class GitDelta < Formula version "0.5.1" desc "A viewer for git and diff output" homepage "" disable! because: "it is now in homebrew core. Please reinstall it as follows:\nbrew untap dandavison/delta\nbrew install git-delta\n" if OS.mac? url "{version}/delta-#{version}-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz" sha256 "3f1819e8c3a728d403ff9091b105d20ff55f01177e704dad2db50829ec00a761" elsif OS.linux? url "{version}/delta-#{version}-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz" sha256 "ca642ea53894413640b9272236fa54e77b9a7aff0cb6b5ea2e41e4e68cc8f832" end conflicts_with "delta" def install bin.install "delta" ohai "To configure git to use delta, run:" ohai "git config --global core.pager \"delta --dark\" # --light for light terminal backgrounds" end test do shell_output "#{bin}/delta --show-syntax-themes" end end