package ui import ( "fmt" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // type global var ( once sync.Once uiSingleton *UI ) type UI struct { app *components.DiveApplication layers tview.Primitive fileTree tview.Primitive } func newApp(config config.ApplicationConfig, app *tview.Application, analysis *image.AnalysisResult, cache filetree.Comparer) (*UI, error) { var err error once.Do(func() { // TODO: Extract initilaization logic into its own package format.SyncWithTermColors() keyConfig := constructors.NewKeyConfig() diveApplication := components.NewDiveApplication(app) //initialize viewmodels filterViewModel := viewmodels.NewFilterViewModel(nil) layersViewModel := viewmodels.NewLayersViewModel(analysis.Layers) cacheWrapper := CacheWrapper{Cache: &cache} treeViewModel, err := viewmodels.NewTreeViewModel(&cacheWrapper, layersViewModel, filterViewModel) if err != nil { panic(err) } // TODO: this seemed to be partially pushed, commented out for the meantime //modelConfig := constructors.ModelConfig{ // Cache: &CacheWrapper{Cache: &cache}, // Layers: analysis.Layers, //} //_, layersViewModel, treeViewModel, err := constructors.InitializeModels(modelConfig) //if err != nil { // log.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("unable to initialize viewmodels: %q", err)) //} regularLayerDetailsView := components.NewLayerDetailsView(layersViewModel).Setup() layerDetailsBox := components.NewWrapper("Layer Details", "", regularLayerDetailsView).Setup() layerDetailsBox.SetVisibility(components.MinHeightVisibility(10)) // initialize views imageDetailsView := components.NewImageDetailsView(analysis).Setup() imageDetailsBox := components.NewWrapper("Image Details", "", imageDetailsView).Setup() imageDetailsBox.SetVisibility(components.MinHeightVisibility(10)) filterView := components.NewFilterView(treeViewModel).Setup() layersView := components.NewLayerList(treeViewModel).Setup(keyConfig) layerSubtitle := fmt.Sprintf("Cmp%7s %s", "Size", "Command") layersBox := components.NewWrapper("Layers", layerSubtitle, layersView).Setup() fileTreeView := components.NewTreeView(treeViewModel) fileTreeView = fileTreeView.Setup(keyConfig) fileTreeBox := components.NewWrapper("Current Layer Contents", "", fileTreeView).Setup() keyMenuView := components.NewKeyMenuView() leftVisibleGrid := components.NewVisibleFlex() leftVisibleGrid.SetDirection(tview.FlexRow) rightVisibleGrid := components.NewVisibleFlex() rightVisibleGrid.SetDirection(tview.FlexRow) totalVisibleGrid := components.NewVisibleFlex() gridWithFooter := tview.NewGrid(). SetRows(0, 1). SetColumns(0). AddItem(totalVisibleGrid, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, true). AddItem(keyMenuView, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, false) leftVisibleGrid.AddItem(layersBox, 0, 3, true). AddItem(layerDetailsBox, 0, 1, false). AddItem(imageDetailsBox, 0, 1, false). SetConsumers(layerDetailsBox, layersBox). SetConsumers(imageDetailsBox, layersBox) rightVisibleGrid.AddItem(fileTreeBox, 0, 1, false). AddItem(filterView, 1, 0, false). SetConsumers(filterView, fileTreeBox) rightPortion := int(config.FileTree.PaneWidthRatio * 100) leftPortion := int((1 - config.FileTree.PaneWidthRatio) * 100) totalVisibleGrid.AddItem(leftVisibleGrid, 0, leftPortion, true). AddItem(rightVisibleGrid, 0, rightPortion, false) uiSingleton = &UI{ app: diveApplication, fileTree: fileTreeBox, layers: layersBox, } keyMenuView.AddBoundViews(diveApplication) quitBinding, err := keyConfig.GetKeyBinding("keybinding.quit") if err != nil { // TODO handle this as an error panic(err) } filterBinding, err := keyConfig.GetKeyBinding("keybinding.filter-files") if err != nil { // TODO handle this as an error panic(err) } switchBinding, err := keyConfig.GetKeyBinding("keybinding.toggle-view") if err != nil { // TODO handle this as an error panic(err) } diveApplication.AddBindings(quitBinding, filterBinding, switchBinding) diveApplication.AddBoundViews(fileTreeBox, layersBox, filterView) switchFocus := func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { var result *tcell.EventKey = nil switch { case quitBinding.Match(event): app.Stop() case switchBinding.Match(event): if diveApplication.GetFocus() == uiSingleton.layers { diveApplication.SetFocus(uiSingleton.fileTree) } else { diveApplication.SetFocus(uiSingleton.layers) } case filterBinding.Match(event): if filterView.HasFocus() { filterView.Blur() diveApplication.SetFocus(fileTreeBox) } else { diveApplication.SetFocus(filterView) } default: result = event } return result } diveApplication.SetInputCapture(switchFocus) diveApplication.SetRoot(gridWithFooter, true) diveApplication.SetFocus(gridWithFooter) // additional setup configuration if config.Layer.ShowAggregatedChanges { err := layersViewModel.SwitchLayerMode() if err != nil { panic(err) } } if config.FileTree.CollapseDir { fileTreeView.CollapseOrExpandAll() } for _, hideType := range config.Diff.DiffTypes { treeViewModel.ToggleHiddenFileType(hideType) } if config.FileTree.ShowAttributes { fileTreeView.ToggleHideAttributes() } }) return uiSingleton, err } // Run is the UI entrypoint. func Run(config config.ApplicationConfig, analysis *image.AnalysisResult, treeStack filetree.Comparer) error { _, err := newApp(config, tview.NewApplication(), analysis, treeStack) if err != nil { return err } if err =; err != nil { return err } return nil } // TODO move me to initialization package type CacheWrapper struct { Cache *filetree.Comparer } func (c *CacheWrapper) GetTree(key filetree.TreeIndexKey) (viewmodels.TreeModel, error) { return c.Cache.GetTree(key) }