use std::borrow::Borrow; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct Score { scores: Vec<(f64, f64, &'static str)>, total: f64, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct ScoreAdj<'a> { score: Option<&'a mut f64>, } impl Score { pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } #[inline] /// Add score if it has the given property pub fn has(&mut self, for_what: &'static str, score: u32, has_it: bool) -> ScoreAdj<'_> { self.score_f(for_what, score as f64, if has_it { score as f64 } else { 0. }) } #[inline] /// Add this much score, up to the max pub fn n(&mut self, for_what: &'static str, max_score: u32, n: impl Into) -> ScoreAdj<'_> { self.score_f(for_what, max_score as f64, n.into() as f64) } /// Add `max_score` * `n` where n is in 0..1 pub fn frac(&mut self, for_what: &'static str, max_score: u32, n: impl Into) -> ScoreAdj<'_> { let n = n.into(); assert!(n >= 0.); assert!(n <= 1.); let max_score = max_score as f64; self.score_f(for_what, max_score, n * max_score) } #[inline] /// Add `n` of `max_score` points pub fn score_f(&mut self, for_what: &'static str, max_score: f64, n: impl Into) -> ScoreAdj<'_> { let n = n.into(); += max_score; self.scores.push((n.max(0.), max_score, for_what)); ScoreAdj { score: self.scores.last_mut().map(|(s, ..)| s) } } /// Start a new group of scores, and `max_score` is the max total score of the group pub fn group<'a>(&mut self, for_what: &'static str, max_score: u32, group: impl Borrow) -> ScoreAdj<'_> { self.frac(for_what, max_score, group.borrow().total()) } /// Get total score pub fn total(&self) -> f64 { let sum = self.scores.iter().map(|&(v, limit, _)| v.max(0.).min(limit)).sum::(); sum / as f64 } } impl<'a> ScoreAdj<'a> { pub fn mul(&mut self, by: f64) { self.adj(|n| n * by) } pub fn adj(&mut self, adj_with: impl FnOnce(f64) -> f64) { if let Some(s) = self.score.as_mut() { **s = adj_with(**s); } } } #[test] fn scores() { let mut s1 = Score::new(); s1.has("foo", 5, true); assert_eq!(1.,; s1.has("bar", 15, false); assert!( <= 0.26); assert!( >= 0.24); let mut s2 = Score::new(); s2.n("baz", 10, 5); s2.frac("baz2", 28, 0.5); assert!( >= 0.49); assert!( <= 0.51); let mut s3 = Score::new();"prev", 100, s1);"prev", 10, s2); assert!( >= 0.26); assert!( <= 0.28); }