use std::sync::Arc; use anyhow::Result; use iced::Application; use iced::Column; use iced::Container; use iced::Length; use iced::Row; use iced::Scrollable; use iced::TextInput; use iced::scrollable; use iced::text_input; use distrox_lib::profile::Profile; use tokio::sync::RwLock; use crate::timeline::Timeline; use crate::timeline::PostLoadingRecipe; mod message; pub use message::Message; use crate::gossip::GossipRecipe; #[derive(Debug)] enum Distrox { Loading { gossip_subscription_recv: RwLock>, }, Loaded { profile: Arc>, gossip_subscription_recv: RwLock>, scroll: scrollable::State, input: text_input::State, input_value: String, timeline: Timeline, log_visible: bool, log: std::collections::VecDeque, }, FailedToStart, } impl Application for Distrox { type Executor = iced::executor::Default; // tokio type Message = Message; type Flags = String; fn new(name: String) -> (Self, iced::Command) { let (gossip_subscription_sender, gossip_subscription_recv) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel(); ( Distrox::Loading { gossip_subscription_recv: RwLock::new(gossip_subscription_recv), }, iced::Command::perform(async move { let profile = match Profile::load(&name).await { Err(e) => return Message::FailedToLoad(e.to_string()), Ok(instance) => Arc::new(RwLock::new(instance)), }; if let Err(e) = profile .read() .await .client() .pubsub_subscribe("distrox".to_string()) .await .map_err(anyhow::Error::from) .map(|stream| { log::trace!("Subscription to 'distrox' pubsub channel worked"); GossipRecipe::new(profile.clone(), stream) }) .and_then(|s| gossip_subscription_sender.send(s).map_err(|_| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to initialize gossipping module"))) { log::error!("Failed to load gossip recipe"); return Message::FailedToLoad(e.to_string()) } Message::Loaded(profile) }, |m: Message| -> Message { m }) ) } fn title(&self) -> String { String::from("distrox") } fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) -> iced::Command { log::trace!("Received message: {}", message.description()); match self { Distrox::Loading { gossip_subscription_recv } => { if let Message::Loaded(profile) = message { *self = Distrox::Loaded { profile, // Don't even try to think what hoops I am jumping through here... gossip_subscription_recv: std::mem::replace(gossip_subscription_recv, RwLock::new(tokio::sync::oneshot::channel().1)), scroll: scrollable::State::default(), input: text_input::State::default(), input_value: String::default(), timeline: Timeline::new(), log_visible: false, log: std::collections::VecDeque::with_capacity(1000), }; } iced::Command::none() }, Distrox::Loaded { profile, ref mut input_value, timeline, log_visible, log, .. } => { match message { Message::InputChanged(input) => { *input_value = input; iced::Command::none() } Message::CreatePost => { if !input_value.is_empty() { let input = input_value.clone(); let profile = profile.clone(); log::trace!("Posting..."); iced::Command::perform(async move { log::trace!("Posting: '{}'", input); profile.write().await.post_text(input).await }, |res| match res { Ok(cid) => Message::PostCreated(cid), Err(e) => Message::PostCreationFailed(e.to_string()) }) } else { iced::Command::none() } } Message::PostCreated(cid) => { *input_value = String::new(); log::info!("Post created: {}", cid); let profile = profile.clone(); iced::Command::perform(async move { if let Err(e) = { Message::ProfileStateSavingFailed(e.to_string()) } else { Message::ProfileStateSaved } }, |m: Message| -> Message { m }) } Message::ProfileStateSaved => { log::info!("Profile state saved"); iced::Command::none() }, Message::ProfileStateSavingFailed(e) => { log::error!("Saving profile failed: {}", e); iced::Command::none() }, Message::PostCreationFailed(err) => { log::error!("Post creation failed: {}", err); iced::Command::none() } Message::PostLoaded((payload, content)) => { timeline.push(payload, content); iced::Command::none() } Message::PostLoadingFailed => { log::error!("Failed to load some post, TODO: Better error logging"); iced::Command::none() } Message::TimelineScrolled(f) => { log::trace!("Timeline scrolled: {}", f); iced::Command::none() } Message::ToggleLog => { log::trace!