use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use regex::Regex; use crate::color; use crate::config; use crate::delta::{self, State, StateMachine}; use crate::format::{self, Placeholder}; use crate::paint::BgShouldFill; use crate::style::Style; impl<'a> StateMachine<'a> { /// If this is a line of git blame output then render it accordingly. If /// this is the first blame line, then set the syntax-highlighter language /// according to delta.default-language. pub fn handle_blame_line(&mut self) -> std::io::Result { let mut handled_line = false; self.painter.emit()?; if matches!(self.state, State::Unknown | State::Blame(_)) { if let Some(blame) = parse_git_blame_line(&self.line, &self.config.blame_timestamp_format) { // Determine color for this line let color = if let Some(color) = self.blame_commit_colors.get(blame.commit) { color } else { let n_commits = self.blame_commit_colors.len(); let n_colors = self.config.blame_palette.len(); let new_color = &self.config.blame_palette[(n_commits + 1) % n_colors]; self.blame_commit_colors .insert(blame.commit.to_owned(), new_color.to_owned()); new_color }; let mut style = Style::from_colors(None, color::parse_color(color, true)); style.is_syntax_highlighted = true; // Construct commit metadata, paint, and emit let format_data = format::parse_line_number_format( &self.config.blame_format, &*BLAME_PLACEHOLDER_REGEX, ); write!( self.painter.writer, "{}", style.paint(format_blame_metadata(&format_data, &blame, self.config)) )?; // Emit syntax-highlighted code if matches!(self.state, State::Unknown) { if let Some(lang) = self.config.default_language.as_ref() { self.painter.set_syntax(Some(lang)); self.painter.set_highlighter(); } self.state = State::Blame(blame.commit.to_owned()); } self.painter.syntax_highlight_and_paint_line( blame.code, style, self.state.clone(), BgShouldFill::default(), ); handled_line = true } } Ok(handled_line) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BlameLine<'a> { pub commit: &'a str, pub author: &'a str, pub time: DateTime, pub line_number: usize, pub code: &'a str, } // E.g. //ea82f2d0 (Dan Davison 2021-08-22 18:20:19 -0700 120) let mut handled_line = self.handle_commit_meta_header_line()? lazy_static! { static ref BLAME_LINE_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new( r"(?x) ^ ( [0-9a-f]{8} # commit hash ) [\ ] \( # open ( ( [^\ ].*[^\ ] # author name ) [\ ]+ ( # timestamp [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\ [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\ [-+][0-9]{4} ) [\ ]+ ( [0-9]+ # line number ) \) # close ) ( .* # code, with leading space ) $ " ) .unwrap(); } pub fn parse_git_blame_line<'a>(line: &'a str, timestamp_format: &str) -> Option> { if let Some(caps) = BLAME_LINE_REGEX.captures(line) { let commit = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str(); let author = caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str(); let timestamp = caps.get(3).unwrap().as_str(); if let Ok(time) = DateTime::parse_from_str(timestamp, timestamp_format) { let line_number_str = caps.get(4).unwrap().as_str(); if let Ok(line_number) = line_number_str.parse::() { let code = caps.get(5).unwrap().as_str(); Some(BlameLine { commit, author, time, line_number, code, }) } else { None } } else { None } } else { None } } lazy_static! { pub static ref BLAME_PLACEHOLDER_REGEX: Regex = format::make_placeholder_regex(&["timestamp", "author", "commit"]); } pub fn format_blame_metadata( format_data: &[format::FormatStringPlaceholderData], blame: &BlameLine, config: &config::Config, ) -> String { let mut s = String::new(); let mut suffix = ""; for placeholder in format_data { s.push_str(placeholder.prefix.as_str()); let alignment_spec = placeholder .alignment_spec .as_ref() .unwrap_or(&format::Align::Left); let width = placeholder.width.unwrap_or(15); let pad = |s| format::pad(s, width, alignment_spec); match placeholder.placeholder { Some(Placeholder::Str("timestamp")) => s.push_str(&pad( &chrono_humanize::HumanTime::from(blame.time).to_string(), )), Some(Placeholder::Str("author")) => s.push_str(&pad(, Some(Placeholder::Str("commit")) => { s.push_str(&pad(&delta::format_raw_line(blame.commit, config))) } None => {} _ => unreachable!("Unexpected `git blame` input"), } suffix = placeholder.suffix.as_str(); } s.push_str(suffix); s } #[test] fn test_blame_line_regex() { for line in &[ "ea82f2d0 (Dan Davison 2021-08-22 18:20:19 -0700 120) let mut handled_line = self.handle_commit_meta_header_line()?", "b2257cfa (Dan Davison 2020-07-18 15:34:43 -0400 1) use std::borrow::Cow;" ] { let caps = BLAME_LINE_REGEX.captures(line); assert!(caps.is_some()); assert!(parse_git_blame_line(line, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z").is_some()); } }