use crate::edits::line_pair::LinePair; /* Consider minus line m and paired plus line p, respectively. The following cases exist: 1. Whitespace deleted at line beginning. => The deleted section is highlighted in m; p is unstyled. 2. Whitespace inserted at line beginning. => The inserted section is highlighted in p; m is unstyled. 3. An internal section of the line containing a non-whitespace character has been deleted. => The deleted section is highlighted in m; p is unstyled. 4. An internal section of the line containing a non-whitespace character has been changed. => The original section is highlighted in m; the replacement is highlighted in p. 5. An internal section of the line containing a non-whitespace character has been inserted. => The inserted section is highlighted in p; m is unstyled. Note that whitespace can be neither deleted nor inserted at the end of the line: the line by definition has no trailing whitespace. */ type AnnotatedLine<'a, EditOperation> = Vec<(EditOperation, &'a str)>; /// Infer the edit operations responsible for the differences between a collection of old and new /// lines. Return the input minus and plus lines, in annotated form. pub fn infer_edits<'a, EditOperation>( minus_lines: &'a Vec, plus_lines: &'a Vec, non_deletion: EditOperation, deletion: EditOperation, non_insertion: EditOperation, insertion: EditOperation, distance_threshold: f64, ) -> ( Vec>, Vec>, ) where EditOperation: Copy, { let mut annotated_minus_lines = Vec::>::new(); let mut annotated_plus_lines = Vec::>::new(); let mut emitted = 0; // plus lines emitted so far 'minus_lines_loop: for minus_line in minus_lines { let mut considered = 0; // plus lines considered so far as match for minus_line for plus_line in &plus_lines[emitted..] { let line_pair = LinePair::new(minus_line, plus_line); if line_pair.distance < distance_threshold { // minus_line and plus_line are inferred to be a homologous pair. // Emit as unpaired the plus lines already considered and rejected for plus_line in &plus_lines[emitted..(emitted + considered)] { annotated_plus_lines.push(vec![(non_insertion, plus_line)]); } emitted += considered; // Emit the homologous pair. let (minus_edit, plus_edit) = (line_pair.minus_edit, line_pair.plus_edit); annotated_minus_lines.push(vec![ (non_deletion, &minus_line[0..minus_edit.start]), (deletion, &minus_line[minus_edit.start..minus_edit.end]), (non_deletion, &minus_line[minus_edit.end..]), ]); annotated_plus_lines.push(vec![ (non_insertion, &plus_line[0..plus_edit.start]), (insertion, &plus_line[plus_edit.start..plus_edit.end]), (non_insertion, &plus_line[plus_edit.end..]), ]); emitted += 1; // Move on to the next minus line. continue 'minus_lines_loop; } else { considered += 1; } } // No homolog was found for minus i; emit as unpaired. annotated_minus_lines.push(vec![(non_deletion, minus_line)]); } // Emit any remaining plus lines for plus_line in &plus_lines[emitted..] { annotated_plus_lines.push(vec![(non_insertion, plus_line)]); } (annotated_minus_lines, annotated_plus_lines) } mod line_pair { use std::cmp::{max, min}; use itertools::{Itertools, PeekingNext}; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; /// A pair of right-trimmed strings. pub struct LinePair<'a> { pub minus_line: &'a str, pub plus_line: &'a str, pub minus_edit: Edit, pub plus_edit: Edit, pub distance: f64, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Edit { pub start: usize, pub end: usize, string_length: usize, } impl Edit { // TODO: exclude leading whitespace in this calculation fn distance(&self) -> f64 { (self.end - self.start) as f64 / self.string_length as f64 } } impl<'a> LinePair<'a> { pub fn new(s0: &'a str, s1: &'a str) -> Self { let (g0, g1) = (s0.grapheme_indices(true), s1.grapheme_indices(true)); let (prefix_length, leading_whitespace) = LinePair::prefix_data(g0, g1); let common_prefix_length = [ leading_whitespace[0] + prefix_length, leading_whitespace[1] + prefix_length, ]; // TODO: Don't compute grapheme segmentation twice? let (g0, g1) = (s0.grapheme_indices(true), s1.grapheme_indices(true)); let (common_suffix_length, trailing_whitespace) = LinePair::suffix_data(g0, g1); let lengths = [ s0.len() - trailing_whitespace[0], s1.len() - trailing_whitespace[1], ]; // We require that (right-trimmed length) >= (common prefix length). Consider: // minus = "a " // plus = "a b " // Here, the right-trimmed length of minus is 1, yet the common prefix length is 2. We // resolve this by taking the following maxima: let minus_length = max(lengths[0], common_prefix_length[0]); let plus_length = max(lengths[1], common_prefix_length[1]); // Work backwards from the end of the strings. The end of the change region is equal to // the start of their common suffix. To find the start of the change region, start with // the end of their common prefix, and then move leftwards until it is before the start // of the common suffix in both strings. let minus_change_end = minus_length - common_suffix_length; let plus_change_end = plus_length - common_suffix_length; let change_begin = [ min( common_prefix_length[0], min(minus_change_end, plus_change_end), ), min( common_prefix_length[1], min(minus_change_end, plus_change_end), ), ]; let minus_edit = Edit { start: change_begin[0], end: minus_change_end, string_length: minus_length, }; let plus_edit = Edit { start: change_begin[1], end: plus_change_end, string_length: plus_length, }; let distance = minus_edit.distance() + plus_edit.distance(); LinePair { minus_line: s0, plus_line: s1, minus_edit, plus_edit, distance, } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn format(&self) -> String { format!( "LinePair\n \ \t{} {} {}\n \ \t{} {} {}\n \ \t{}", self.minus_line.trim_end(), self.minus_edit.start, self.minus_edit.end, self.plus_line.trim_end(), self.plus_edit.start, self.plus_edit.end, self.distance ) } /// Align the two strings at their left ends and consider only the bytes up to the length of /// the shorter string. Return the byte offset of the first differing grapheme cluster, or /// the byte length of shorter string if they do not differ. fn prefix_data<'b, I>(s0: I, s1: I) -> (usize, [usize; 2]) where I: Iterator, I: Itertools, { let mut s0 = s0.peekable(); let mut s1 = s1.peekable(); let w0 = consume_whitespace(&mut s0); let w1 = consume_whitespace(&mut s1); ( .peekable() .peeking_take_while(|((_, c0), (_, c1))| c0 == c1) .fold(0, |offset, ((_, c0), (_, _))| offset + c0.len()), [w0, w1], ) } /// Trim trailing whitespace and align the two strings at their right ends. Fix the origin /// at their right ends and, looking left, consider only the bytes up to the length of the /// shorter string. Return the byte offset of the first differing grapheme cluster, or the /// byte length of the shorter string if they do not differ. Also return the number of bytes /// of whitespace trimmed from each string. fn suffix_data<'b, I>(s0: I, s1: I) -> (usize, [usize; 2]) where I: DoubleEndedIterator, I: Itertools, { let mut s0 = s0.rev().peekable(); let mut s1 = s1.rev().peekable(); let w0 = consume_whitespace(&mut s0); let w1 = consume_whitespace(&mut s1); let (suffix_length, [_, _]) = LinePair::prefix_data(s0, s1); (suffix_length, [w0, w1]) } } fn consume_whitespace<'b, I>(s: &mut I) -> usize where I: Iterator, I: Itertools, I: PeekingNext, { let is_whitespace = |(_, c): &(usize, &str)| *c == " " || *c == "\n"; s.peeking_take_while(is_whitespace).count() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; fn common_prefix_length(s1: &str, s2: &str) -> usize { let (prefix_length, [w0, w1]) = super::LinePair::prefix_data(s1.grapheme_indices(true), s2.grapheme_indices(true)); assert_eq!( w0, w1, "Lines with different amounts of leading whitespace are not supported" ); w0 + prefix_length } fn common_suffix_length(s1: &str, s2: &str) -> usize { super::LinePair::suffix_data(s1.grapheme_indices(true), s2.grapheme_indices(true)).0 } #[test] fn test_common_prefix_length() { assert_eq!(common_prefix_length("", ""), 0); assert_eq!(common_prefix_length("", "a"), 0); assert_eq!(common_prefix_length("a", ""), 0); assert_eq!(common_prefix_length("a", "b"), 0); assert_eq!(common_prefix_length("a", "a"), 1); assert_eq!