use yaml_rust as yaml; use source::Source; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}; use std::mem; use value::{Value, ValueKind}; pub fn parse(uri: Option<&String>, text: &str, namespace: Option<&String>) -> Result, Box> { let mut docs = yaml::YamlLoader::load_from_str(text)?; // Designate root let mut root = match docs.len() { 0 => yaml::Yaml::Hash(BTreeMap::new()), 1 => mem::replace(&mut docs[0], yaml::Yaml::Null), n => { return Err(Box::new(MultipleDocumentsError(n))); } }; // Limit to namespace if let Some(namespace) = namespace { root = yaml::Yaml::Hash(match root { yaml::Yaml::Hash(ref mut table) => { if let Some(yaml::Yaml::Hash(table)) = table.remove(&yaml::Yaml::String(namespace.clone())) { table } else { BTreeMap::new() } } _ => { BTreeMap::new() } }); }; // TODO: Have a proper error fire if the root of a file is ever not a Table let value = from_yaml_value(uri, &root); match value.kind { ValueKind::Table(map) => Ok(map), _ => Ok(HashMap::new()), } } fn from_yaml_value(uri: Option<&String>, value: &yaml::Yaml) -> Value { match *value { yaml::Yaml::String(ref value) => Value::new(uri, ValueKind::String(value.clone())), yaml::Yaml::Real(ref value) => Value::new(uri, ValueKind::Float(value.parse::().unwrap())), yaml::Yaml::Integer(value) => Value::new(uri, ValueKind::Integer(value)), yaml::Yaml::Boolean(value) => Value::new(uri, ValueKind::Boolean(value)), yaml::Yaml::Hash(ref table) => { let mut m = HashMap::new(); for (key, value) in table { if let Some(k) = key.as_str() { m.insert(k.to_owned(), from_yaml_value(uri, value)); } // TODO: should we do anything for non-string keys? } Value::new(uri, ValueKind::Table(m)) } yaml::Yaml::Array(ref array) => { let mut l = Vec::new(); for value in array { l.push(from_yaml_value(uri, value)); } Value::new(uri, ValueKind::Array(l)) } // TODO: how should we handle Null and BadValue? _ => { unimplemented!(); } } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] struct MultipleDocumentsError(usize); impl fmt::Display for MultipleDocumentsError { fn fmt(&self, format: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(format, "Got {} YAML documents, expected 1", self.0) } } impl Error for MultipleDocumentsError { fn description(&self) -> &str { "More than one YAML document provided" } }