@use crate::templates::base; @use crate::Urler; @use crate::NotFoundPage; @(p: &NotFoundPage, url: &Urler) @:base(&p.page(), {

Page not found

@if !p.results.is_empty() {

Here are some crates that mention “@p.query”. You can also try searching with DuckDuckGo.

    @for c in p.results.iter() {
  1. @c.crate_name


    v@c.version @if c.monthly_downloads >= 100 { @if let Some((num,unit)) = Some(p.downloads(c.monthly_downloads)) {@num@unit} }
  2. }

See more results or browse all categories.

} else {

The URL you've followed is invalid, and there is no @p.item_name named “@p.query”.

Browse categories instead.
