diff options
authorPiotr Wach <>2023-12-08 11:38:28 +0000
committerPiotr Wach <>2023-12-08 11:38:28 +0000
commitb5b6abae35a5f205cd57e172c7aa4e9dd16d2053 (patch)
parent917339ff02e52cc3d258a350f5cb078e152f439a (diff)
Refactors entries panel by moving code to separate functions
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/src/interactive/widgets/ b/src/interactive/widgets/
index 3362c89..33cad83 100644
--- a/src/interactive/widgets/
+++ b/src/interactive/widgets/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use crate::interactive::{
DisplayOptions, EntryDataBundle, SortMode,
use chrono::DateTime;
-use dua::traverse::{Tree, TreeIndex};
+use dua::traverse::{EntryData, Tree, TreeIndex};
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::{borrow::Borrow, path::Path};
use tui::{
@@ -65,36 +65,12 @@ impl Entries {
let total: u128 = entries.iter().map(|b|;
- let title = match path_of(tree, *root).to_string_lossy().to_string() {
- ref p if p.is_empty() => Path::new(".")
- .canonicalize()
- .map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().to_string())
- .unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from(".")),
- p => p,
- };
- let title = format!(
- " {} ({} item{}) ",
- title,
- entries.len(),
- match entries.len() {
- 1 => "",
- _ => "s",
- }
- );
- let block = Block::default()
- .title(title.as_str())
- .border_style(*border_style)
- .borders(Borders::ALL);
- let entry_in_view =|selected| {
- entries
- .iter()
- .find_position(|b| b.index == selected)
- .map(|(idx, _)| idx)
- .unwrap_or(0)
- });
+ let title = title(&current_path(tree, root), entries.len());
+ let title_block = title_block(&title, border_style);
+ let entry_in_view = entry_in_view(selected, entries);
let props = ListProps {
- block: Some(block),
+ block: Some(title_block),
let lines = entries.iter().map(
@@ -104,129 +80,222 @@ impl Entries {
}| {
- let mut style = Style::default();
- let is_selected = if let Some(idx) = selected {
- *idx == *node_idx
- } else {
- false
- };
- if is_selected {
- style.add_modifier.insert(Modifier::REVERSED);
- }
- if *is_focussed & is_selected {
- style.add_modifier.insert(Modifier::BOLD);
- }
+ let is_selected = is_selected(selected, node_idx);
let fraction = w.size as f32 / total as f32;
- let should_avoid_showing_a_big_reversed_bar = fraction > 0.9;
- let local_style = if should_avoid_showing_a_big_reversed_bar {
- style.remove_modifier(Modifier::REVERSED)
- } else {
- style
- };
- let datetime = DateTime::<chrono::Utc>::from(w.mtime);
- let formatted_time = datetime.format("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").to_string();
- let mtime = Span::styled(
- format!("{:>20}", formatted_time),
- Style {
- fg: match sort_mode {
- SortMode::SizeAscending | SortMode::SizeDescending => style.fg,
- SortMode::MTimeAscending | SortMode::MTimeDescending => {
- Color::Green.into()
- }
- },
- },
- );
- let bar = Span::styled(" | ", local_style);
- let bytes = Span::styled(
- format!(
- "{:>byte_column_width$}",
- display.byte_format.display(w.size).to_string(), // we would have to impl alignment/padding ourselves otherwise...
- byte_column_width = display.byte_format.width()
- ),
- Style {
- fg: match sort_mode {
- SortMode::SizeAscending | SortMode::SizeDescending => {
- Color::Green.into()
- }
- SortMode::MTimeAscending | SortMode::MTimeDescending => style.fg,
- },
- },
- );
- let left_bar = Span::styled(" |", local_style);
- let percentage = Span::styled(
- format!("{}", display.byte_vis.display(fraction)),
- local_style,
- );
- let right_bar = Span::styled("| ", local_style);
- let name = Span::styled(
- fill_background_to_right(
- format!(
- "{prefix}{}",
- prefix = if *is_dir && !is_top(*root) { "/" } else { " " }
- ),
- area.width,
- ),
- {
- let is_marked =|m| m.contains_key(node_idx)).unwrap_or(false);
- let fg = if !exists {
- // non-existing - always red!
