use cargo_toml::Manifest; use cargo_toml::Package; use libflate::gzip::Decoder; use render_readme::Markup; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::io; use std::io::Read; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use tar::{Archive, Entry, EntryType}; use udedokei; use udedokei::LanguageExt; #[derive(Debug, Fail)] pub enum UnarchiverError { #[fail(display = "Cargo.toml not found. Got files: {}", _0)] TomlNotFound(String), #[fail(display = "I/O error during unarchiving: {}", _0)] Io(io::Error), #[fail(display = "Cargo.toml parsing error: {}", _0)] Toml(cargo_toml::Error), } impl From for UnarchiverError { fn from(i: io::Error) -> Self { UnarchiverError::Io(i) } } impl From for UnarchiverError { fn from(i: cargo_toml::Error) -> Self { UnarchiverError::Toml(i) } } fn read_archive_files(archive: R, mut cb: impl FnMut(Entry<'_, Decoder>) -> Result<(), UnarchiverError>) -> Result<(), UnarchiverError> { let mut archive = Archive::new(Decoder::new(archive)?); let entries = archive.entries()?; for entry in entries { cb(entry?)? } Ok(()) } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)] enum ReadAs { Toml, ReadmeMarkdown(String), ReadmeRst(String), Lib, GetStatsOfFile(udedokei::Language), Skip, } const MAX_FILE_SIZE: u64 = 50_000_000; pub fn read_repo(repo: &crate_git_checkout::Repository, path_in_tree: crate_git_checkout::Oid) -> Result { let mut collect = Collector::new(); crate_git_checkout::iter_blobs(repo, Some(path_in_tree), |path, _, name, blob| { // FIXME: skip directories that contain other crates let mut blob_content = blob.content(); collect.add(Path::new(path).join(name), blob_content.len() as u64, &mut blob_content)?; Ok(()) })?; Ok(collect.finish()?) } pub fn read_archive(archive: impl Read, name: &str, ver: &str) -> Result { let prefix = PathBuf::from(format!("{}-{}", name, ver)); let mut collect = Collector::new(); read_archive_files(archive, |mut file| { let header = file.header(); match header.entry_type() { EntryType::Regular | EntryType::Char => { let path = header.path()?; if let Ok(relpath) = path.strip_prefix(&prefix) { return collect.add(relpath.to_path_buf(), header.size()?, &mut file); } }, _ => {}, } Ok(()) })?; collect.finish() } struct Collector { manifest: Option, markup: Option<(String, Markup)>, files: Vec, lib_file: Option, stats: udedokei::Collect, decompressed_size: usize, is_nightly: bool, } impl Collector { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { manifest: None, markup: None, files: Vec::new(), lib_file: None, stats: udedokei::Collect::new(), decompressed_size: 0, is_nightly: false, } } pub fn add(&mut self, relpath: PathBuf, size: u64, file_data: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<(), UnarchiverError> { let path_match = { match &relpath { p if p == Path::new("Cargo.toml") || p == Path::new("cargo.toml") => ReadAs::Toml, p if p == Path::new("src/") => ReadAs::Lib, p if is_readme_filename(p, self.manifest.as_ref().and_then(|m| m.package.as_ref())) => { let path_prefix = p.parent().unwrap().display().to_string(); if p.extension().map_or(false, |e| e == "rst") { ReadAs::ReadmeRst(path_prefix) } else { ReadAs::ReadmeMarkdown(path_prefix) } }, p => { if let Some(lang) = is_source_code_file(p) { if lang.is_code() { ReadAs::GetStatsOfFile(lang) } else { ReadAs::Skip } } else { ReadAs::Skip } }, } }; self.files.push(relpath); if path_match == ReadAs::Skip { return Ok(()); } let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(size.min(MAX_FILE_SIZE) as usize); file_data.take(MAX_FILE_SIZE).read_to_end(&mut data)?; self.decompressed_size += data.len(); let data = String::from_utf8_lossy(&data); match path_match { ReadAs::Lib => { self.stats.add_to_stats(udedokei::from_path("").unwrap(), &data); if check_if_uses_nightly_features(&data) { self.is_nightly = true; } self.lib_file = Some(data.to_string()); }, ReadAs::Toml => { self.manifest = Some(Manifest::from_slice(data.as_bytes())?); }, ReadAs::ReadmeMarkdown(path_prefix) => { self.markup = Some((path_prefix, Markup::Markdown(data.to_string()))); }, ReadAs::ReadmeRst(path_prefix) => { self.markup = Some((path_prefix, Markup::Rst(data.to_string()))); }, ReadAs::GetStatsOfFile(lang) => { self.stats.add_to_stats(lang, &data); }, ReadAs::Skip => unreachable!