use value::Value; use source::{Source, SourceBuilder}; use path; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt; use std::str::FromStr; use std::collections::HashMap; #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct FrozenError { } impl fmt::Display for FrozenError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "FrozenError") } } impl Error for FrozenError { fn description(&self) -> &'static str { "configuration is frozen" } } // Underlying storage for the configuration enum ConfigStore { Mutable { defaults: HashMap, overrides: HashMap, // Ordered list of sources sources: Vec>, }, // TODO: Will be used for frozen configuratino soon #[allow(dead_code)] Frozen, } impl Default for ConfigStore { fn default() -> Self { ConfigStore::Mutable { defaults: HashMap::new(), overrides: HashMap::new(), sources: Vec::new(), } } } fn merge_in_all(r: &mut HashMap, map: &HashMap) { for (key, value) in map { path_set_str(r, key, value); } } // Child ( Child ( Identifier( "x" ), "y" ), "z" ) fn path_get_mut<'a>(root: &'a mut HashMap, expr: path::Expression) -> Option<&'a mut Value> { match expr { path::Expression::Identifier(text) => Some(root.entry(text.clone()).or_insert(Value::Nil)), path::Expression::Child(expr, member) => { match path_get_mut(root, *expr) { Some(&mut Value::Table(ref mut table)) => Some(table.entry(member.clone()).or_insert(Value::Nil)), Some(v @ _) => { *v = Value::Table(HashMap::new()); if let Value::Table(ref mut table) = *v { Some(table.entry(member.clone()).or_insert(Value::Nil)) } else { None } } _ => None, } } path::Expression::Subscript(expr, mut index) => { match path_get_mut(root, *expr) { Some(&mut Value::Array(ref mut array)) => { let len = array.len() as i32; if index < 0 { index = len + index; } if index < 0 { None } else { // Ensure there is enough room array.resize((index + 1) as usize, Value::Nil); Some(&mut array[index as usize]) } } _ => None, } } } } fn require_table(r: &mut HashMap, key: &String) { if r.contains_key(key) { // Coerce to table match *r.get(key).unwrap() { Value::Table(_) => { // Do nothing; already table } _ => { // Override with empty table r.insert(key.clone(), Value::Table(HashMap::new())); } } } else { // Insert table r.insert(key.clone(), Value::Table(HashMap::new())); } } fn path_set(root: &mut HashMap, expr: path::Expression, value: &Value) { match expr { path::Expression::Identifier(text) => { match *value { Value::Table(ref table_v) => { require_table(root, &text); if let Value::Table(ref mut target) = *root.get_mut(&text).unwrap() { merge_in_all(target, table_v); } } _ => { root.insert(text, value.clone()); } } } path::Expression::Child(expr, member) => { if let Some(parent) = path_get_mut(root, *expr) { match *parent { Value::Table(ref mut table) => { path_set(table, path::Expression::Identifier(member), value); } _ => { // Coerce to a table and do the insert anyway *parent = Value::Table(HashMap::new()); if let Value::Table(ref mut table) = *parent { path_set(table, path::Expression::Identifier(member), value); } } } } } path::Expression::Subscript(inner_expr, mut index) => { if let Some(parent) = path_get_mut(root, *inner_expr) { match *parent { Value::Array(ref mut array) => { let len = array.len() as i32; if index < 0 { index = len + index; } if index >= 0 { array[index as usize] = value.clone(); } } Value::Nil => { // Add an array and do this again *parent = Value::Array(Vec::new()); if let Value::Array(ref mut array) = *parent { let len = array.len() as i32; if index < 0 { index = len + index; } if index >= 0 { array.resize((index + 1) as usize, Value::Nil); array[index as usize] = value.clone(); } } } _ => { // Do nothing } } } } } } fn path_set_str(root: &mut HashMap, key: &str, value: &Value) { match path::Expression::from_str(key) { Ok(expr) => { path_set(root, expr, value); }, Err(_) => { // TODO: Log warning here } }; } impl ConfigStore { fn merge(&mut self, source: T) -> Result<(), Box> where T: SourceBuilder { if let ConfigStore::Mutable { ref mut sources, .. } = *self { sources.push(; Ok(()) } else { Err(FrozenError::default().into()) } } fn set_default(&mut self, key: &str, value: T) -> Result<(), Box> where T: Into { if let ConfigStore::Mutable { ref mut defaults, .. } = *self { path_set_str(defaults, &key.to_lowercase(), &value.into()); Ok(()) } else { Err(FrozenError::default().into()) } } fn set(&mut self, key: &str, value: T) -> Result<(), Box> where T: Into { if let ConfigStore::Mutable { ref mut overrides, .. } = *self { path_set_str(overrides, &key.to_lowercase(), &value.into()); Ok(()) } else { Err(FrozenError::default().into()) } } fn collect(&self) -> Result, Box> { if let ConfigStore::Mutable { ref overrides, ref sources, ref defaults } = *self { let mut r = HashMap::::new(); merge_in_all(&mut r, defaults); for source in sources { merge_in_all(&mut r, &source.collect()); } merge_in_all(&mut r, overrides); Ok(r) } else { Err(FrozenError::default().into()) } } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Config { store: ConfigStore, /// Top-level table of the cached configuration /// /// As configuration sources are merged with `Config::merge`, this /// cache is updated. cache: HashMap, } impl Config { pub fn new() -> Self { Default::default() } /// Merge in configuration values from the given source. pub fn merge(&mut self, source: T) -> Result<(), Box> where T: SourceBuilder {; self.refresh()?; Ok(()) } /// Sets the default value for this key. The default value is only used /// when no other value is provided. pub fn set_default(&mut self, key: &str, value: T) -> Result<(), Box> where T: Into {, value)?; self.refresh()?; Ok(()) } /// Sets an override for this key. pub fn set(&mut self, key: &str, value: T) -> Result<(), Box> where T: Into {, value)?; self.refresh()?; Ok(()) } /// Refresh the configuration cache with fresh /// data from associated sources. /// /// Configuration is automatically refreshed after a mutation /// operation (`set`, `merge`, `set_default`, etc.). pub fn refresh(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box> { self.cache =; Ok(()) } // Child ( Child ( Identifier( "x" ), "y" ), "z" ) fn path_get<'a>(&'a self, expr: path::Expression) -> Option<&'a Value> { match expr { path::Expression::Identifier(text) => self.cache.get(&text), path::Expression::Child(expr, member) => { match self.path_get(*expr) { Some(&Value::Table(ref table)) => table.get(&member), _ => None, } } path::Expression::Subscript(expr, mut index) => { match self.path_get(*expr) { Some(&Value::Array(ref array)) => { let len = array.len() as i32; if index < 0 { index = len + index; } if index < 0 || index >= len { None } else { Some(&array[index as usize]) } } _ => None, } } } } pub fn get(&self, key_path: &str) -> Option { let key_expr: path::Expression = match key_path.to_lowercase().parse() { Ok(expr) => expr, Err(_) => { // TODO: Log warning here return None; } }; self.path_get(key_expr).cloned() } pub fn get_str(&self, key: &str) -> Option { self.get(key).and_then(Value::into_str) } pub fn get_int(&self, key: &str) -> Option { self.get(key).and_then(Value::into_int) } pub fn get_float(&self, key: &str) -> Option { self.get(key).and_then(Value::into_float) } pub fn get_bool(&self, key: &str) -> Option { self.get(key).and_then(Value::into_bool) } pub fn get_table(&self, key: &str) -> Option> { self.get(key).and_then(Value::into_table) } pub fn get_array(self, key: &str) -> Option> { self.get(key).and_then(Value::into_array) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::collections::HashMap; use super::{Value, Config}; // Retrieval of a non-existent key #[test] fn test_not_found() { let c = Config::new(); assert_eq!(c.get_int("key"), None); } // Explicit override #[test] fn test_default_override() { let mut c = Config::new(); c.set_default("key_1", false).unwrap(); c.set_default("key_2", false).unwrap(); assert!(!c.get_bool("key_1").unwrap()); assert!(!c.get_bool("key_2").unwrap()); c.set("key_2", true).unwrap(); assert!(!c.get_bool("key_1").unwrap()); assert!(c.get_bool("key_2").unwrap()); } // Storage and retrieval of String values #[test] fn test_str() { let mut c = Config::new(); c.set("key", "value").unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_str("key").unwrap(), "value"); } // Storage and retrieval of Boolean values #[test] fn test_bool() { let mut c = Config::new(); c.set("key", true).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key").unwrap(), true); } // Storage and retrieval of Float values #[test] fn test_float() { let mut c = Config::new(); c.set("key", 3.14).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_float("key").unwrap(), 3.14); } // Storage and retrieval of Integer values #[test] fn test_int() { let mut c = Config::new(); c.set("key", 42).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_int("key").unwrap(), 42); } // Storage of various values and retrieval as String #[test] fn test_retrieve_str() { let mut c = Config::new(); c.set("key_1", 115).unwrap(); c.set("key_2", 1.23).unwrap(); c.set("key_3", false).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_str("key_1").unwrap(), "115"); assert_eq!(c.get_str("key_2").unwrap(), "1.23"); assert_eq!(c.get_str("key_3").unwrap(), "false"); } // Storage of various values and retrieval as Integer #[test] fn test_retrieve_int() { let mut c = Config::new(); c.set("key_1", "121").unwrap(); c.set("key_2", 5.12).unwrap(); c.set("key_3", 5.72).unwrap(); c.set("key_4", false).unwrap(); c.set("key_5", true).unwrap(); c.set("key_6", "asga").unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_int("key_1"), Some(121)); assert_eq!(c.get_int("key_2"), Some(5)); assert_eq!(c.get_int("key_3"), Some(6)); assert_eq!(c.get_int("key_4"), Some(0)); assert_eq!(c.get_int("key_5"), Some(1)); assert_eq!