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delta --dark (default) delta --light
## Installation ```sh brew tap dandavison/delta https://github.com/dandavison/delta brew install dandavison/delta/git-delta ``` Alternatively, executables for your platform can be downloaded at https://github.com/dandavison/delta/releases. ## Configure git to use delta ```sh git config --global core.pager "delta --dark" # --light for light terminal backgrounds ``` Alternatively, you can edit your `.gitconfig` directly. An example is ``` [core] pager = delta --plus-color="#012800" --minus-color="#340001" --theme="base16-ocean.dark" ``` All git commands that display diff output should now display syntax-highlighted output. For example: - `git diff` - `git show` - `git log -p` - `git stash show -p` ## Usage ``` USAGE: delta [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] FLAGS: --compare-themes Compare available syntax highlighting themes. To use this option, supply git diff output to delta on standard input. For example: `git show --color=always | delta --compare- themes`. --dark Use colors appropriate for a dark terminal background. For more control, see --theme, --plus-color, and --minus-color. -h, --help Prints help information --highlight-removed Apply syntax highlighting to removed lines. The default is to apply syntax highlighting to unchanged and new lines only. --light Use colors appropriate for a light terminal background. For more control, see --theme, --plus-color, and --minus-color. --list-languages List supported languages and associated file extensions. --list-themes List available syntax highlighting themes. --show-colors Show the command-line arguments for the current colors. -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: --commit-style Formatting style for commit section of git output. Options are: plain, box. [default: plain] --file-style Formatting style for file section of git output. Options are: plain, box, underline. [default: underline] --hunk-style Formatting style for hunk section of git output. Options are: plain, box. [default: box] --minus-color The background color (RGB hex) to use for removed lines. --minus-emph-color The background color (RGB hex) to use for emphasized sections of removed lines. --plus-color The background color (RGB hex) to use for added lines. --plus-emph-color The background color (RGB hex) to use for emphasized sections of added lines. --theme The syntax highlighting theme to use. -w, --width The width (in characters) of the background color highlighting. By default, the width is the current terminal width. Use --width=variable to apply background colors to the end of each line, without right padding to equal width. ``` ## 24 bit color delta works best if your terminal application supports 24 bit colors. See https://gist.github.com/XVilka/8346728. For example, on macos, iTerm2 works but Terminal.app does not. If you're using tmux, it's worth checking that 24 bit color is working correctly. For example, run a color test script like [this one](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/lifepillar/09a44b8cf0f9397465614e622979107f/raw/24-bit-color.sh), or the others listed at https://gist.github.com/XVilka/8346728. If you do not see smooth color gradients, see the discussion at [tmux#696](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/696). The short version is you need something like this in your `~/.tmux.conf`: ``` set -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc" ``` and you may then need to quit tmux completely for it to take effect. ## Credit https://github.com/trishume/syntect