(common_prefix_length("a", "ab"), 1); assert_eq!(common_prefix_length("ab", "a"), 1); assert_eq!(common_prefix_length("ab", "aba"), 2); assert_eq!(common_prefix_length("aba", "ab"), 2); } #[test] fn test_common_prefix_length_with_leading_whitespace() { // assert_eq!(common_prefix_length(" ", ""), 0); assert_eq!(common_prefix_length(" ", " "), 1); assert_eq!(common_prefix_length(" a", " a"), 2); // assert_eq!(common_prefix_length(" a", "a"), 0); } #[test] fn test_common_suffix_length() { assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("", ""), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("", "a"), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("a", ""), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("a", "b"), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("a", "a"), 1); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("a", "ab"), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("ab", "a"), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("ab", "b"), 1); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("ab", "aab"), 2); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("aba", "ba"), 2); } #[test] fn test_common_suffix_length_with_trailing_whitespace() { assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("", " "), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length(" ", "a"), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("a ", ""), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("a", "b "), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("a", "a "), 1); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("a ", "ab "), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("ab", "a "), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("ab ", "b "), 1); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("ab ", "aab "), 2); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("aba ", "ba"), 2); } #[test] fn test_common_suffix_length_with_trailing_whitespace_nonascii() { assert_eq!(common_suffix_length(" ", "á"), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("á ", ""), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("á", "b "), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("á", "á "), "á".len()); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("a ", "áb "), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("ab", "á "), 0); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("áb ", "b "), 1); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("áb ", "aáb "), 1 + "á".len()); assert_eq!(common_suffix_length("abá ", "bá"), 1 + "á".len()); assert_eq!( common_suffix_length("áaáabá ", "ááabá "), 2 + 2 * "á".len() ); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] enum EditOperation { MinusNoop, PlusNoop, Deletion, Insertion, } type Annotation<'a> = (EditOperation, &'a str); type AnnotatedLine<'a> = Vec>; type AnnotatedLines<'a> = Vec>; type Edits<'a> = (AnnotatedLines<'a>, AnnotatedLines<'a>); use EditOperation::*; const DISTANCE_MAX: f64 = 2.0; #[test] fn test_infer_edits_1() { assert_paired_edits( vec!["aaa\n"], vec!["aba\n"], ( vec![vec![(MinusNoop, "a"), (Deletion, "a"), (MinusNoop, "a\n")]], vec![vec![(PlusNoop, "a"), (Insertion, "b"), (PlusNoop, "a\n")]], ), ) } #[test] fn test_infer_edits_2() { assert_paired_edits( vec!["áaa\n"], vec!["ááb\n"], ( vec![vec![(MinusNoop, "á"), (Deletion, "aa"), (MinusNoop, "\n")]], vec![vec![(PlusNoop, "á"), (Insertion, "áb"), (PlusNoop, "\n")]], ), ) } #[test] fn test_infer_edits_3() { assert_paired_edits( vec!["d.iteritems()\n"], vec!["d.items()\n"], ( vec![vec![ (MinusNoop, "d."), (Deletion, "iter"), (MinusNoop, "items()\n"), ]], vec![vec![ (PlusNoop, "d."), (Insertion, ""), (PlusNoop, "items()\n"), ]], ), ) } #[test] fn test_infer_edits_4() { assert_edits( vec!["áaaáaaáaa\n", "áábáábááb\n"], vec!["áábáácááb\n"], ( vec![ vec![(MinusNoop, "áaaáaaáaa\n")], vec![ (MinusNoop, "áábáá"), (Deletion, "b"), (MinusNoop, "ááb\n"), ], ], vec![vec![ (PlusNoop, "áábáá"), (Insertion, "c"), (PlusNoop, "ááb\n"), ]], ), 0.66, ) } #[test] fn test_infer_edits_5() { assert_edits( vec!