(c.get_int("key_6"), None); } // Storage of various values and retrieval as Float #[test] fn test_retrieve_float() { let mut c = Config::new(); c.set("key_1", "121").unwrap(); c.set("key_2", "121.512").unwrap(); c.set("key_3", 5).unwrap(); c.set("key_4", false).unwrap(); c.set("key_5", true).unwrap(); c.set("key_6", "asga").unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_float("key_1"), Some(121.0)); assert_eq!(c.get_float("key_2"), Some(121.512)); assert_eq!(c.get_float("key_3"), Some(5.0)); assert_eq!(c.get_float("key_4"), Some(0.0)); assert_eq!(c.get_float("key_5"), Some(1.0)); assert_eq!(c.get_float("key_6"), None); } // Storage of various values and retrieval as Boolean #[test] fn test_retrieve_bool() { let mut c = Config::new(); c.set("key_1", "121").unwrap(); c.set("key_2", "1").unwrap(); c.set("key_3", "0").unwrap(); c.set("key_4", "true").unwrap(); c.set("key_5", "").unwrap(); c.set("key_6", 51).unwrap(); c.set("key_7", 0).unwrap(); c.set("key_8", 12.12).unwrap(); c.set("key_9", 1.0).unwrap(); c.set("key_10", 0.0).unwrap(); c.set("key_11", "asga").unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key_1"), None); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key_2"), Some(true)); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key_3"), Some(false)); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key_4"), Some(true)); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key_5"), None); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key_6"), Some(true)); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key_7"), Some(false)); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key_8"), Some(true)); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key_9"), Some(true)); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key_10"), Some(false)); assert_eq!(c.get_bool("key_11"), None); } #[test] fn test_slice() { let mut c = Config::new(); c.set("values", vec![Value::Integer(10), Value::Integer(325), Value::Integer(12)]) .unwrap(); let values = c.get_array("values").unwrap(); assert_eq!(values.len(), 3); assert_eq!(values[1].clone().into_int(), Some(325)); } #[test] fn test_slice_into() { let mut c = Config::new(); c.set("values", vec![10, 325, 12]) .unwrap(); let values = c.get_array("values").unwrap(); assert_eq!(values.len(), 3); assert_eq!(values[1].clone().into_int(), Some(325)); } #[test] fn test_map() { let mut c = Config::new(); { let mut m = HashMap::new(); m.insert("port".into(), Value::Integer(6379)); m.insert("address".into(), Value::String("::1".into())); c.set("redis", m).unwrap(); } { let m = c.get_table("redis").unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.get("port").cloned().unwrap().into_int().unwrap(), 6379); assert_eq!(m.get("address").cloned().unwrap().into_str().unwrap(), "::1"); } { let mut m = HashMap::new(); m.insert("address".into(), Value::String("::0".into())); m.insert("db".into(), Value::Integer(1)); c.set("redis", m).unwrap(); } { let m = c.get_table("redis").unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.get("port").cloned().unwrap().into_int().unwrap(), 6379); assert_eq!(m.get("address").cloned().unwrap().into_str().unwrap(), "::0"); assert_eq!(m.get("db").cloned().unwrap().into_str().unwrap(), "1"); } } #[test] fn test_path() { use file::{File, FileFormat}; let mut c = Config::new(); c.merge(File::from_str(r#" [redis] address = "localhost:6379" [[databases]] name = "test_db" options = { trace = true } "#, FileFormat::Toml)) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_str("redis.address").unwrap(), "localhost:6379"); assert_eq!(c.get_str("databases[0].name").unwrap(), "test_db"); assert_eq!(c.get_str("databases[0].options.trace").unwrap(), "true"); } #[test] fn test_map_into() { let mut c = Config::new(); { let mut m = HashMap::new(); m.insert("port".into(), 6379); m.insert("db".into(), 2); c.set("redis", m).unwrap(); } { let m = c.get_table("redis").unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.get("port").cloned().unwrap().into_int().unwrap(), 6379); assert_eq!(m.get("db").cloned().unwrap().into_int().unwrap(), 2); } } #[test] fn test_map_set_coerce() { let mut c = Config::new(); // Coerce value to table c.set("redis", 10).unwrap(); c.set("redis.port", 6379).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_int("redis.port"), Some(6379)); // Coerce nil to table c.set("server.port", 80).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_int("server.port"), Some(80)); } #[test] fn test_slice_set_coerce() { let mut c = Config::new(); // Coerce nil to slice c.set("values[2]", 45).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_int("values[2]"), Some(45)); } #[test] fn test_file_namespace() { use file::{File, FileFormat}; let mut c = Config::new(); let text = r#" [development] port = 8080 [production] port = 80 "#; c.merge(File::from_str(text, FileFormat::Toml).namespace("development")).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_int("port"), Some(8080)); c.merge(File::from_str(text, FileFormat::Toml).namespace("production")).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c.get_int("port"), Some(80)); } }