use std::collections::HashSet; use std::fs; use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::thread; use crossbeam_channel as channel; use rayon; use rayon::prelude::*; #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] struct UniqueID(u64, u64); enum Message { SizeEntry(Option, u64), NoMetadataForPath(PathBuf), CouldNotReadDir(PathBuf), } fn walk(tx: channel::Sender, entries: &[PathBuf]) { entries.into_par_iter().for_each_with(tx, |tx_ref, entry| { if let Ok(metadata) = entry.symlink_metadata() { // If the entry has more than one hard link, generate // a unique ID consisting of device and inode in order // not to count this entry twice. let unique_id = if metadata.is_file() && metadata.nlink() > 1 { Some(UniqueID(, metadata.ino())) } else { None }; let size = metadata.len(); tx_ref.send(Message::SizeEntry(unique_id, size)).unwrap(); if metadata.is_dir() { let mut children = vec![]; match fs::read_dir(entry) { Ok(child_entries) => { for child_entry in child_entries { if let Ok(child_entry) = child_entry { children.push(child_entry.path()); } } } Err(_) => { tx_ref .send(Message::CouldNotReadDir(entry.clone())) .unwrap(); } } walk(tx_ref.clone(), &children[..]); }; } else { tx_ref .send(Message::NoMetadataForPath(entry.clone())) .unwrap(); }; }); } pub struct Walk<'a> { root_directories: &'a [PathBuf], threads: usize, } impl<'a> Walk<'a> { pub fn new(root_directories: &'a [PathBuf], threads: usize) -> Walk { Walk { root_directories, threads, } } pub fn run(&self) -> u64 { let (tx, rx) = channel::unbounded(); let receiver_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let mut total = 0; let mut ids = HashSet::new(); for msg in rx { match msg { Message::SizeEntry(unique_id, size) => { if let Some(unique_id) = unique_id { // Only count this entry if the ID has not been seen if ids.insert(unique_id) { total += size; } } else { total += size; } } Message::NoMetadataForPath(path) => { eprintln!( "diskus: could not metadata for path '{}'", path.to_string_lossy() ); } Message::CouldNotReadDir(path) => { eprintln!( "diskus: could not contents of directory '{}'", path.to_string_lossy() ); } } } total }); let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new() .num_threads(self.threads) .build() .unwrap(); pool.install(|| walk(tx, self.root_directories)); receiver_thread.join().unwrap() } }