(), } Ok(()) } fn finish(self) -> Result { let mut manifest = match self.manifest { Some(m) => m, None => return Err(UnarchiverError::TomlNotFound(self.files.iter().map(|p| p.display().to_string()).collect::>().join(", "))), }; manifest.complete_from_abstract_filesystem(FilesFs(&self.files))?; Ok(CrateFile { decompressed_size: self.decompressed_size, readme: self.markup, manifest, files: self.files, lib_file: self.lib_file, language_stats: self.stats.finish(), is_nightly: self.is_nightly, }) } } struct FilesFs<'a>(&'a [PathBuf]); impl cargo_toml::AbstractFilesystem for FilesFs<'_> { fn file_names_in(&self, dir: &str) -> io::Result>> { Ok(self.0.iter().filter_map(|p| { p.strip_prefix(dir).ok() }) .filter_map(|p| p.to_str()) .map(From::from) .collect()) } } fn check_if_uses_nightly_features(lib_source: &str) -> bool { lib_source.lines() .take(1000) .map(|line| line.find('"').map(|pos| &line[0..pos]).unwrap_or(line)) // half-assed effort to ignore feature in strings .map(|line| line.find("//").map(|pos| &line[0..pos]).unwrap_or(line)) // half-assed effort to remove comments .any(|line| line.contains("#![feature(")) } fn is_source_code_file(path: &Path) -> Option { use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; if path.starts_with("tests") || path.starts_with("benches") || path.starts_with("docs") || path.starts_with("examples") { return None; } if let Some(name) = path.file_name() { if name.as_bytes().starts_with(b".") { return None; } } else { return None; } udedokei::from_path(path) } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct CrateFile { pub manifest: Manifest, pub lib_file: Option, pub files: Vec, // relative path and markdown pub readme: Option<(String, Markup)>, pub language_stats: udedokei::Stats, pub decompressed_size: usize, pub is_nightly: bool, } impl CrateFile { /// Checks whether tarball contained given file path, /// relative to project root. pub fn has(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> bool { let path = path.as_ref(); self.files.iter().any(|p| p == path) } } /// Check if given filename is a README. If `package` is missing, guess. fn is_readme_filename(path: &Path, package: Option<&Package>) -> bool { path.to_str().map_or(false, |pathstr| { if let Some(&Package { readme: Some(ref r), .. }) = package { // packages put ./README which doesn't match README r.trim_start_matches('.').trim_start_matches('/') == pathstr } else { render_readme::is_readme_filename(path) } }) } #[test] fn unpack_crate() { let k = include_bytes!("../test.crate"); let d = read_archive(&k[..], "testing", "1.0.0").unwrap(); assert_eq!(d.manifest.package.as_ref().unwrap().name, "crates-server"); assert_eq!(d.manifest.package.as_ref().unwrap().version, "0.5.1"); assert!(d.lib_file.unwrap().contains("fn nothing")); assert_eq!(d.files.len(), 5); assert!(match d.readme.unwrap().1 { Markup::Rst(a) => a == "o hi\n", _ => false, }); assert_eq!(d.language_stats.langs.get(&udedokei::Language::Rust).unwrap().code, 1); assert_eq!(d.language_stats.langs.get(&udedokei::Language::C).unwrap().code, 1); assert_eq!(d.language_stats.langs.get(&udedokei::Language::JavaScript).unwrap().code, 0); assert!(d.language_stats.langs.get(&udedokei::Language::Bash).is_none()); assert_eq!(d.decompressed_size, 161); } #[test] fn unpack_repo() { use repo_url::Repo; let test_repo_path = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("test.repo"); let repo = Repo::new("http://example.invalid/foo.git").unwrap(); let checkout = crate_git_checkout::checkout(&repo, &test_repo_path).unwrap(); let (_path_in_repo, tree_id, manifest) = crate_git_checkout::path_in_repo(&checkout, "crates-server").unwrap().unwrap(); let d = read_repo(&checkout, tree_id).unwrap(); assert_eq!(d.manifest.package, manifest.package); assert_eq!(d.manifest.package.as_ref().unwrap().name, "crates-server"); assert_eq!(d.manifest.package.as_ref().unwrap().version, "0.5.1"); assert!(d.lib_file.unwrap().contains("fn nothing")); assert_eq!(d.files.len(), 5); assert!(match d.readme.unwrap().1 { Markup::Rst(a) => a == "o hi\n", _ => false, }); assert_eq!(d.language_stats.langs.get(&udedokei::Language::Rust).unwrap().code, 1); assert_eq!(d.language_stats.langs.get(&udedokei::Language::C).unwrap().code, 1); assert_eq!(d.language_stats.langs.get(&udedokei::Language::JavaScript).unwrap().code, 0); assert!(d.language_stats.langs.get(&udedokei::Language::Bash).is_none()); assert_eq!(d.decompressed_size, 161); }