use std::path::PathBuf; use actix_web::{web, HttpResponse, Responder}; use anyhow::Error; use anyhow::Result; use pidlock::{Pidlock, PidlockState}; use crate::cli::*; use crate::types::util::*; pub fn mk_lock() -> Pidlock { pidlock::Pidlock::new("/tmp/") } pub fn do_start(cli: &CLI) -> bool { cli.cmd().map(|cmd| Command::Server == *cmd).unwrap_or(false) } pub fn is_running(server_lock: &Pidlock) -> bool { PathBuf::from("/tmp/").exists() } pub async fn run_server(mut server_lock: Pidlock, adr: String) -> Result<()> { info!("Starting server"); let _ = server_lock.acquire().map_err(|_| anyhow!("Error while getting the PID lock"))?; info!("Got PID lock for server"); actix_web::HttpServer::new(|| { actix_web::App::new() .route("*", actix_web::web::get().to(index)) }) .bind(adr.clone()) .expect(&format!("Could not bind to address {}", adr)) .run() .await; info!("Server shutdown"); info!("Releasing PID lock for server"); server_lock.release().map_err(|_| anyhow!("Error while releasing the PID lock")) } async fn index() -> impl Responder { debug!("serve index"); format!("{pre}{style}{index}{post}", pre = include_str!("../assets/index_pre.html"), style = include_str!("../assets/style.css"), index = include_str!("../assets/index.html"), post = include_str!("../assets/index_post.html"), ) }