use std::cmp::max; use std::collections::VecDeque; const SUBSTITUTION_COST: usize = 1; const DELETION_COST: usize = 1; const INSERTION_COST: usize = 1; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Operation { NoOp, Substitution, Deletion, Insertion, } use Operation::*; /// Needleman-Wunsch / Wagner-Fischer table for computation of edit distance and associated /// alignment. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Cell { parent: usize, operation: Operation, cost: usize, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Alignment<'a> { pub x: Vec<&'a str>, pub y: Vec<&'a str>, table: Vec, dim: [usize; 2], } impl<'a> Alignment<'a> { /// Fill table for Levenshtein distance / alignment computation pub fn new(x: Vec<&'a str>, y: Vec<&'a str>) -> Self { // TODO: Something downstream of the alignment algorithm requires that the first token in // both x and y is "", so this is explicitly inserted in `tokenize()`. let dim = [y.len() + 1, x.len() + 1]; let table = vec![ Cell { parent: 0, operation: NoOp, cost: 0 }; dim[0] * dim[1] ]; let mut alignment = Self { x, y, table, dim }; alignment.fill(); alignment } /// Fill table for Levenshtein distance / alignment computation pub fn fill(&mut self) { // x is written along the top of the table; y is written down the left side of the // table. Also, we insert a 0 in cell (0, 0) of the table, so x and y are shifted by one // position. Therefore, the element corresponding to (x[i], y[j]) is in column (i + 1) and // row (j + 1); the index of this element is given by index(i, j). for i in 1..self.dim[1] { self.table[i] = Cell { parent: 0, operation: Deletion, cost: i, }; } for j in 1..self.dim[0] { self.table[j * self.dim[1]] = Cell { parent: 0, operation: Insertion, cost: j, }; } for (i, x_i) in self.x.iter().enumerate() { for (j, y_j) in self.y.iter().enumerate() { let (left, diag, up) = (self.index(i, j + 1), self.index(i, j), self.index(i + 1, j)); let candidates = [ Cell { parent: left, operation: Deletion, cost: self.table[left].cost + DELETION_COST, }, Cell { parent: diag, operation: if x_i == y_j { NoOp } else { Substitution }, cost: self.table[diag].cost + if x_i == y_j { 0 } else { SUBSTITUTION_COST }, }, Cell { parent: up, operation: Insertion, cost: self.table[up].cost + INSERTION_COST, }, ]; let index = self.index(i + 1, j + 1); self.table[index] = candidates .iter() .min_by_key(|cell| cell.cost) .unwrap() .clone(); } } } /// Read edit operations from the table. pub fn operations(&self) -> Vec { let mut ops = VecDeque::with_capacity(max(self.x.len(), self.y.len())); let mut cell = &self.table[self.index(self.x.len(), self.y.len())]; loop { ops.push_front(cell.operation); if cell.parent == 0 { break; } cell = &self.table[cell.parent]; } Vec::from(ops) } pub fn coalesced_operations(&self) -> Vec<(Operation, usize)> { run_length_encode(self.operations()) } /// Compute custom distance metric from the filled table. The distance metric is /// /// (total length of edits) / (total length of longer string) /// /// where length is measured in number of unicode grapheme clusters. #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn distance(&self) -> f64 { let (numer, denom) = self.distance_parts(); (numer as f64) / (denom as f64) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn distance_parts(&self) -> (usize, usize) { let (mut numer, mut denom) = (0, 0); for op in self.operations() { if op != NoOp { numer += 1; } denom += 1; } (numer, denom) } /// Compute levenshtein distance from the filled table. #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn levenshtein_distance(&self) -> usize { self.table[self.index(self.x.len(), self.y.len())].cost } // Row-major storage of 2D array. fn index(&self, i: usize, j: usize) -> usize { j * self.dim[1] + i } #[allow(dead_code)] fn format_cell(&self, cell: &Cell) -> String { let parent = &self.table[cell.parent]; let op = match cell.operation { Deletion => "-", Substitution => "*", Insertion => "+", NoOp => ".", }; format!