### About `dijo` is a habit tracker. It is curses-based, it runs in your terminal. `dijo` is scriptable, hook it up [with external programs](https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/wiki/Auto-Habits) to track events without moving a finger. `dijo` is modal, much like a certain text editor. ### Features - **vim like motions**: navigate `dijo` with `hjkl`! - **`dijo` is modal**: different modes to view different stats! - **vim like command mode**: add with `:add`, delete with `:delete` and above all, quit with `:q`!. - **fully scriptable**: [configure `dijo` to track your `git` commits](https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/wiki/Auto-Habits)! ### Install To get the latest release of `dijo`, prefer installing it via `cargo`. Unofficial packages exist for some package managers as well. You can also browse the [Releases](https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/releases) page for prebuilt binaries. #### Cargo ```shell # dijo requires rustc >= v1.42 $ rustup update $ cargo install dijo ``` If you aren't familiar with `cargo` or Rust, read the [complete installation](https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/wiki/Install) guide. #### Nix `dijo` on nixpkgs (maintained by [@Infinisil](https://github.com/Infinisil)): ``` $ nix-env -f channel:nixpkgs-unstable -iA dijo ``` #### Snap `dijo` on sanpstore (maintained by [@purveshpatel511](https://github.com/purveshpatel511)): ``` $ sudo snap install dijo ``` #### Arch Linux Install [`dijo-bin`](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/dijo-bin/) or [`dijo-git`](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/dijo-git) from the AUR. #### Windows ``` # the default termion backend dosen't run on windows yet $ cargo install --no-default-features --features "crossterm-backend" ``` ### Usage `dijo` has a [detailed wiki](https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/wiki/), here are some good places to start out: - [Getting started](https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/wiki/Getting-Started) - [Automatically tracking habits](https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/wiki/Auto-Habits) - [Command reference](https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/wiki/Commands) ### Gallery Day mode, shows days of the current month: ![day.png](https://u.peppe.rs/qI.png) Week mode, shows weekly summary for the weeks of the month: ![weekly.png](https://u.peppe.rs/HZ.png) [![Awesome Humane Tech](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/humanetech-community/awesome-humane-tech/main/humane-tech-badge.svg?sanitize=true)](https://github.com/humanetech-community/awesome-humane-tech)