/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "tasklst.h" static int task_lst_count_status(TaskLst list, int status); static Task *task_lst_get_last_task(TaskLst list); static int task_lst_count_status(TaskLst list, int status) { int total; Task *ptr; for (ptr = list.first, total = 0; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { if (ptr->status == status) ++total; } return total; } static Task * task_lst_get_last_task(TaskLst list) { Task *ptr, *next; ptr = list.first; while (ptr != NULL) { next = ptr->next; if (next == NULL) return ptr; ptr = next; } return ptr; } void task_lst_init(TaskLst *list) { list->expiry = 0; list->first = NULL; } void task_lst_cleanup(TaskLst *list) { Task *ptr, *next; ptr = list->first; while (ptr != NULL) { next = ptr->next; free(ptr); ptr = next; } } void task_lst_set_expiration(TaskLst *list, int64_t delta) { list->expiry = time(NULL) + delta; } int task_lst_expired(TaskLst list) { return time(NULL) > list.expiry; } int task_lst_count_todo(TaskLst list) { return task_lst_count_status(list, TASK_TODO); } int task_lst_count_done(TaskLst list) { return task_lst_count_status(list, TASK_DONE); } Task * task_lst_get_task(TaskLst list, int i) { Task *ptr; for (ptr = list.first; i > 0; ptr = ptr->next) { if (ptr == NULL) /* We're out of bounds */ return NULL; --i; } return ptr; } int task_lst_add_task(TaskLst *list, int status, const char *str) { Task *last, *newtask; newtask = malloc(sizeof(Task)); if (newtask == NULL) return -1; newtask->status = status; strncpy(newtask->tdesc, str, TASK_LST_DESC_MAX_SIZE); last = task_lst_get_last_task(*list); if (last == NULL) list->first = newtask; else last->next = newtask; newtask->prev = last; /* Also if last == NULL */ newtask->next = NULL; return 0; } int task_lst_edit_task(TaskLst *list, int i, const char *newstr) { Task *edit; if ((edit = task_lst_get_task(*list, i)) == NULL) return -1; strncpy(edit->tdesc, newstr, TASK_LST_DESC_MAX_SIZE); return 0; } int task_lst_del_task(TaskLst *list, int i) { Task *del, *prev, *next; if ((del = task_lst_get_task(*list, i)) == NULL) return -1; prev = del->prev; next = del->next; if (prev != NULL) prev->next = next; if (next != NULL) next->prev = prev; if (list->first == del) list->first = next; free(del); return 0; } int task_lst_read_from_file(TaskLst *list, FILE *fp) { int stat_buf; char *ptr, *endptr; char linebuf[TASK_LST_DESC_MAX_SIZE]; task_lst_init(list); if (fscanf(fp, "%" SCNd64 "\n", &list->expiry) <= 0) return -1; while (feof(fp) == 0) { if (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), fp) == NULL) break; ptr = strtok(linebuf, "\t"); if (ptr == NULL) return -1; stat_buf = strtol(ptr, &endptr, 10); if (endptr[0] != '\0') return -1; ptr = strtok(NULL, "\n"); if (ptr == NULL) return -1; task_lst_add_task(list, stat_buf, ptr); } return 0; } void task_lst_write_to_file(FILE *fp, TaskLst list) { Task *ptr; fprintf(fp, "%" PRId64 "\n", list.expiry); for (ptr = list.first; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) fprintf(fp, "%d\t%s\n", ptr->status, ptr->tdesc); }