diff options
authorSebastian Thiel <>2020-04-12 09:02:08 +0800
committerSebastian Thiel <>2020-04-12 09:05:43 +0800
commit6d91259c03591eb65c26a709d5906d98ea42b1ed (patch)
parent66f2bf7a223dbd80457df730a7f282b793a2f10e (diff)
Bye bye travis, we had a really good time…
…but unfortunately your javascripts loads way too slowly in China. [skip CI]
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c624295..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Based on the "trust" template v0.1.2
-dist: trusty
-language: rust
-services: docker
-sudo: required
- global:
- - CRATE_NAME=dua
- include:
- - env: ENABLE_TESTS=1
- # Linux
- # fails as /usr/bin/file can't be found. Fair enough
- # - env: TARGET=i686-unknown-linux-musl
- - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
- # OSX
- - env: TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin
- os: osx
- - cargo
- # Travis can't cache files that are not readable by "others"
- - chmod -R a+r $HOME/.cargo
- only:
- # release tags
- - /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/
- - master
- - set -e
- - rustup self update
- - sh ci/
- - source ~/.cargo/env || true
- - bash ci/
-after_script: set +e
- - sh ci/
- - provider: releases
- api_key:
- secure: "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"
- file_glob: true
- on:
- condition: $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION = stable && -n "$TARGET"
- tags: true
- skip_cleanup: true
diff --git a/ b/
index ca1ed9b..ba3f315 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -103,10 +103,6 @@ Thanks to [jwalk][jwalk], all there was left to do is to write a command-line in
In other cases, the terminal gets things wrong - I use alacritty, and with certain characaters it
performs worse than, say iTerm3.
See for the source.
-* One cannot abort the filesystem traversal
- * as we are in raw terminal mode, signals will not be sent to us. As as we are single-threaded in
- the GUI, we can not listen to input events while traversing the filesystem. This can be solved,
- of course, and I would love the solution to use async :).
* In interactive mode, you will need about 60MB of memory for 1 million entries in the graph.
* In interactive mode, the maximum amount of files is limited to 2^32 - 1 (`u32::max_value() - 1`) entries.
* One node is used as to 'virtual' root