# To use these themes, first include this file in your own gitconfig file: # # [include] # path = PATH/TO/delta/themes.gitconfig # # Then, in your own gitconfig file, activate the chosen theme, e.g. # # [delta] # features = kingfisher # # Please add your own themes to this file, and open a PR. # # Instructions: # # 1. The name of the theme must be the name of some sort of wild organism: # mammal, bird, plant, mollusk -- whatever. It can be in any language. # # 2. Use `delta --show-config` to list all the style settings that are active in # your current delta environment, but only include settings in your theme # that are essential to its appearance. # # 3. Include either `dark = true` or `light = true` according to whether it is # designed for a light or dark terminal background. (This marks a feature as # a "theme", causing it to be picked up by `delta --show-themes`). # # 4. Feel free to include a comment line indicating who is the author of the # theme. E.g. a link to your github user page. [delta "collared-trogon"] # author: https://github.com/clnoll commit-decoration-style = bold box ul dark = true file-decoration-style = none file-style = omit hunk-header-decoration-style = "#022b45" box ul hunk-header-file-style = "#999999" hunk-header-line-number-style = bold "#003300" hunk-header-style = file line-number syntax line-numbers = true line-numbers-left-style = "#022b45" line-numbers-minus-style = "#80002a" line-numbers-plus-style = "#003300" line-numbers-right-style = "#022b45" line-numbers-zero-style = "#999999" minus-emph-style = normal "#80002a" minus-style = normal "#330011" plus-emph-style = syntax "#003300" plus-style = syntax "#001a00" syntax-theme = Nord [delta "coracias-caudatus"] # author: https://github.com/clnoll commit-decoration-style = ol "#7536ff" commit-style = "#200078" file-decoration-style = none file-style = omit hunk-header-decoration-style = "#cfd6ff" ul hunk-header-file-style = "#858dff" hunk-header-line-number-style = "#7536ff" hunk-header-style = file line-number syntax light = true line-numbers = true line-numbers-left-format = "{nm:>4} ." line-numbers-left-style = "#e3ab02" line-numbers-minus-style = "#ff38b6" line-numbers-plus-style = "#00e0c2" line-numbers-right-format = "{np:>4} " line-numbers-right-style = white line-numbers-zero-style = "#cccccc" minus-emph-style = bold "#ff3838" "#ffe3f7" minus-style = "#ff0080" plus-emph-style = "#008a81" bold "#00ffbf" plus-style = syntax "#cffff3" syntax-theme = Github [delta "hoopoe"] # author: https://github.com/dandavison dark-pink-style = normal "#ffc0c0" pink-style = normal "#ffe0e0" green-style = syntax "#d0ffd0" dark-green-style = syntax "#a0efa0" commit-decoration-style = blue ol commit-style = raw file-style = omit hunk-header-decoration-style = blue box hunk-header-file-style = red hunk-header-line-number-style = "#067a00" hunk-header-style = file line-number syntax light = true minus-emph-style = dark-pink-style minus-empty-line-marker-style = minus-style minus-non-emph-style = minus-style minus-style = pink-style plus-emph-style = dark-green-style plus-empty-line-marker-style = plus-style plus-non-emph-style = plus-style plus-style = green-style syntax-theme = GitHub zero-style = syntax [delta "tangara-chilensis"] # author: https://github.com/clnoll commit-decoration-style = bold box ul "#34fd50" dark = true file-decoration-style = none file-style = omit hunk-header-decoration-style = "#00b494" box ul hunk-header-file-style = "#999999" hunk-header-line-number-style = bold "#03a4ff" hunk-header-style = file line-number syntax line-numbers = true line-numbers-left-style = black line-numbers-minus-style = "#B10036" line-numbers-plus-style = "#03a4ff" line-numbers-right-style = black line-numbers-zero-style = "#999999" minus-emph-style = normal "#de004e" minus-style = normal "#990017" plus-emph-style = syntax "#03a4ff" plus-style = syntax "#450eff" side-by-side = true syntax-theme = Vibrant Sunburst [delta "villsau"] # author: https://github.com/torarnv dark = true file-style = omit hunk-header-decoration-style = omit hunk-header-file-style = magenta hunk-header-line-number-style = dim magenta hunk-header-style = file line-number syntax line-numbers = false minus-emph-style = bold red 52 minus-empty-line-marker-style = normal "#3f0001" minus-non-emph-style = dim red minus-style = bold red plus-emph-style = bold green 22 plus-empty-line-marker-style = normal "#002800" plus-non-emph-style = dim green plus-style = bold green syntax-theme = OneHalfDark whitespace-error-style = reverse red zero-style = dim syntax [delta "woolly-mammoth"] # author: https://github.com/Kr1ss-XD commit-decoration-style = 232 130 box commit-style = 232 bold italic 130 dark = true file-added-label = [+] file-copied-label = [C] file-decoration-style = "#606018" overline file-modified-label = [M] file-removed-label = [-] file-renamed-label = [R] file-style = 232 bold 184 hunk-header-decoration-style = none hunk-header-style = syntax bold italic 237 line-numbers = true line-numbers-left-format = "{nm:>1}┊" line-numbers-left-style = red line-numbers-minus-style = red italic black line-numbers-plus-style = green italic black line-numbers-right-format = "{np:>1}┊" line-numbers-right-style = green line-numbers-zero-style = "#545474" italic minus-emph-style = syntax bold "#780000" minus-style = syntax "#400000" plus-emph-style = syntax bold "#007800" plus-style = syntax "#004000" syntax-theme = Vibrant Sunburst whitespace-error-style = "#280050" reverse zero-style = syntax [delta "calochortus-lyallii"] # author: https://github.com/manojkarthick commit-decoration-style = none dark = true file-added-label = [+] file-copied-label = [C] file-decoration-style = none file-modified-label = [M] file-removed-label = [-] file-renamed-label = [R] file-style = 232 bold 184 hunk-header-decoration-style = none hunk-header-file-style = "#999999" hunk-header-line-number-style = bold "#03a4ff" hunk-header-style = file line-number syntax line-numbers = true line-numbers-left-style = black line-numbers-minus-style = "#B10036" line-numbers-plus-style = "#03a4ff" line-numbers-right-style = black line-numbers-zero-style = "#999999" minus-emph-style = syntax bold "#780000" minus-style = syntax "#400000" plus-emph-style = syntax bold "#007800" plus-style = syntax "#004000" whitespace-error-style = "#280050" reverse zero-style = syntax syntax-theme = Nord [delta "mantis-shrimp"] #author: https://github.com/2kabhishek dark = true side-by-side = true navigate = true keep-plus-minus-markers = true hyperlinks = true file-added-label = [+] file-copied-label = [==] file-modified-label = [*] file-removed-label = [-] file-renamed-label = [->] file-style = omit zero-style = syntax syntax-theme = Monokai Extended commit-decoration-style ="#ff5500" box commit-style = "#FFD21A" bold italic hunk-header-decoration-style = "#1688f0" box ul hunk-header-file-style = "#FFD21A" ul bold "#640BFF" hunk-header-line-number-style = "#FFD21A" box bold hunk-header-style = file line-number syntax bold italic line-numbers = true line-numbers-left-format = "{nm:>1}|" line-numbers-left-style = "#1688f0" line-numbers-minus-style = red bold line-numbers-plus-style = green bold line-numbers-right-format = "{np:>1}|" line-numbers-right-style = "#1688f0" line-numbers-zero-style = "#aaaaaa" italic minus-emph-style = syntax bold "#b80000" minus-style = syntax "#5d001e" plus-emph-style = syntax bold "#007800" plus-style = syntax "#004433" whitespace-error-style = "#280050"