) $(info continuous-journey-tests | run all stateless journey test whenever something changes) $(info -- Use docker for all dependencies - run make interactively from there ----------------) $(info interactive-developer-environment-in-docker | gives you everything you need to run all targets) always: interactive-developer-environment-in-docker: docker build -t $(docker_image) - < etc/developer.Dockerfile docker run -v $$PWD:/volume -w /volume -it $(docker_image) target/debug/dua: always cargo build target/release/dua: always cargo build --release lint: cargo clippy profile: target/release/dua valgrind --callgrind-out-file=callgrind.profile --tool=callgrind $< >/dev/null callgrind_annotate --auto=yes callgrind.profile benchmark: target/release/dua hyperfine '$<' tests: unit-tests journey-tests unit-tests: cargo test --bin dua continuous-unit-tests: watchexec $(MAKE) unit-tests journey-tests: target/debug/dua ./tests/ $< continuous-journey-tests: watchexec $(MAKE) journey-tests