# The API URL ipfs-api-url = "" # The API Port ipfs-api-port = 5001 # The Port for the app itself app-port = 5002 # Whether to automatically "ipfs pin" chain objects autoserve-chains = true # Whether to automatically "ipfs pin" foreign posts if their content is text autoserve-text-posts = true # Whether to serve content/chains from blocked profiles serve-blocked = false # Whether to automatically "ipfs pin" followed profiles autoserve-followed = true # Default amount of bytes which are loaded for each post max-autoload-per-post = 1024 # List of Mimetypes which should not be served autoserve-blacklist = [] # List of Mimetypes which can be served autoserve-whitelist = [] # Name under which to provide the local device. E.G. # Some("/ipfs/QmVrLsEDn27sScp3k23sgZNefVTjSAL3wpgW1iWPi4MgoY") # # If none, one will be generated and set # device_name = "" # Key to sign stuff that comes from this device. # # Create by using `ipfs key gen ` #device_key = "" # Devices for the profile # E.G: # ["/ipfs/QmVrLsEDn27sScp3k23sgZNefVTjSAL3wpgW1iWPi4MgoY"] devices = []