("{}{}{}", parent.cost, op, cell.cost) } #[allow(dead_code)] fn print(&self) { println!("x: {:?}", self.x); println!("y: {:?}", self.y); println!(); print!(" "); for j in 0..self.dim[1] { print!("{} ", if j > 0 { self.x[j - 1] } else { " " }) } println!(); for i in 0..self.dim[0] { for j in 0..self.dim[1] { if j == 0 { print!("{} ", if i > 0 { self.y[i - 1] } else { " " }) } let cell = &self.table[self.index(j, i)]; print!("{} ", self.format_cell(cell)); } println!(); } println!(); } } fn run_length_encode(sequence: Vec) -> Vec<(T, usize)> where T: Copy, T: PartialEq, { let mut encoded = Vec::with_capacity(sequence.len()); if sequence.is_empty() { return encoded; } let end = sequence.len(); let (mut i, mut j) = (0, 1); let mut curr = &sequence[i]; loop { if j == end || sequence[j] != *curr { encoded.push((*curr, j - i)); if j == end { return encoded; } else { curr = &sequence[j]; i = j; } } j += 1; } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; #[test] fn test_run_length_encode() { assert_eq!(run_length_encode::(vec![]), vec![]); assert_eq!(run_length_encode(vec![0]), vec![(0, 1)]); assert_eq!(run_length_encode(vec!["0", "0"]), vec![("0", 2)]); assert_eq!( run_length_encode(vec![0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4]), vec![(0, 2), (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 1), (4, 3)] ); } #[test] fn test_0() { let (before, after) = ("aaa", "aba"); assert_string_distance_parts(before, after, (1, 3)); assert_eq!(operations(before, after), vec![NoOp, Substitution, NoOp,]); } #[test] fn test_0_nonascii() { let (before, after) = ("ááb", "áaa"); assert_string_distance_parts(before, after, (2, 3)); assert_eq!( operations(before, after), vec![NoOp, Substitution, Substitution,] ); } #[test] fn test_1() { let (before, after) = ("kitten", "sitting"); assert_string_distance_parts(before, after, (3, 7)); assert_eq!( operations(before, after), vec![ Substitution, // K S NoOp, // I I NoOp, // T T NoOp, // T T Substitution, // E I NoOp, // N N Insertion // - G ] ); } #[test] fn test_2() { let (before, after) = ("saturday", "sunday"); assert_string_distance_parts(before, after, (3, 8)); assert_eq!( operations(before, after), vec![ NoOp, // S S Deletion, // A - Deletion, // T - NoOp, // U U Substitution, // R N NoOp, // D D NoOp, // A A NoOp // Y Y ] ); } fn assert_string_distance_parts(s1: &str, s2: &str, parts: (usize, usize)) { let (numer, _) = parts; assert_string_levenshtein_distance(s1, s2, numer); assert_eq!(string_distance_parts(s1, s2), parts); assert_eq!(string_distance_parts(s2, s1), parts); } fn assert_string_levenshtein_distance(s1: &str, s2: &str, d: usize) { assert_eq!(string_levenshtein_distance(s1, s2), d); assert_eq!(string_levenshtein_distance(s2, s1), d); } fn string_distance_parts(x: &str, y: &str) -> (usize, usize) { let (x, y) = ( x.graphemes(true).collect::>(), y.graphemes(true).collect::>(), ); Alignment::new(x, y).distance_parts() } fn string_levenshtein_distance(x: &str, y: &str) -> usize { let (x, y) = ( x.graphemes(true).collect::>(), y.graphemes(true).collect::>(), ); Alignment::new(x, y).levenshtein_distance() } fn operations<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> Vec { let (x, y) = ( x.graphemes(true).collect::>(), y.graphemes(true).collect::>(), ); Alignment::new(x, y).operations() } }