("Log toggled"); *log_visible = !*log_visible; iced::Command::none() } Message::GossipMessage(source, msg) => { log::trace!("Received Gossip from {}: {:?}", source, msg); iced::Command::perform(async { Message::GossipHandled(msg) }, |m: Message| -> Message { m }) } Message::GossipHandled(msg) => { use distrox_lib::gossip::GossipMessage; log::trace!("Gossip handled, adding to log: {:?}", msg); let msg = match msg { GossipMessage::CurrentProfileState { peer_id, cid } => { format!("Peer {:?} is at {:?}", peer_id, cid) } }; log.push_back(msg); while log.len() > 1000 { let _ = log.pop_front(); } iced::Command::none() } Message::PublishGossipAboutMe => { let profile = profile.clone(); iced::Command::perform(async move { if let Err(e) ="distrox".to_string()).await { Message::GossippingFailed(e.to_string()) } else { Message::OwnStateGossipped } }, |m: Message| -> Message { m }) } Message::OwnStateGossipped => { log::trace!("Gossipped own state"); log.push_back("Gossipped own state".to_string()); iced::Command::none() } Message::GossippingFailed(e) => { log::trace!("Gossipped failed: {}", e); log.push_back(format!("Gossipped failed: {}", e)); iced::Command::none() } _ => iced::Command::none(), } } Distrox::FailedToStart => { unimplemented!() } } } fn view(&mut self) -> iced::Element { match self { Distrox::Loading { .. } => { let text = iced::Text::new("Loading"); let content = Column::new() .spacing(20) .push(text); Container::new(content) .width(Length::Fill) .height(Length::Fill) .center_x() .center_y() .into() } Distrox::Loaded { input, input_value, timeline, scroll, log_visible, log, .. } => { let left_column = Column::new() .into(); let mid_column = Column::new() .push({ let input = TextInput::new( input, "What do you want to tell the world?", input_value, Message::InputChanged, ) .padding(15) .size(12) .on_submit(Message::CreatePost); let timeline = timeline.view(); Scrollable::new(scroll) .padding(40) .push(input) .push(timeline) }) .into(); let right_column = Column::new() .into(); let content = Row::with_children(vec![ left_column, mid_column, right_column ]) .spacing(20) .height(Length::Fill) .width(Length::Fill); let content = Column::new() .height(Length::Fill) .width(Length::Fill) .push(content); if *log_visible { let log = Column::with_children({ log.iter() .map(iced::Text::new) .map(|txt| txt.size(8)) .map(iced::Element::from) .collect() }); content.push(log) } else { content }.into() } Distrox::FailedToStart => { unimplemented!() } } } fn subscription(&self) -> iced::Subscription { let post_loading_subs = match self { Distrox::Loaded { profile, .. } => { let profile = match profile.try_read() { Err(_) => return iced::Subscription::none(), Ok(p) => p, }; match profile.head() { None => iced::Subscription::none(), Some(head) => { iced::Subscription::from_recipe({ PostLoadingRecipe::new(profile.client().clone(), head.clone()) }) } } } _ => iced::Subscription::none(), }; let keyboard_subs = { use iced_native::event::Event; iced_native::subscription::events_with(|event, _| { match event { Event::Keyboard(iced_native::keyboard::Event::KeyPressed { key_code, .. }) => { if key_code == iced_native::keyboard::KeyCode::F11 { Some(Message::ToggleLog) } else { None } }, _ => None, } }) }; let gossip_sub = match self { Distrox::Loaded { gossip_subscription_recv, .. } => { match gossip_subscription_recv.try_write() { Err(_) => None, Ok(mut sub) => sub.try_recv() .ok() .map(|sub| iced::Subscription::from_recipe(sub)), } }, _ => None, }; let gossip_sending_sub = { iced::time::every(std::time::Duration::from_secs(5)) .map(|_| Message::PublishGossipAboutMe) }; let mut subscriptions = vec![ post_loading_subs, keyboard_subs, gossip_sending_sub, ]; if let Some(gossip_sub) = gossip_sub { subscriptions.push(gossip_sub); } iced::Subscription::batch(subscriptions) } } pub fn run(name: String) -> Result<()> { let settings = iced::Settings { window: iced::window::Settings { resizable: true, decorations: true, transparent: false, always_on_top: false, ..iced::window::Settings::default() }, flags: name, exit_on_close_request: true, ..iced::Settings::default() }; Distrox::run(settings).map_err(anyhow::Error::from) }