AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-06-21Add link to mellow-barbet terminal config docsDan Davison
2023-06-21Add mellow-barbet theme (#1452)Rohit K Viswanath
2023-06-21Update bat (#1453)Dan Davison
2023-06-03Delete notes about unsupported GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL env varDan Davison
2023-06-03Bump serde from 1.0.152 to 1.0.163 (#1415)dependabot[bot]
2023-06-03Bump serde_json from 1.0.93 to 1.0.96 (#1391)dependabot[bot]
2023-06-03Bump clap from 4.1.8 to 4.1.14 (#1375)dependabot[bot]
2023-06-03Bump dirs from 4.0.0 to 5.0.1 (#1407)dependabot[bot]
2023-06-03Bump sysinfo from 0.28.2 to 0.29.0 (#1412)dependabot[bot]
2023-06-03Bump palette from 0.6.1 to 0.7.2 (#1420)dependabot[bot]
2023-06-03Bump chrono from 0.4.23 to 0.4.26 (#1426)dependabot[bot]
2023-06-03Bump git2 from 0.16.1 to 0.17.2 (#1422)dependabot[bot]
2023-06-03Bump version0.16.5Dan Davison
2023-06-03Drop grep-header-style optionDan Davison
2023-06-03Honor grep-header-decoration-style for ripgrep outputDan Davison
2023-06-03Write directly, not by appending to output bufferDan Davison
2023-06-03Fix typo in publishing build job & restore cross-compilation (#1430)nickelc
2023-06-02Increase number of characters shown in submodule hashesDan Davison
2023-06-02Bump version0.16.4Dan Davison
2023-06-02Delete the remaining failing cross-compilation targetDan Davison
2023-06-02Bump version0.16.3Dan Davison
2023-06-02Delete another failing cross-compilation targetDan Davison
2023-06-02Bump versions0.16.2Dan Davison
2023-06-02Delete i686-unknown-linux-gnu jobDan Davison
2023-06-02Bump version0.16.1Dan Davison
2023-06-02Delete arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf jobDan Davison
2023-06-02Update --help outputDan Davison
2023-06-02Update --help output in manualDan Davison
2023-06-02Bump version in Cargo.lockDan Davison
2023-06-02Bump version0.16.0Dan Davison
2023-06-02Introduce grep-output-type option: ripgrep or classicDan Davison
2023-06-02Refactor grep handlerDan Davison
2023-05-31manual: fix link to using `delta` on Windows (#1428)mataha
2023-05-31Misc tab refactoring (#1424)Thomas Otto
2023-05-25Move imageDan Davison
2023-05-24Update ARCHITECTURE.mdDan Davison
2023-05-24Clean upDan Davison
2023-05-17Fix warning highlight for trailing whitespace (#1037)William Escande
2023-05-08Fix submodule diff parsing (#1413)Thomas Otto
2023-04-26Replace deprecated `error_chain` crate with `anyhow` (#1405)nickelc
2023-04-26Move 24-bit color / truecolor tip out of tmux sectionDan Davison
2023-04-26Improve manual build job (#1404)nickelc
2023-04-26Downgrade and pin the `bytelines` crate (#1378)nickelc
2023-04-26Remove unneeded `extern crate` statements (#1345)nickelc
2023-04-26Fix some typos (#1379)Alexander Seiler
2023-04-26Update `bitflags` to 2.2.1 (#1361)nickelc
2023-04-25Clarify how to use delta with `tmux` (#1402)isak102
2023-04-10Add VSCode documentationDan Davison
2023-03-23add: installation instructions for conda/mamba (#1371)Yasin Tatar
2023-03-19Add link to walles/riff (#1362)Johan Walles