#include "kernel.inc" #include "corelib.inc" ; Program header, safe to ignore .db "KEXC" .db KEXC_ENTRY_POINT .dw start .db KEXC_STACK_SIZE .dw 100 .db KEXC_HEADER_END ; End of program header hello_world_message: .db "Hello, world!", 0 ; <--- Try changing this string corelib_path: .db "/lib/core", 0 ; Path to corelib in the filesystem start: pcall(getLcdLock) pcall(allocScreenBuffer) pcall(clearBuffer) ; Load corelib kld(de, corelib_path) pcall(loadLibrary) ; Draw a corelib GUI window kld(hl, hello_world_message) xor a corelib(drawWindow) ; Draw "Hello, world!" ld de, 0x0208 ; D, E == X, Y kld(hl, hello_world_message) pcall(drawStr) ; Copy buffer to display pcall(fastCopy) jr $ ; hang