["aaaaaaaa\n", "bbbbbbbb\n", "cccccccc\n"], vec!["bbbb!bbb\n", "dddddddd\n", "cccc!ccc\n"], ( vec![ vec![(MinusNoop, "aaaaaaaa\n")], vec![(MinusNoop, "bbbb"), (Deletion, "b"), (MinusNoop, "bbb\n")], vec![(MinusNoop, "cccc"), (Deletion, "c"), (MinusNoop, "ccc\n")], ], vec![ vec![(PlusNoop, "bbbb"), (Insertion, "!"), (PlusNoop, "bbb\n")], vec![(PlusNoop, "dddddddd\n")], vec![(PlusNoop, "cccc"), (Insertion, "!"), (PlusNoop, "ccc\n")], ], ), 0.66, ) } #[test] fn test_infer_edits_6() { assert_no_edits( vec![ " let mut i = 0;\n", " for ((_, c0), (_, c1)) in {\n", " if c0 != c1 {\n", " break;\n", " } else {\n", " i += c0.len();\n", " }\n", " }\n", " i\n", ], vec![ "\n", " .take_while(|((_, c0), (_, c1))| c0 == c1) // TODO: Don't consume one-past-the-end!\n", " .fold(0, |offset, ((_, c0), (_, _))| offset + c0.len())\n" ], 0.66) } fn assert_edits( minus_lines: Vec<&str>, plus_lines: Vec<&str>, expected_edits: Edits, distance_threshold: f64, ) { let minus_lines = minus_lines .into_iter() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect::>(); let plus_lines = plus_lines .into_iter() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect::>(); let actual_edits = infer_edits( &minus_lines, &plus_lines, MinusNoop, Deletion, PlusNoop, Insertion, distance_threshold, ); assert_eq!(actual_edits, expected_edits); } // Assert that no edits are inferred for the supplied minus and plus lines. fn assert_no_edits(minus_lines: Vec<&str>, plus_lines: Vec<&str>, distance_threshold: f64) { let expected_edits = ( minus_lines.iter().map(|s| vec![(MinusNoop, *s)]).collect(), plus_lines.iter().map(|s| vec![(PlusNoop, *s)]).collect(), ); assert_edits(minus_lines, plus_lines, expected_edits, distance_threshold) } // Assertions for a single pair of lines, considered as a homologous pair. We set // distance_threshold = DISTANCE_MAX in order that the pair will be inferred to be homologous. fn assert_paired_edits(minus_lines: Vec<&str>, plus_lines: Vec<&str>, expected_edits: Edits) { assert_consistent_pairs(&expected_edits); assert_edits(minus_lines, plus_lines, expected_edits, DISTANCE_MAX); } fn assert_consistent_pairs(edits: &Edits) { let (minus_annotated_lines, plus_annotated_lines) = edits; for (minus_annotated_line, plus_annotated_line) in minus_annotated_lines.iter().zip(plus_annotated_lines) { let (minus_total, minus_delta) = summarize_annotated_line(minus_annotated_line); let (plus_total, plus_delta) = summarize_annotated_line(plus_annotated_line); assert_eq!( minus_total - minus_delta, plus_total - plus_delta, "\nInconsistent edits:\n \ {:?}\n \ \tminus_total - minus_delta = {} - {} = {}\n \ {:?}\n \ \tplus_total - plus_delta = {} - {} = {}\n", minus_annotated_line, minus_total, minus_delta, minus_total - minus_delta, plus_annotated_line, plus_total, plus_delta, plus_total - plus_delta ); } } fn summarize_annotated_line(sections: &AnnotatedLine) -> (usize, usize) { let mut total = 0; let mut delta = 0; for (edit, s) in sections { let length = s.graphemes(true).count(); total += length; if is_edit(edit) { delta += length; } } (total, delta) } // For debugging test failures: #[allow(dead_code)] fn compare_annotated_lines(actual: Edits, expected: Edits) { let (minus, plus) = actual; println!("\n\nactual minus:"); print_annotated_lines(minus); println!("\nactual plus:"); print_annotated_lines(plus); let (minus, plus) = expected; println!("\n\nexpected minus:"); print_annotated_lines(minus); println!("\nexpected plus:"); print_annotated_lines(plus); } #[allow(dead_code)] fn print_annotated_lines(annotated_lines: AnnotatedLines) { for annotated_line in annotated_lines { print_annotated_line(annotated_line); } } #[allow(dead_code)] fn print_annotated_line(annotated_line: AnnotatedLine) { for (edit, s) in annotated_line { print!("({} {}), ", fmt_edit(edit), s.trim_end()); } print!("\n"); } #[allow(dead_code)] fn fmt_edit(edit: EditOperation) -> &'static str { match edit { MinusNoop => "MinusNoop", Deletion => "Deletion", PlusNoop => "PlusNoop", Insertion => "Insertion", } } fn is_edit(edit: &EditOperation) -> bool { *edit == Deletion || *edit == Insertion } }