- Some(Color::Red)
- } else {
- entry_color(style.fg, !*is_dir, is_marked)
- };
- Style { fg, }
- },
- );
+ let style = style(is_selected, is_focussed);
+ let mut columns = Vec::new();
if should_show_mtime_column(sort_mode) {
- vec![mtime, bar, bytes, left_bar, percentage, right_bar, name]
- } else {
- vec![bytes, left_bar, percentage, right_bar, name]
+ columns.push(mtime_column(w, sort_mode, style));
+ columns.push(bytes_column(display, w, sort_mode, style));
+ columns.push(percentage_column(display, fraction, style));
+ columns.push(name_column(
+ w, is_dir, is_top, root, area, marked, node_idx, exists, style,
+ ));
+ columns_with_separators(columns, style)
list.render(props, lines, area, buf);
if *is_focussed {
- let help_text = " . = o|.. = u ── ⇊ = Ctrl+d|↓ = j|⇈ = Ctrl+u|↑ = k ";
- let help_text_block_width = block_width(help_text);
- let bound = Rect {
- width: area.width.saturating_sub(1),
- ..area
- };
- if block_width(&title) + help_text_block_width <= bound.width {
- draw_text_nowrap_fn(
- rect::snap_to_right(bound, help_text_block_width),
- buf,
- help_text,
- |_, _, _| Style::default(),
- );
- }
- let bound = line_bound(bound, bound.height.saturating_sub(1) as usize);
- let help_text = " mark-move = d | mark-toggle = space | toggle-all = a";
- let help_text_block_width = block_width(help_text);
- if help_text_block_width <= bound.width {
- draw_text_nowrap_fn(
- rect::snap_to_right(bound, help_text_block_width),
- buf,
- help_text,
- |_, _, _| Style::default(),
- );
- }
+ let bound = draw_top_right_help(area, title, buf);
+ draw_bottom_right_help(bound, buf);
+fn entry_in_view(
+ selected: &Option<petgraph::stable_graph::NodeIndex>,
+ entries: &&[EntryDataBundle],
+) -> Option<usize> {
+|selected| {
+ entries
+ .iter()
+ .find_position(|b| b.index == selected)
+ .map(|(idx, _)| idx)
+ .unwrap_or(0)
+ })
+fn title_block<'a>(title: &'a str, border_style: &'a Style) -> Block<'a> {
+ Block::default()
+ .title(title)
+ .border_style(*border_style)
+ .borders(Borders::ALL)
+fn title(current_path: &str, item_count: usize) -> String {
+ let title = format!(
+ " {} ({} item{}) ",
+ current_path,
+ item_count,
+ match item_count {
+ 1 => "",
+ _ => "s",
+ }
+ );
+ title
+fn current_path(
+ tree: &petgraph::stable_graph::StableGraph<EntryData, ()>,
+ root: &petgraph::stable_graph::NodeIndex,
+) -> String {
+ match path_of(tree, *root).to_string_lossy().to_string() {
+ ref p if p.is_empty() => Path::new(".")
