use std::str::FromStr; use syntect::highlighting::{Color, FontStyle, Style}; use crate::color; use crate::style as delta_style; pub fn syntect_color_from_ansi_name(name: &str) -> Option { color::ansi_16_color_name_to_number(name).and_then(syntect_color_from_ansi_number) } pub fn syntect_color_from_name(name: &str) -> Option { palette::named::from_str(name).map(|color| Color { r:, g:, b:, a: 0xFF, }) } /// Convert 8-bit ANSI code to #RGBA string with ANSI code in red channel and 0 in alpha channel. // See pub fn syntect_color_from_ansi_number(n: u8) -> Option { Color::from_str(&format!("#{:02x}000000", n)).ok() } pub trait FromAnsiTermStyle { fn from_ansi_term_style(ansi_term_style: ansi_term::Style) -> Self; } impl FromAnsiTermStyle for Style { fn from_ansi_term_style(ansi_term_style: ansi_term::Style) -> Self { let default = Self::default(); Self { foreground: if let Some(color) = ansi_term_style.foreground { Color::from_ansi_term_color(color) } else { default.foreground }, background: if let Some(color) = ansi_term_style.background { Color::from_ansi_term_color(color) } else { default.background }, font_style: FontStyle::from_ansi_term_style(ansi_term_style), } } } impl FromAnsiTermStyle for FontStyle { fn from_ansi_term_style(ansi_term_style: ansi_term::Style) -> Self { let mut font_style = FontStyle::empty(); if ansi_term_style.is_bold { font_style |= FontStyle::BOLD } if ansi_term_style.is_italic { font_style |= FontStyle::ITALIC } if ansi_term_style.is_underline { font_style |= FontStyle::UNDERLINE } font_style } } pub trait FromAnsiTermColor { fn from_ansi_term_color(ansi_term_color: ansi_term::Color) -> Self; } impl FromAnsiTermColor for Color { fn from_ansi_term_color(ansi_term_color: ansi_term::Color) -> Self { match ansi_term_color { ansi_term::Color::Black => syntect_color_from_ansi_number(0).unwrap(), ansi_term::Color::Red => syntect_color_from_ansi_number(1).unwrap(), ansi_term::Color::Green => syntect_color_from_ansi_number(2).unwrap(), ansi_term::Color::Yellow => syntect_color_from_ansi_number(3).unwrap(), ansi_term::Color::Blue => syntect_color_from_ansi_number(4).unwrap(), ansi_term::Color::Purple => syntect_color_from_ansi_number(5).unwrap(), ansi_term::Color::Cyan => syntect_color_from_ansi_number(6).unwrap(), ansi_term::Color::White => syntect_color_from_ansi_number(7).unwrap(), ansi_term::Color::Fixed(n) => syntect_color_from_ansi_number(n).unwrap(), ansi_term::Color::RGB(r, g, b) => Self { r, g, b, a: 0xFF }, } } } pub trait FromDeltaStyle { fn from_delta_style(delta_style: delta_style::Style) -> Self; } impl FromDeltaStyle for Style { fn from_delta_style(delta_style: delta_style::Style) -> Self { Self::from_ansi_term_style(delta_style.ansi_term_style) } }