+ .canonicalize()
+ .map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().to_string())
+ .unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from(".")),
+ p => p,
+ }
+fn draw_bottom_right_help(bound: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) {
+ let bound = line_bound(bound, bound.height.saturating_sub(1) as usize);
+ let help_text = " mark-move = d | mark-toggle = space | toggle-all = a";
+ let help_text_block_width = block_width(help_text);
+ if help_text_block_width <= bound.width {
+ draw_text_nowrap_fn(
+ rect::snap_to_right(bound, help_text_block_width),
+ buf,
+ help_text,
+ |_, _, _| Style::default(),
+ );
+ }
+fn draw_top_right_help(area: Rect, title: String, buf: &mut Buffer) -> Rect {
+ let help_text = " . = o|.. = u ── ⇊ = Ctrl+d|↓ = j|⇈ = Ctrl+u|↑ = k ";
+ let help_text_block_width = block_width(help_text);
+ let bound = Rect {
+ width: area.width.saturating_sub(1),
+ ..area
+ };
+ if block_width(&title) + help_text_block_width <= bound.width {
+ draw_text_nowrap_fn(
+ rect::snap_to_right(bound, help_text_block_width),
+ buf,
+ help_text,
+ |_, _, _| Style::default(),
+ );
+ }
+ bound
+fn is_selected(
+ selected: &Option<petgraph::stable_graph::NodeIndex>,
+ node_idx: &petgraph::stable_graph::NodeIndex,
+) -> bool {
+ let is_selected = if let Some(idx) = selected {
+ *idx == *node_idx
+ } else {
+ false
+ };
+ is_selected
+fn style(is_selected: bool, is_focussed: &bool) -> Style {
+ let mut style = Style::default();
+ if is_selected {
+ style.add_modifier.insert(Modifier::REVERSED);
+ }
+ if *is_focussed & is_selected {
+ style.add_modifier.insert(Modifier::BOLD);
+ }
+ style
+fn columns_with_separators(columns: Vec<Span<'_>>, style: Style) -> Vec<Span<'_>> {
+ let mut columns_with_separators = Vec::new();
+ let column_count = columns.len();
+ for (idx, column) in columns.into_iter().enumerate() {
+ columns_with_separators.push(column);
+ if idx != column_count - 1 {
+ columns_with_separators.push(Span::styled(" | ", style))
+ }
+ }
+ columns_with_separators
+fn mtime_column<'a>(w: &'a EntryData, sort_mode: &'a SortMode, style: Style) -> Span<'a> {
+ let datetime = DateTime::<chrono::Utc>::from(w.mtime);
+ let formatted_time = datetime.format("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").to_string();
+ Span::styled(
+ format!("{:>20}", formatted_time),
+ Style {
+ fg: match sort_mode {
+ SortMode::SizeAscending | SortMode::SizeDescending => style.fg,
+ SortMode::MTimeAscending | SortMode::MTimeDescending => Color::Green.into(),
+ },
+ },
+ )
+fn name_column<'a>(
+ w: &'a dua::traverse::EntryData,
+ is_dir: &'a bool,
+ is_top: impl Fn(petgraph::stable_graph::NodeIndex) -> bool,
+ root: &'a petgraph::stable_graph::NodeIndex,
+ area: Rect,
+ marked: &Option<
+ &std::collections::BTreeMap<petgraph::stable_graph::NodeIndex, super::EntryMark>,
+ >,
+ node_idx: &'a petgraph::stable_graph::NodeIndex,
+ exists: &'a bool,
+ style: Style,
+) -> Span<'a> {
+ Span::styled(
+ fill_background_to_right(
+ format!(
+ "{prefix}{}",
+ prefix = if *is_dir && !is_top(*root) { "/" } else { " " }
+ ),
+ area.width,
+ ),
+ {
+ let is_marked =|m| m.contains_key(&node_idx)).unwrap_or(false);
+ let fg = if !exists {
+ // non-existing - always red!
+ Some(Color::Red)
+ } else {
+ entry_color(style.fg, !is_dir, is_marked)
+ };
+ Style { fg, }
+ },
+ )
+fn percentage_column<'a>(display: &'a DisplayOptions, fraction: f32, style: Style) -> Span<'a> {
+ Span::styled(format!("{}", display.byte_vis.display(fraction)), style)
+fn bytes_column<'a>(
+ display: &'a DisplayOptions,
+ w: &'a dua::traverse::EntryData,
+ sort_mode: &'a SortMode,
+ style: Style,
+) -> Span<'a> {
+ Span::styled(
+ format!(
+ "{:>byte_column_width$}",
+ display.byte_format.display(w.size).to_string(), // we would have to impl alignment/padding ourselves otherwise...
+ byte_column_width = display.byte_format.width()
+ ),
+ Style {
+ fg: match sort_mode {
+ SortMode::SizeAscending | SortMode::SizeDescending => Color::Green.into(),
+ SortMode::MTimeAscending | SortMode::MTimeDescending => style.fg,
+ },
+ },
+ )
fn should_show_mtime_column(sort_mode: &SortMode) -> bool {